
Contract Marriage: The Forgotten Promise

Vivian Reese was a renowned figure in the business world. A true example of beauty with brains who had everything a girl could ever desire in the palm of her hand. Zade Warner was a devil in disguise. A beautiful dream that women clung to fulfill and a nightmare that enemies wished they never had. The only emotion that connected them together was the legacy passed down to them from the generations of their rival families - Hatred. But fate played a cruel joke on them as Vivian and Zade were forced to be bound to each other by not just their hatred but by marriage too. To not lose their position in the company, they had to sign a deal. The two sworn enemies came to live under the same roof with sparks of hostility flying everywhere. But things changed one day as they came across a deception that had happened years ago and made them loathe each other - the death of their siblings who were precious to them more than anybody else. What was supposed to be a simple car accident turned out to be a lie shrouded in mystery. They found themselves in a web of deceit and betrayal. Will Vivian and Zade be able to let go of their hatred to bring out the truth? Will this temporary promise of marriage find its way to a love that would bind them in a sweet forever? ________ Excerpt: Vivian: "Even if I kill you infinite times, it won't quench my hatred." Zade: "Baby, infinity is still less. My hatred for you goes beyond that. That's my promise to you." Vivian: "Stop calling me baby. It sounds so disgusting coming from you." Zade: "Awww…. Are you getting goosebumps? Do I turn you on?"

Shiny_Star5683 · Urban
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7 Chs

Tripping For Me

Tripping For Me

"What are you doing?" A surprised voice echoed in the once silent VIP room.

"Getting ready?" Zade replied with nonchalance. However, as he took the shirt in his hand. A frown came upon his face.

Max shook his head at his stubborn boss. He knew that Zade wouldn't ask for his help with the shirt.

'Of course, the always self-reliant guy.' He jokingly mocked his boss for having a huge ego. Zade was a guy who would be dying but wouldn't ask for help.

Because asking for help according to him meant he was a loser and no better than a beggar.

While beggars begged for money and losers were the only ones who asked for help as winners never accepted help.

"Still the same old stubborn a**?" Max slid his hands into the pockets of his slack.

Poking his tongue inside his mouth, he tried his best to not burst into laughter.

Zade ignored his assistant's useless remarks and kept making an effort to wear the shirt.

Though all his efforts were going down the drain.

Max let out a series of chuckles, "Boss, did you suffer from short-term amnesia?"

Zade quirked an eyebrow at his assistant.

He was used to Max's absurd personality, still, his question threw him off guard.

"No," Zade responded with a bit of reluctance.

"Really? I think the doctor should do a recheck-up on you. You absolutely seem to have amnesia. Wait, here let me go and call a doctor." Max made Zade sit back down on the bed.

Before he could go outside, Zade held his wrist, "Max, speak in normal human language. Stop your riddles."

He used an authoritative tone.

"You are no fun. Such a boring boss I have. Well, I was just saying or more like reminding you that you got a gunshot right on your shoulder blades. If you didn't forget about everything that happened in the past two days."

Max shrugged. He continued to blabber for almost five minutes, still, Zade couldn't grasp what his assistant wanted to convey.

Having enough of his nonsense and being done with Max's beating around bush personality he had to warn him.

"Do you want to die? Just fking explain your point in one line! Take it as my last warning to you, next second you will lose all your bonus for this month."

Now, Max would be thick headed but he wasn't a dumb guy.

He cleared his throat, "You could have asked for my help with the shirt."

"Why will I ask for your help?"

Zade asked as if he still didn't understand anything.

Max gritted his teeth, and let out a big sigh, "Boss, you have a wound on your shoulder and sling. How will you wear a shirt on your own?"

"With my hands." Zade replied with 'I'm done with your nonsense face'.

Max, his assistant dramatically dropped his hands, "I'm done with you. I'm going to call your mother. You always like it hard."

He ended his chatter with a sneaky grin.

Zade saw Max, unlocking his phone, "Don't. Don't call her." He quickly murmured. Although his assistant acted like he didn't hear him and proceeded with his work.

"I said stop it!" Zade roared annoyingly.

Due to his shouting, he failed to hear the creaking sound of the door. Next, he went on about how his mother keeps treating him like he is a newborn baby.

"She should stop worrying about me all the damn time. I'm not a baby." Zade sounded depressed by his mother's constant nagging.

Then a clapping noise disturbed Zade. Grimacing, he turned back just to get a fright.

"Mo…Mom?" Zade uttered with disbelief.

He even rubbed his eyes, thinking his mind was playing games with him.

"Why did you stop, Zade Warner? Oh, please go ahead. Do let me know how I should treat my own blood." Chloe requested her son politely. She had a graceful smile on her, her eyes all calm.

Yet everyone could foresee that it was the calmness before the storm.

Max had to rub his arm as he felt goosebumps arising on his arms.

"My boss is gonna die today." He spoke, gulping down his saliva.


"Mom, don't be mad at me. I woke up late because…." Vivian paused.

Amelia narrowed her eyes, indirectly telling her to dare to lie on her face.

"Because Daisy asked me to check some important documents," Vivian confessed everything in one breath.

Whereas Daisy's eyes almost popped out. She couldn't believe that her boss would push the blame on her.

'Damn, I should have expected this.' Daisy thought inwardly.

Amelia shifted her attention to Daisy, "Is she saying the truth?"

Daisy didn't know if she should join her boss's lie and face Amelia's wrath or tell the truth and lose her bonus.

Amelia smirked, noticing the dilemma on Daisy's face.

"Just speak the truth and yeah your bonus along with some extra had been deposited to your account. You can check your phone for the bank statement."

Daisy's phone chimed, she uttered a sorry to Amelia and went through her notifications.

Her pupils dilated, scrutinizing the amount said in the notification message.

"So?" Amelia spoke up.

"Boss is lying. She asked me to bring all the important files that need her attention." Daisy's eyes still remained glued to her phone screen.

Vivian swore under her breath, "Sh*t".

Amelia gave Daisy a pleased smile.

"Thank you for being honest with me." Amelia appreciated the assistant's honesty.

While Vivian threw daggers in Daisy's direction.

"Yeah, honesty after selling out her employer." Daisy heard her boss taunting her.

But did she care?

'With this much money, I can buy all my midnight snacks.' Daisy grinned within.

"Mom?" Vivian tried to cool down her dear mother's anger.

Only to be ignored and treated like air.

Vivian turned to her Dad, who raised his hands in defeat.

She implored her father for his help and got rejected.

"What are you doing standing there? Are you a statue?" Amelia hollered at her husband.

The poor man immediately shook his head.

"Then do your work," Amelia stated with vexation.

Nathan gave a peck to his furious wife and sauntered over to his daughter.

One nurse came inside with a wheelchair.

"Viv, you will need a wheelchair until the wound is healed on your leg. I want no arguments over this." Nathan explained and carried over his daughter, putting her into the wheelchair.


"Oh damn, what ugly sh*t I had to see this early in the morning. My day is going to turn out horrible now." Vivian groaned, catching the sight of her archenemy Zade.

The reason behind all her suffering and also because of whom she is in this wheelchair.

"I don't think he has seen me yet. I can't go back just simply like this." Vivian mumbled to herself. She bit her lips, contemplating ways she could mess with him.

Within a few seconds, she clicked her fingers.

"Daisy, stop." She demanded.

Her assistant did as she was told to, "Ask the bodyguards to go back 10 steps, maintain that much distance and give me your scarf. Also, do as I ask with no unnecessary questions." Vivian told her.

Daisy followed her boss's instructions.

Vivian tied the scarf around her face. "Listen, you stay here, I will go ahead on my own. It's an electric wheelchair, I'll manage it."

"Boss, I'm utterly confused."

Vivian grinned mischievously towards her assistant, "Nothing, my dear. Just follow my instructions and you will be relieved of your confusion."

"I'm going to make someone trip a lil bit," Vivian spoke before she went forth in her wheelchair.

And next thing, a painful cry filled the hospital hallways, startling everyone.

Well a nice ending for a chap?

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