
contract marriage my beloved wife

rukybabes · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 4

hi Mom yes my child why are you back so early what happened to you, nothing mom my manager sack me what? what have you done my child nothing mom, don't worry you self I will find another job, she don't want her mother to know why they fired her because she know she will fostret her to go and work for that bastard and that is the last thing she will ever do, as if she knows what her mother will say, Emily why don't you follow my advice and work for that man, mom we have already talk about this before please don't bring it again I go and find another job and that is final, I said and quickly went to my room when I wrech my room I go straight to the bed because I don't have any work to do in the house

the next morning I wake up early and take my bath

I put on my clothes and shoes, ring ring..... my phone ring continuesly hell.....hello my princess I heard from the other side hope you enjoy my little surprised, who are you and what do you want, oh sorry I haven't introduce myself to you, I'm Williams

my heart started beating fast when I hear his name hello are you dere I quickly snap out of my tort yes want do you want

come on baby girl you already know my proposal stop acting childish....I said what do you want! I quickly Curt him off

it's about my proposal princess...enhmmm what about it how many times will I tell you this or are you domp can't you hear what people say? huuu! I'm asking you answer me.... I keep yelling at him coz I was so angry with him why can't he just leave me alone I keep wondering am I the only woman in this world for God sake I don't even know him.

min while in the other part

this girl is so crazy right now I need to hang up but before he hang up.... sob sob she was crying why can't you leave me I said I don't want your offer is it by force? she keep saying, yes baby girl it's by force coz I want you by my side my princess are dear.... okay you can continue with what you are doing but I assure you I'm not working with you and that is final and if you come anywhere close to me in the future I will arrest you... hahaha he okay my princess you can but let me tell you one thing don't even bother your self because they can't arrest me baby girl I think you don't know who you are talking to anyways bye for my princess dip I hang up coz I don't talk much and that her crying I can't really handle it coz it's borning my heart each drop of her ties born my heart coz I love her dam much I can't really do a day with out knowing about her well being

just you wait my princess you will be mine with time

one week later

that's how she keep finding a job but she is not getting any because he already sent her name to all the company in city A indicating that no body should offer her a job

and each restaurant or Barr she go and accept her the following day they will fired her

and know she has no other choice then to accept the job he offered her

this is boring mom that man is really fostrating my life

Emily I told you several times with out numbers you should accept this offer but you refuse besides I think he really wants to help you

ok mom have heard you I will think about it she said and went to her room to sleep because it's already pass 9

her mother look at the figure leaving the living room and said in her mind

with time you will understand coZ am shore that guy really like you allot

why can't I sleep? why do I keep thinking about this so called man....

hello readers hope you enjoy this novel coz am really not qualified maybe I can wrech your satisfaction I don't know but please I want you to consider

thank you everyone I really love and appreciate you all