
Consume the light

Facing the impossible threat to their Empire, the Houses of various nobles were forced to work together. The unknown threat was lurking around Aaron. Enemies were everywhere. It could be your allies. In this unsafe situation, how will he face the threat with willpower? Will he be the chosen Hero, everyone prophecies of? Or will he fail to lead his man? Another hero emerged as well, Keiser was a loner. He doesn't trust anyone even himself. He represents death, the bad side of humanity. Will he also precipitate to stop the threat? Will he complete his hero journey like the other two heroes? The last, a little girl full of hope, she was the pillar of hope. The light under this hell. How will she also face that threat? Nothing is sure in this continent. Three heroes were chosen to stop this unknown threat. By who? They will face seven Hell, dragons and many more. Will they reach the light their people wish for? If they reach the light what will they do? Just questions. Author's words. I always want to write about chosen hero trope with a twist. So don't expect a usual hero. The main characters are hard to explain since their origin is weird. Tag warned. It has raped and underage sex. I will not write to them. Just mention those scenes. And had inbreeding. Three povs. And a lot of foreshadowing. The first few chapters are not grammatically correct. I am editing so please read at least 20 chapters or 10. And write a review as well.

goffyboy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Aaron vs Kaleigh

' I can't figure it out yet. His ability is much different from Thorn's. ' Aaron thought. ' It doesn't matter. If I figure it out or not, I need to beat the shit out of him until he becomes a vegetable. '

Aaron rushed and punched. Kaleigh blocked the punch, [ Red.]

He disappeared from Aaron's view. " Again. It's so annoying." Aaron looked around the red colour in the room. But there is none.

The orange chair which is laying around morphed into Kaleigh. He quietly throws a punch which Aaron defended quickly. He then kicked Kaleigh.

[ yellow.]

Again disappeared. Aaron destroyed a nearby yellow phone with a kick. He doesn't have time to think about the property damage.

' He is surprisingly quick considering he just awaken the energy. I don't think the usual plan would work for him. I need a better place, I need more freedom. ' Kaleigh thought as he is looking from another space.

' Three seconds is not enough to set up. I hope you can improve my energy output, Aaron. '

[ Green.]

A green closet near Aaron morphed into Kaleigh, he kicked toward Aaron's chest. This time he doesn't hold back using all the energy on his leg.

The force generated from the kick sent Aaron out of the apartment. He was thrown down from forth story building.

Kaleigh slowly walked toward the crashed wall, he looked down. Aaron fell onto the taxi nearby. Although it is hurt gradually the pain loses its meaning.

Aaron split some blood and stand up. He patted the dust on his clothes, ' I am slowly used to energy flow. Thorn was right only in battle you can improve energy. But I can't touch him yet. I need more speed. '

He looked up and saw Kaleigh looking down with a bewildered smile.

Kaleigh thought, ' I don't think I can use my leg 100% anymore. Focusing all of my energy strains my leg. '

He jumped down. Aaron steps back allowing Kaleigh to land on a flat surface. But a good deed has a drawback, Aaron throws a power jab at Kaleigh's face. Kaleigh grabbed with ease," You should more focus on gathering energy." Kaleigh mocked, and he smirked.

Aaron used his free hand to attack, and Kaleigh noticed his plan. He titled his head. Aaron grabbed Kaleigh's clothes and using his legs, threw him to the hard concrete.

The concrete cracked, and a bundle of small rocks scattered around them.

Aaron heard a lot of people screaming in terror, someone calling the police. Others run from the scene to the moment he was thrown from the building.

He ignored them, silly trash. He pull out his fist with full force he punched down. A sudden kick in his stomach, Aaron dodged it by rolling to the left.

A swift kick followed him, and he lunged forward to the kick without worry, clenching his fist tightly Aaron planned to break the leg. But Kaleigh has more experience in close combat even though it is not his strong point. He trained a lot under his clan.

Pushing his hand from the ground, Kaleigh lifts his body. He channelled energy into the small rock he picked up and throw at Aaron.

Aaron who is on high alert doesn't face head on any attack since his information about Kaleigh's ability is limited. Unfortunately, his instinct guides him to a disadvantage. Kaleigh already guess the direction he is going to dodge, and without wasting any time he charged forward.

Throwing a flurry of punches and kicks at Aaron. A punch powered by energy is like a car hitting with full force. Aaron coughed blood, and his internal organ was crushed by the force, although he blocked the attack with energy.

Kaleigh delivered another powerful punch to Aaron's jaw. Aaron stumbled backwards, his body bruised and bloodied.

Kaleigh doesn't attack anymore, his especially does not lie in fiat. He has a chance to improve his techniques right now he can't waste killing him with a fist.

Focusing the energy into the void located in his soul, he smiled. Kaleigh declared his intention toward Aaron who is coughing blood on the street.

" I am getting stronger. Aaron. Right now, I am about to unleash the technique that I have not mastered yet. I feel like I can pull this out. What about you? Are you also getting stronger?"

The grey aura around Kaleigh disappeared. Seeing this Kaleigh laughed madly. Three police cars heading toward them, They both ignored them.

Aaron slowly gets up, barely able to stand.

" Use your trump card, Aaron." After giving the advice.

Kaleigh activates.

[ Ruler of colour.]

Stage 1 - Seven colours.

Aaron saw all the colours around him changing at a fast speed, a blue sky morphed into the red. It is like his world is swollen by something.

He feels a huge pressure from Kaleigh, his eyes wide open. He knows that he has not met a lot of energy user but the dense energy around Kaleigh feel like the entire ocean is condensing into a teacup.

[ Stage 2- Emperor of all colours.]


Earlier colours from around the world slowly moved toward Kaleigh. Aaron tried to move his body but his leg was bounded by an unknown force.

After all that, there is no colour in the world anymore. Kaleigh looked at his body, there is not a single trance of energy leaking from his body. He now has complete control over it. ' Look like I can't use aura anymore in this state. The drawback that I make. '

Kaleigh saw Aaron holding a large brush, he immediately understand the energy must grant him the tool to fight him. ' Look like he doesn't have a trump card. '

{ You can use it to block or change the emperor's make. }

Those were the words, Aaron heard before this large brush landed on his hands.

Kaleigh pointed his finger at Aaron, and the red beam appeared from his fingertip. He releases the beam, it travels at the speed of sound piercing Aaron's right arm.

He then makes a green ball and effortlessly throws it at Aaron's wound. It healed instantly.

' This world is under my control right now. I can manipulate concepts using suitable colours. But I don't know which colour to use. I guess I can only learn. ' Kaleigh thought.

Kaleigh draws his hand, making the world around him turn into a mess. Soon there is nothing but him and the black dot. He is floating in white space.

A crack appeared from the white space, and Aaron crawled through the crack. He is holding the brush tightly.

" I thought I am the only one who have control over this world," Kaleigh said.

Aaron stood facing each other, his breath forming into the grey mist. He knew that this was going to be a fight to the death. Without warning, Aaron swings the brush at Kaleigh.

Kaleigh shot out a red beam but it was cancelled out by Aaron's brush. Aaron lunged forward using the brush as the support since he can't touch anything in this white space.

He swiftly moves the brush and swings horizontally. Kaleigh does not move, he makes a yellow barrier blocking the attack.

He then sidestepped and grabbed the brush. An unbearable pain come from the brush immediately so Kaleigh decided to let go. Aaron who use this situation kicked Kaleigh but his kick phase through.

They both step back and observed their opponent. They have learned a lot from this small exchange.


( This section is to explain Kaleigh's power so that you can understand.)

Innate technique name - Ruler of colour.

Stage 1- Seven colours.

Able to manipulate the coloured objects when his desired colour is pointed at them. But Kaleigh manipulated this technique, a smart person can see that he can only use the Rainbow pattern colours. That is his limit since he wants to know the colours he can control next.

Sub ability - teleportation, this is not usual teleportation. It's more like he stays in the coloured space. For example, if he says Red and he doesn't want to manipulate the object. He teleports into the red space that only he can enter.

Though it is only 3 seconds because his energy output is low.

Stage 2 - Emperor of all colours.

This ability allows control over all things related to colour. He pulls his opponent into his own space, Like Red space but it is his own.

He creates the colour and uses it to fight in the white space. This is a broken ability but he makes a rule there. Unless the opponent doesn't have the means to protect themselves, the energy will give him a helping hand using his energy.

Can't use energy in the white space. He can't be killed by energy either because he is connected to the white space.

Brush properties- Unknown I will explain later.

Stage 3 -

You have to read more to find out about it.

Weaknesses of this technique - None.

But consume more energy using stage 2.