
The inevitable

Panic was in Zhang Wang's heart, thrumming loudly as blood pumped through his veins.

He swirled around, eyes searching any signs of his foe, the sword drawn from his hips.

But what then startled him was no attack or show of force and instead a drawl voice that drifted to his ear.

"What are you doing?"

He yelped, and almost slashed at the sudden words. His sword pointed at Beast Master Wei's visage who glared at him, unimpressed. Guo Lang was still there slumped over her shoulder and made a soft grumbling sound as the ground continued to tremble beneath their feet.

Zhang Wang blinked, both caught off guard and feeling a bit like a fool. "I thought my heart was going to leap out of my throat! Don't scare my like that!" 

"Put that sword away," Beast Master Wei chided while rolling her eyes. ""There are more worrisome things for us to take into consideration before you around doing stupid things like you tend to. Always trying to be a hero."