
Contract Marriage With Bastard Mafia

Grey did not expect that the night he was chased by the killer, there was an amnesic woman who saved him. The amnesic woman was given a memory drug and Grey was forced to let her stay in his house. Grey was not kind to Athena during her stay. However, Noah, Grey's best friend, was kind to Athena. Grey, who was continuously forced to marry by his father, finally asked Athena to be his wife. They entered into a contract marriage. In this way, Gray allowed Athena to stay at his house. They are not bound by anything like husband and wife, everything is just pretend. Athena can leave whenever she wants. Athena finally agreed because she had no place to stay. Over time, Grey and Noah began to like Athena. There is a love triangle between them. Then, one by one, facts about Athena's identity began to be revealed. Not only Athena's identity, but also Grey's surprising identity.

jexsnix · Urban
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Part 22

"Who are you?!"

The man stood up, looking angrily at Grey. The man pointed at Athena. "You're protecting that woman. Why? Is that woman your lover? Listen. I am a rich man. My father is Robert Pattinson, you can look him up if you want anything. My name is Seth. You know him? He's very rich. I will pay you, but let her go, let her be mine."

Grey's brow furrowed at that. "Robert Marven?"

"Yes. Dumbfounded, aren't you? You can look up his name. I'll offer you an advantage. I'll pay you whatever you want. A trillion is fine too. I won't mind this kick of yours either."

Seth then looked at Athena and smiled asymmetrically, looking her up and down. "Where did you get such an attractive woman? She's cute, seems innocent too. I really want to taste her. She must be-AKH!"

Seth squealed at the end of the sentence when Grey had already delivered a punch to his cheek. Then, Grey grabbed him by the shirt he was wearing, looking at him angrily.

"What are you doing, you dare to touch me?!"

"Why wouldn't I? You bastard! You and your father are just the same! No wonder you're uneducated like this!" Grey then threw a few more punches, making Athena horrible.

It had only been a short while, the man named Seth was already injured. He could only hit Grey once on the cheek, which was nothing to Grey because afterwards he twisted the punch around and around.

Even the friends who were with Seth didn't dare to stop him. If this continued, Athena was worried that Seth would die. Athena certainly didn't care about Seth, but she cared about Grey. Grey could get involved in the law if Seth got hurt, especially in public.

"Grey, enough! Stop it!" Athena finally intervened, trying to stop Grey.

Grey stopped, turned to Athena, then his eyebrows went up one side. "Stop? Did you forget he's been insolent to you?"

"Yes. But you already hit him. Besides, if something happens to him, you could get dragged."

"And I don't care. I have to finish him off."

Athena shook her head frantically. "Don't-"

"Just try. Finish me. My father Robert will have you tortured until you choose death over life!" Seth shouted making Grey turn his head, then smiled asymmetrically.

Grey pulled Seth's shirt roughly again. Coward-thinks Grey. Seth could only rely on his father. Seth was actually scared, as evidenced by his trembling body. Heard that Robert was spoiling his only son, it seemed to be true.

"Then I will kill you, then I will wait for your father to come looking for me," Grey retorted making Seth even more afraid.

"Akh!" Seth shouted as Grey stepped on his palm, twisting it a few times.

"This is the consequence if you dare to touch mine."

"Grey, don't!" Athena hurriedly hugged Grey-fearing that Grey would beat Seth again. "Not again. Let it go. I'm fine. I don't want you to get into trouble."

Grey was stunned for a few seconds as Athena hugged him. However, afterwards Grey tried to behave normally. Athena did this just so that Grey would not do anything to Seth.


Before Grey could answer, someone shouted and it was Ocean who ran in panic. "Sir, what happened? You're okay, right? Not hurt?" he asked Grey who was already standing and Seth who was moving away, helped by his friends.

"I'm fine. You better take care of him. I want his arm broken," Grey said as he pointed at Seth, making the others surprised.

"Are you crazy?!" exclaimed Seth.

"Sir, I will certainly do as you say. However, remember. We're in public. Don't say anything that could expose-"

"I don't care! I want the hand that touched Athena broken."

"Hey, asshole! You already stepped on my hand and what's with that woman? I'm just asking, if you don't want to give it, then fine. That woman is also just a mistress that you use for your own satisfaction, right? Why are you so stingy?"

Grey's jaw hardened at that. His anger was getting the better of him. "Asshole."

"Grey!" Athena hurriedly restrained Grey who was about to come forward and beat Seth up again.

"She's my wife. How dare you insult her?!"

Seth surprised. "Wife?"

"Yes. Anyone who dares to touch her as insolently as you will be finished off! Come here!"

"I-I don't care. If you dare to beat me up again, I'll tell my father and you'll be finished."

"Just tell him. I'll finish you and your father, Robert the coward! His son isn't much different!"

"Asshole! You insult my father?!"

"Seth!" One of Seth's friends stopped Seth from coming forward. "Don't. You're already hurt. Let's just go. Later, let your father take care of this," he whispered and Seth paused to think for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Just wait! I'll finish you off later! Let's go!"

"Hey here! Where are you going?!" shouted Grey as Seth hurriedly left. "Ocean, bring him here!"


Athena was already holding back. "That's enough. Don't chase after him. I'm already fine. You've hurt that man too."

"I won't! I made a promise to-"

"I'll explain it to Noah myself. Let's go. Ocean, you too, don't chase after him. Let's just go back home."

"What? I-"

"Let's go."

Grey was unable to resist when Athena was already holding his hand, leading Grey away from there, Ocean finally followed, especially since there were already many eyes pointing towards Grey-dread.


"What?! So, Seth is the son of Robert, your enemy?!"

Athena was surprised because after returning home, Ocean asked Grey about Seth. Grey nodded.

"Listen, he spoils his son a lot.

"I heard that he spoils his son a lot. No wonder he can behave like that."

Grey clucked. "I should have broken his hand," Grey was annoyed. Grey already had enough grudges against Robert, seeing his son behave insolently, Grey was even angrier. "It's all your fault! You stopped me!"

Athena was surprised when Grey suddenly scolded her. "Don't you see there are a lot of people there? They're already looking at you in horror. So, what if that guy takes you to the police station or someone reports it? After all, he already hit you."

"I don't care. My family can take care of it."


"Enough, Miss, Sir." Ocean stopped the argument between the two, which would not have stopped if it had continued. "We'd better take care of your wound, sir. Your cheek is bruised. I'll get some ointment."

"There's no need. It's just a small wound."

"What's no need? You really like trivializing injuries, huh. Wait here. I'll get it. Ocean, you take care of him. I'll be back soon."

Without waiting for Ocean's reply, Athena left immediately. Ocean finally complied. Grey held his cheek. "That bastard, I should have broken his hand. Already dared to hold Athena, he also hit me. It's all that woman's fault."

"Miss Athena is just worried about you, Master. You're really very worried about her anyway, aren't you?" asked Ocean with a smile-deliberately teasing.

Grey immediately chuckled. "I just don't want Noah to scold me. Noah has scolded me for that woman several times already."

Ocean just chuckled at that. "Alright. But, by the way you should be prepared, sir. I'm sure, Robert won't keep quiet after knowing his son was hurt by you."

Grey smiled sarcastically. "Then we wait for him to come. I want to see what that cowardly duo can do."