
Consume the light

Facing the impossible threat to their Empire, the Houses of various nobles were forced to work together. The unknown threat was lurking around Aaron. Enemies were everywhere. It could be your allies. In this unsafe situation, how will he face the threat with willpower? Will he be the chosen Hero, everyone prophecies of? Or will he fail to lead his man? Another hero emerged as well, Keiser was a loner. He doesn't trust anyone even himself. He represents death, the bad side of humanity. Will he also precipitate to stop the threat? Will he complete his hero journey like the other two heroes? The last, a little girl full of hope, she was the pillar of hope. The light under this hell. How will she also face that threat? Nothing is sure in this continent. Three heroes were chosen to stop this unknown threat. By who? They will face seven Hell, dragons and many more. Will they reach the light their people wish for? If they reach the light what will they do? Just questions. Author's words. I always want to write about chosen hero trope with a twist. So don't expect a usual hero. The main characters are hard to explain since their origin is weird. Tag warned. It has raped and underage sex. I will not write to them. Just mention those scenes. And had inbreeding. Three povs. And a lot of foreshadowing. The first few chapters are not grammatically correct. I am editing so please read at least 20 chapters or 10. And write a review as well.

goffyboy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

God is evil

" God is not something that you imagine. They are made from energy but never love. Their hatred toward energy is so large that they can lose their mind the moment they sense energy" Kaleigh said.

" So that is why the earthquake happens when we use energy," Aaron asked.

Kaleigh shook his head, " Yes and no."

" What do you mean?" Aaron tilted his head in confusion.

" Yes because they make the earthquake. The reason at the same time no that they don't exist so technically they can't do that."

Aaron squinted. He doesn't understand what Kaleigh is saying. But decided to listen as he know more about this world than him.

" What do you think about the outside world?" Kaleigh asked the question to start his explanation.

" Like my city B, other cities exist and we can travel on the airline. We do have not to go to the forest outside because of the threat of monsters like the earlier one you said. I suppose we only see normal beasts." Aaron answered.

" So, now that you encounter the energy, other unknowns become known. Your childhood fear of monster no longer exist. Instead, you fear known things." Kaleigh said.

" That is what God is. They consume fear so you have to see that in person to affect their power. First, fear them. Second worship them. Third dead by them."

Aaron nodded. He somewhat understands the meaning but, " So what can we do? I am sure they know how to make you fear."

" Yeah, I don't know the process. So we hope to strengthen our minds with energy."

" Hey, why don't you use that stage 2 move and teleport us out of here?" Aaron yelled as he found the solution.

Unfortunately, Kaleigh stepped on his dream with a cold voice. " I can't do that right now."

" Stage 2 is like the advanced version of our original technique. They are the future of my power. I draw the talent and ability to pull that off. So it is like boring power. In exchange for that, I lose some control of my techniques for some time." Kaleigh explained his reason.

" So why use that power against me? I don't think I have that kind of power to threaten your life."

Kaleigh laughed. " You are right. I can easily kill you with basic colour manipulation, your control over suck. But over time I see you improve at a rapid rate. You surprised me. So I gamble a little."

Kaleigh paused a bit. He decided to tell him a secret of his power. " My stage 2 release is a bit different from others. My theme is Freedom. I dance freely in this world. I adore freedom. Stage 2 gave me the tools to make new power."

" So in Stage 2, I can improve my technique since I am linking with Freedom."

Kaleigh draws some words. He wrote something.

Freedom= ability to explore new paths.

Create new power= Increase in technique.

" That is how my power work. It uses my brain." Kaleigh pointed his brain, and a serious look he gave Aaron was filled with passion.

" Are you sure you want to know your secret? You must be dumb." Aaron said. He pointed out the flaw of Kaleigh.

Kaleigh chuckled. " It is okay. That's called Free Dude. If you explore my weakness, I will come up with another plan. Hehe. That will be great. Counter my weakness. Besides the reason, I tell a secret is because those Old heads will force me to use Stage 2 and make me their slave."

" Seem like our conversation drifted in another direction again."

Aaron nodded. His grey eyes lighten up some colour, and a fire in front of him covers a small change but trained Kaleigh caught it.

" What is wrong with your eyes? " He asked.

Aaron covered his eyes, making a painful expression as if something is burning inside his eyes. He grabbed his heart tight, his clothes tore apart. But he regains his body instantly.

Aaron stopped mourning and a loud sigh left his mouth. He cursed.

" Fuck!"

" What happens?"

" I don't know. My eyes were changing since I awaken the energy." Aaron lied. His words were like truth in Kaleigh's ears.

He doesn't question. Just nod.

" It must be your void. Now let's rest. Tommor we will attack God. And I will explain more. So you should rest for now. I will watch the cave and wake you up." Kaleigh said. He doesn't have any feelings attached to Aaron.

That is what a normal human would do in his situation. He convinced himself as he hummed those words. ' I am not kind. '

He killed the fire and went to the entrance of the cave. His thought was scattered into different flashes. Who knows what he is thinking right now?

Mind is a wonder. It's our gift but a curse at the same time because it carried us to unknown places. Like Kaleigh suppresses feeling.

Aaron lay down, although he is sleeping. His mind was wandering into different scenes.

He cursed inwardly. ' I need to change. I don't want to use Kaleigh. '

The two men with both problems thought about their respective solutions.


Morning wood comes.

But it is easier to control it with piss. Aaron finished his things and walked toward the cave. He saw Kaleigh is doing a warmup.

He nodded toward Aaron.

" I am now going to release energy. Remember my words. God will test your mind. If you have fear you are dead. This is our plan."

Kaleigh reminded him again.

Kaleigh released energy flow. An earthquake follows along with the mist.

The most surrounded them quickly.

Aaron feels like someone is grabbing his body. The ground he stepped on morphed into some slimy.

Words echoed around him it is like he is staying inside a closed room. A light went on the ceiling. A plain room full of reflection. There is no mirror place but you can see your body.

"Welcome, Aaron Ravenwood.

Duke of Ravenwood House. Failed chosen one.

The one who leads into hell. "

A mysterious ancient voice echoed throughout the room.

Aaron's expression change immediately. A naive look on his face disappeared, replaced with a lack of emotions. His eyes also light up like last time.

" Seem like you know who I am?" Aaron asked God.

" Of course, you are the hollow one. I heard a lot from the neighbourhood God. I am surprised that I meet you here as well."

The mysterious voice laughed.

" let's start the fear shall we?"

" Why don't you set me free since you know me?" Aaron said.

There is no reply. Aaron sighed. He flows his energy into his brain. Some force carried him into the past, he can feel it. No, he sees it.

The scenery changed again. This time a familiar place. His home, his land, he saw his dad walking with him.

" Let's observe, shall we."

A mysterious voice once again appeared this time he found the source. An old man with a scar on his face, a nasty scar. Not like a sword slash but a burn. You can see flesh bone and his jaw muscle on his face.

Aaron nodded. His mind was calm. He is ready to face this kind of bullshit since Kaleigh warns him.

His past. His origin. The reason why he needs other people.

Origin of Aaron Ravenwood.