
Consume the light

Facing the impossible threat to their Empire, the Houses of various nobles were forced to work together. The unknown threat was lurking around Aaron. Enemies were everywhere. It could be your allies. In this unsafe situation, how will he face the threat with willpower? Will he be the chosen Hero, everyone prophecies of? Or will he fail to lead his man? Another hero emerged as well, Keiser was a loner. He doesn't trust anyone even himself. He represents death, the bad side of humanity. Will he also precipitate to stop the threat? Will he complete his hero journey like the other two heroes? The last, a little girl full of hope, she was the pillar of hope. The light under this hell. How will she also face that threat? Nothing is sure in this continent. Three heroes were chosen to stop this unknown threat. By who? They will face seven Hell, dragons and many more. Will they reach the light their people wish for? If they reach the light what will they do? Just questions. Author's words. I always want to write about chosen hero trope with a twist. So don't expect a usual hero. The main characters are hard to explain since their origin is weird. Tag warned. It has raped and underage sex. I will not write to them. Just mention those scenes. And had inbreeding. Three povs. And a lot of foreshadowing. The first few chapters are not grammatically correct. I am editing so please read at least 20 chapters or 10. And write a review as well.

goffyboy · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Dinner (2)

" Tonight we will be the official ruler of the desert. Our name will be written on the record of this land. We will be the talk of the desert. " Duke Fotios raised his wine in the air.

He announced. All the chatter around the hall focused on him. Eyes landed, and the laughter died.

The hall was filled with sweet wine. Made you feel like you are in a sweet garden. A sweet melody playing in the background made the scene feel epic and grand.

" From today onward, our Ravenwood will be justice. In the name of the fallen star, the dinner will start now." with a closing speech, the Duke slipped the wine with elegance.

All the guests around the hall clapped their hands. Soon the laughter and chatter filled the hall again.

The dinner was freestyle. There's no set limit. You can grab the food and eat it everywhere.

The Empire focused on free will.

Aaron grabbed a soft wine from the table. He smelled the wine and used the ring to test the poison.


He took two glasses and headed toward the mayor's daughter, Raye, age twenty. She lifted her head to see Aaron smile.

She was sitting beside the fountain watching the precious water. She played with a little.

"What is on your mind, Raye?" Aaron asked.

The Moonlight fainted on her skin, her long black hair shining under the silver light. He has to admit that she is beautiful.

" Nothing just random thought. " She said.

Aaron can tell that something is bothering her. Of course, she is about to lose her maiden.

He dipped his hand in the water. " Such a waste. "

He said. He needed something to grab her attention. It didn't matter in the situation but at least he will feel a little connected with her.

Raye didn't say a word. Her eyes reflected moonlight as she looked into his soul. Aaron felt uncomfortable.

" Are you unhappy? " He knew that the sweet talk didn't work so went straight.

Raye shook her head, " No, It is just. " She paused.

Aaron waited for an answer as he played with the water. " I'm thinking about my mom. My sweet mom always listens to my words. " She ranted.

" I loved her. I always was. But to the bitter end, we parted away on bad terms. " She smiled.

Aaron didn't care. He didn't know what to say. So he stayed silent.

Her sliver hair was carried by the wind as it flew toward his face. " Sorry." She apologized.

" Come. "

Aaron rose and pulled her to her feet. " This dinner is about connecting. We need to know each other. I'm sure your mother will be happy if you live without regret. Our bond is a bit fast and forced but we can make it into a genuine relationship."

" Let's show your smile to the guest. I am sure your father is worried about you. "

Raye nodded. She is a bit awkward with Aaron's contact but it is nothing as she imagines. She thought her existence is used for political purposes. And there will be no happiness for her.

' I look like I need to see and decide what kind of person the Duke's heir is. ' She thought almost as if she is convincing herself into an illusion. A beautiful illusion where Aaron can be her knight in the sunshine.

She grabbed Aaron's hand and walked toward the hall.

Different people with different plans and motivations were gathered here in this tiny place. Some were happy about Ravenwood's plan.

The plan was to give water to the desert. Not all men were bad. Some seek help and salvation.

The desert was one.

Sure some came to this dinner with ill intentions like the mayor who wanted to expand his authority.

But some came to look at the land Lord.

After hearing the speech earlier, some were pleased. The Duke said, " TO HOLD THIS TRUST FOR PEOPLE OF THE DESERT, I WILL GAVE THEM THE WATER HAWK TOOK FROM THEM. "

Those words held meaning in the desert.

When the Hawk were in charge, they had a custom where they deliberately water the water. Dumping it onto towels on the ground, then allowing poor people to beg for drops of moisture.

It was cruel and demeaning.

The Ravenwood do well with gestures of respect and generosity. But those were questioned by Aaron every time.

' Does he make anything better? ' He questioned. ' Sure, He will give water to a few beggars but he will do nothing to change this fundamentally unfair political system. '

' So these gestures were more like a mask for Ravenwood to look good. ' He took another glass. There was a strange-looking meatball, red. He stared at the meal.

" You should try the food. This food is called Lefo. " Raye who was beside Aaron recommended.

Aaron took a bite and flavour went into his mouth.

" Great right? " Raye asked as she smile.

Aaron nodded.

Ravenwood power is fundamentally based on coercion and force. Like this dinner was fancy and glamorous. But it is also very tense.

Aaron saw people were nervous about getting poisoned. If he used a certain hand signal, an army of solider will come and take him to a safer place.

This showed the fakeness of political power. Behind the formality and glamour here, there was the deathly threat of violence.

Aaron hated it.

A few others greeted them. Some showed congratulation about the unborn child they were about to make. Some tried to make ties with Aaron's power.

In short, they all tried to use him. He didn't bother to remember the pathetic name they said.

Raw power is displayed here in its seductive way.

Those who didn't have any power acted like dogs.

Some of the most powerful people in the desert were the ones who controlled water. Everyone needed water.

Aaron reflected on those things.

" Hey, Have you ever seen the boat? " Raye asked the sudden question, a rather weird question.

Regardless, he answered.

" Of course, my dear. But we don't use that much since the current is too harsh for the boat. And we can just fly with our ship. "

" So what about people who don't have the ship? Cause the ship is only used by noble blood right? " Raye said. She dropped some wine on the floor.

" Some brave people just swim. They drowned of course. " Aaron laughed in a twisted joke.

Raye tilted her head. " What is drowned? "

" Immersed in water until dead. " Aaron explained. That was killer for his laugh.

" Oh. Sorry about that I never learn these words. "

' Look like she never heard about those words. ' Aaron thought. ' So alongside Akai, water is precious here. Maybe I can use it. '

" It is okay. "

No one was completely separated from natural forces like water. Not the poor nor us.

Raye parted from Aaron for a second to talk with her num.

As he is wandering around with wine.

Three women approached him. Their perfume was so strong that even the dead body smell will faint away.

They all thought the same thing. If I fucked The heir I will be sitting on gold.

Aaron can sense. Disgust formed. His inside was shaking. But his face showed no remorse. ' Act like a clown. ' He reminded himself.