
Contract Marriage With Bastard Mafia

Grey did not expect that the night he was chased by the killer, there was an amnesic woman who saved him. The amnesic woman was given a memory drug and Grey was forced to let her stay in his house. Grey was not kind to Athena during her stay. However, Noah, Grey's best friend, was kind to Athena. Grey, who was continuously forced to marry by his father, finally asked Athena to be his wife. They entered into a contract marriage. In this way, Gray allowed Athena to stay at his house. They are not bound by anything like husband and wife, everything is just pretend. Athena can leave whenever she wants. Athena finally agreed because she had no place to stay. Over time, Grey and Noah began to like Athena. There is a love triangle between them. Then, one by one, facts about Athena's identity began to be revealed. Not only Athena's identity, but also Grey's surprising identity.

jexsnix · Urban
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Part 23

Athena watched with a furrowed brow as she applied ointment to Grey's cheek. Several times Athena deliberately pressed Grey's cheek, but Grey kept a flat expression that amazed Athena. Even though the blow was quite strong, but for Grey it was probably nothing.

Now she and Grey were in Grey's room. Athena was treating Grey herself, while Ocean was looking for information on whether Seth was really Robert's son.

"How long do you want to apply it?" a question with a sarcastic tone made Athena realize and move her hand away. "Why did you deliberately press on my wound so many times?"

"Huh? You actually realized that?"

"Of course. Do you think my sense of touch is broken?"

"Yes," Athena replied without thinking, making Grey give her an annoyed look-still angry that Athena had kept her from beating Seth to a pulp. "I was confused as to why you didn't grimace in pain or react in any way. I deliberately pressed on it many times. Doesn't it hurt?" Athena asked curiously.

"This wound is nothing. I've had worse wounds many times. Gunshot wounds, cuts. I have many scars."

"Really? When did you start being a mafia? Do you have many scars?"

"I forget when and I have quite a few scars. Mostly from Robert who always wanted to harm me. An enemy of my father and me."

"Robert? I remember, since we first met until now you have mentioned Robert several times. Turns out he's your enemy. No wonder you hate Seth so much. Is it because he's Robert's son?"

"And also his insolence. Robert really spoils him."

Athena saw that Grey was really furious. It was a good thing that Athena had stopped him earlier, otherwise, Grey would have finished Seth off.

"Robert has also tried to hurt my father, luckily he survived. He's our sworn enemy."

Athena listened seriously, but she was surprised when Grey suddenly took off his shirt. "Hey! Are you crazy?!" Athena screamed immediately and covered her eyes with her hands. "I-I told you not to mess with me. I'll tell Noah later."

Grey furrowed his brow. "What do you want me to do? I want to show you my scar."

"You don't have to. I—"

Grey already held Athena's hand and lowered her hand that was originally covering her eyes. Athena rounded her eyes in surprise to see Grey's back after Grey turned his body around. There were so many scars.

"Do you see the longest scar?" Grey asked and Athena said yes. "That's the scar from Robert who wounded me with a long sword. At that time, I was only fifteen years old. He kidnapped me and was about to kill me, when I ran away, he wounded me with that long sword. Fortunately, my father had already arrived by then so I could be rescued in time."

"Crazy! He's a crazy man! Is he a psychopath?! How could he do such a cruel thing? Moreover, you're only fifteen years old, does he have no mercy?!" Athena asked furiously.

"Yes. You're right. He's cruel and has no mercy." Grey put his shirt back on. "There are many other wounds, but I'll tell you one as an example. This is a warning. If you meet Seth and Robert you must stay away from them. They are dangerous. Understand?"

"Yes. Who wants to deal with them anyway?"

"You don't have to be such a hero. I'll kill him sooner or later. This is also a warning not to interfere."


"Get out now. I want to rest."

Athena let out a resigned sigh and nodded. Then, Athena quickly walked out.

"Wait." However, before actually going out, Grey said that so Athena turned around with the ointment in her hand. "Regarding this matter, you don't need to tell Noah. Noah will worry later. I can take care of this matter myself. Don't bother him. Understood?"

"Yes. I don't want to worry him either."

"That's it. Get out of there."

"Yes, Sir," said Athena deliberately in a mocking tone, then walked out of there.

"Uh, Karin," Athena greeted when she came out of the room, Karin was waiting at the door.

Karin smiled kindly. "Hi, Miss. Come to the room. I'll treat your wrist."

"Wrist?" Athena looked at her reddened wrist. "Oh, there's no need to worry. It's—"

"I have to give you some ointment, Miss. This is Mr. Grey's order. Come with me."

"Grey? But—"

Athena did not continue her sentence when Karin had already taken her and Athena could only surrender.


"Miss! Miss! Wake up!"

Athena frowned and opened her eyes which were forced open and immediately greeted by the sunlight. Karin had already opened the window curtains that were usually opened after Athena was fully awake.

"Ouch, Karin. What's going on?" protested Athena as she was still really sleepy. Athena looked at the clock and it was still seven in the morning. "What's the point of waking me up this early?"

"Miss, you have to get up, there's an urgent situation."

"What is it?" asked Athena with eyes that were still reluctant to open and a hoarse voice.

"Mr. Robert and his son Seth are here! They said it's related to yesterday's matter."

"What?!" Athena's sleepiness instantly disappeared.


"Wow. Already coming this early to give me a show that there's this injured guy?" It wasn't a question, but rather Grey was deliberately insulting, not forgetting that a mocking smile made Robert and Seth even angrier.

"Asshole! You really want to die, Grey! How dare you hurt my son!"

"Injuring is still very light for him. His hand is not broken, his life is still safe. He should be grateful. Blame my wife whose heart is so good that his life is still saved."

"Wife? That woman is really your wife? How long have you been married?"

Grey showed his ring finger. "This is my wedding ring. No wonder you don't know. A man like you doesn't deserve to attend my wedding."

"How dare you insult my father!"

"Of course. Do you think I'm afraid of your father? Papi's son."


Seth stopped talking because his father stopped him. Robert shook his head, asking Seth to leave this to him and Seth could only snort in annoyance. Robert looked back at Grey.

"Where's your wife?"

Grey raised one eyebrow. "Why, what do you want?"



Grey sighed in annoyance at the sight of Athena who was running towards him. "Why did you come out?" Grey whispered.

"I heard it. Of course I had to come out," Athena replied. Athena then looked at Robert and Seth.

Meanwhile, Robert was already smiling a smirk. "Hello, Mrs. Athena."