
Contract Marriage: The Forgotten Promise

Vivian Reese was a renowned figure in the business world. A true example of beauty with brains who had everything a girl could ever desire in the palm of her hand. Zade Warner was a devil in disguise. A beautiful dream that women clung to fulfill and a nightmare that enemies wished they never had. The only emotion that connected them together was the legacy passed down to them from the generations of their rival families - Hatred. But fate played a cruel joke on them as Vivian and Zade were forced to be bound to each other by not just their hatred but by marriage too. To not lose their position in the company, they had to sign a deal. The two sworn enemies came to live under the same roof with sparks of hostility flying everywhere. But things changed one day as they came across a deception that had happened years ago and made them loathe each other - the death of their siblings who were precious to them more than anybody else. What was supposed to be a simple car accident turned out to be a lie shrouded in mystery. They found themselves in a web of deceit and betrayal. Will Vivian and Zade be able to let go of their hatred to bring out the truth? Will this temporary promise of marriage find its way to a love that would bind them in a sweet forever? ________ Excerpt: Vivian: "Even if I kill you infinite times, it won't quench my hatred." Zade: "Baby, infinity is still less. My hatred for you goes beyond that. That's my promise to you." Vivian: "Stop calling me baby. It sounds so disgusting coming from you." Zade: "Awww…. Are you getting goosebumps? Do I turn you on?"

Shiny_Star5683 · Urban
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7 Chs

Master Plan

Master Plan

"Dad, can you call Max for me? We had some extremely important client meetings scheduled this Friday." Zade requested as he opened his mouth so that his mother could feed him.

Chloe narrowed her eyes at her husband, who shuddered under her gaze.

'My son really wants me to be single.'

Zade groaned at Chloe when she forwarded another piece of apple to him, "Mom, please no more. I already ate too much. You had fed me porridge and now this? I can't eat now. I'm full already."

However, it seemed his words fell on deaf ears.

"You are going to finish this apple and that orange juice too. I'm not listening to you. You need food to recover." It didn't take a second for Chloee to overlook her son's pleadings.

Zade knew he was stuck here. He also understood that he could never win against his mother. She will always be the winner.

His lips curved up, smiling at his mother, "Fine, Mom. How could I defy your orders? When even Dad couldn't?"

Chloe chuckled at her son's antics. Kevin gazed at them with a soft gaze.

"Dad, why are you staring at me so creepily?" Kevin raised his eyebrows as he saw his son looking at him with eccentricity.

"What do you mean?" Kevin, being totally clueless, asked his son.

The mother and son stole a peek at each other before bursting off in a fit of laughter.

"And then she says our son is my carbon copy. I don't act like a mad person. Why are you both laughing like maniacs?"

Chloe stared angrily at her husband, "Mad? Maniac? Oh, you didn't just insult me!" She spoke in aggravation.

"Here, we go again," Zade mumbled under his breath.

For the upcoming 5 minutes, he watched his parents fight like little school kids.

He finished his fruits and also the glass of fresh orange juice.

A knock chimed and the couple ended their little quarrel.

"Come in," Zade voiced. A female nurse along with Steve came inside the room.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Warner? Any dizziness?" Steve nodded at Zade first then began to check him.

Zade shook his head, "I feel alright."

"That's good. Then I want you to be careful. Your wound is yet to heal completely so it would be better if you look after your right shoulder. Are you a right hander?" Steve explained to Zade.

"No, I'm ambidextrous," Zade replied.

Steve hummed, "Then, you should use it until the hand on your shoulder is cured. You won't be able to use your right hand much due to the sling."

Hearing Steve, Zade frowned, "I don't want a sling." He demanded.

And the next second, he was hit on the back of his head, he pouted and caught sight of his mother.

And she was seething with rage.

"Mom? Why did you hit me? Don't you love me?" Zade gaped at his mother with his deep ocean blue eyes.

"Shut up! You aren't allowed to speak at all." Chloe warned her son. Looking towards the doctor, she put on a polite smile, "Sorry, you had to witness all this. Also, he will get a sling. Don't listen to him. Thank you."

'F*ck my life.' Zade cursed at himself and his bad luck.

Then he glanced at the bandage wrapped around his right shoulder.

"That girl, I will not let her get away after shooting me. Because of her, I have this wound. Vivian Reese, be ready, I will ruin your life." Zade mumbled each word enunciated with profound revulsion.

He kept cursing her under his breath.

While Chloe was all busy with the doctor attentively listening to all precautions, her husband concentrated on their son and his mumblings.

'Only if you knew the truth, my son.' Kevin wondered. He felt guilty for hiding things from his wife and their son.

Kevin exhaled, "I'm sorry." His face was engulfed with remorse.

"Sorry? Why are you saying sorry? Did you break another vase? For god's sake, Kevin, don't break my vases! They are like my babies. Too precious for me. Why do you love—"

Chloe's rant got cut off in the middle by her husband.

"Don't pout, my love. This time, I will kiss that pout off your lips." He pecked her lips again.

Chloe pinched her husband's waist. Kevin leaned down closer to his wife's ears, "Red still looks too gorgeous on you. Wife, I can't control myself when you are such a blushing mess."

Zade had a tiny smile on his face as he watched his parents with immense fondness.

Suddenly, a thought of a pair of golden hazel eyes flashed in his mind.

"F*ck!" Zade shrieked.

Breaking off the romantic ambiance that surrounded his parents.

Chloe pushed off her husband. She hustled to her son, her face covered with dread.

"What happened, Zee?"

She observed the horrified face of her son.


Next Morning

A ray of bright sunlight entered Vivian's room.

Her face contorted, "What the hell…Close the curtains!"

She pulled the white duvet over her head and tried to fall back to sleep.

"Boss, it's time for medicines. You have to wake up." Vivian grumbled and shook her head

Daisy, Vivian's assistant, looked at her boss.

She knew her boss was a heavy sleeper and didn't like it if someone woke her up.

She beamed as an idea struck her. She quickly took her phone and played her call ringtone.

Then she started her master plan.

"Good Morning, Amelia Ma'am. Yeah, I gave her meds on time yesterday night."

"Uhh about her morning medicine…."

Daisy began to act like she was on a call with Amelia, she knew there exists only one person of whom her boss was particularly afraid of.

The person was none other than Amelia Reese Vivian's mother.

Just her expectation, Vivian peeked out from the duvet.

"Ma'am, I know you have strictly instructed me to give the meds on time but…." Daisy paused and let out a stressed sigh.

Vivian's eyes dilated, she furiously shook her head at Daisy but her assistant pretended to not unsee the struggles of her boss.

"Ma'am, the boss is still sleeping… I tried my–"

"Mom!!!! I'm awake!" Vivian shouted at the top of her lungs.

Daisy scowled at Vivian, "You didn't have to shout like a shrew."

She scolded her boss.

"Damn, my ears are still ringing." Daisy lightly massaged her ears.

"Hey!! You are forgetting that I'm your boss, not the opposite. Why are you scolding me? I should be the one doing that." Vivian grimaced, feeling the pain as she tried to move a bit.

"Ow…" She groaned painfully.

Daisy surged to Vivian's side, "Why are you moving so much? Did you forget you got shot in your leg?"

Daisy lectured Vivian for being careless.

Vivian pouted, "Calm down, my hulk. It doesn't hurt so much and I won't have done that if you didn't tell my mother that I was yet to take my morning meds.

You know how she is. Just give me the phone. Let me talk with her."

Daisy giggled at the terror-stricken face of her boss.

"Ummm….Boss, your mother didn't call me. I was just acting like that to wake you up."

Daisy halted in the middle as she felt the heated glares of Vivian.

"I apologize! But I had to do this. Your mother dropped me a message that they will reach the hospital in less than 30 mins. So to save you and me, I did this."

Daisy hung her head low while she described her master plan to Vivian.

"Viv, didn't I tell you to take your meds on time?

Then why haven't you yet?"

Vivian froze and the smile fell off her face.

"Sh*t, I'm dead." She murmured.

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