
contract marriage my beloved wife

rukybabes · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

it was already 7 pm when I wrech home, hello Mom I'm back mom were are you, when she enter the bedroom she quickly ran to her mother, Mom what happened to you who tied you up like this she un tied her mother,

Emily please you have to consider the situation you need to work for him please I'm begging you

mom what are you saying please explain in detail so that I can understand you

okay Mom said, he came here and asked me to worn you to work for him or else he will fostret our life till you accept him

no mom I will not, so you really know him mom said

Yes he came to my working please last week asking me to leave my work and work in his company

Emily her mother said while holding her hand, you have to work for him because he is dangerous for me and you, he asked his men to tie me up to worn you

please My child you have to do it for my sake

no mom I won't why will he order me to leave my work

is he My father or mother or brother? mom I'm asking you answer me she yelled a little and quickly went to her room

I really need to do something to save my mother from that bastard but wait who the hell is he ? I need to find out besides I don't even know his name


min while in Williams house, has she comes back, yes sir the bodyguard said

when ? he asked 7 pm

ok did the mother worn her? yes sir

and what did she say, she said never in her life will she work for you

what? yes sir that what she said

okay then no problem I need to go to where she works I don't need to explain any further you already understand what to do, yes sir

okay you may leave, okay sir

hmmmm Emily what you did makes me love you more


sir what have I done wrong? please am sorry I really need this job you don't have to fire me I will do anything for you please

no just go away

she has no choice but to leave

on the way home she was thinking why her boss fired her and know she understands

so this man was behind all this

on the other hand there was a man in the corner watching her..... ring ring

hello boss yes sir he had fired her okay sir I'm on my way

Williams office

let me see how strong you are hahahahah

hey keep following her every move if they accept her in any job make sure she gets fired he said

yes sir

sorry for the late update, writing is not easy hope you will understand 🙏thank you I love you all💖