
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 196 - Into the Fairy tail

The capital of Fiore Kingdom, "Crocus", the weather in the morning makes people feel extremely comfortable.

The white clouds floating in the sky and the warm sunshine set off the beautiful flowers of various colors in the bustling city, making the flowers look more delicate and beautiful under the golden light.

On the endless streets, people have smiles on their faces. But at this moment, a special person caught their eyes.

A girl with long blue hair, bluish gray starry eyes, and skin as white as snow, wearing a white robe that made it seem like there was a lotus on her feet was walking with boy whose facial features were so perfect that one couldn't find any fault.

The most important thing is the girl's appearance and temperament. That kind of fairy-like appearance and temperament made people focus on her, regardless of gender, regardless of age.

Even because Xiao Feng didn't show his extraordinary temprament and charm, so many people chose ignore him and focus on Ling Qingzhu.

Ling Qingzhu looked at these strange people strangely, wondering why they looked at him in a daze.

She is completely unconscious, how beautiful and enchanting her appearance is. In the world of Martial Universe almost all cultivators are handsome men and women, so, even if Ling Qingzhu is ceiling level existence in terms of looks, people in that world don't feel too weird. Those people who have seen Ling Qingzhu's appearance will be amazed in their hearts, but they will not be dazed by it.

So, although Ling Qingzhu is aware of her charms but she has never seen the scene where everyone on the street only looked at her.

But this world is different. There are no cultivators in this world and not everyone is beautiful women and handsome men. What's more most people in this world pay attention to appearence.

So after seeing Ling Qingzhu who was as beautiful as a goddess, everyone was naturally amazed by it, and they couldn't even move their feet.

Ling Qingzhu was a little puzzled but it didn't take long for her to figure out what happened. After all, she has traveled all over the Martial Universe with Xiao Feng. She has been stared like this before but not in such huge mass. Due to her travel in Martial Universe, she already used to such look and because she didn't notice any malice, she just chose to be indifferent.

Plop... Puff...

"Ah, ah, I can't stand it..."

"It's so beautiful!"

"Oh... no, I'm going to faint..."

The goddess's indifferent smile, the lethality reported directly, and the men seemed to be discussing it, and they all fainted on the ground one by one, their eyes all became the shape of hearts, and their faces were flushed with disgust.

Even those women, seeing Ling Qingzhu's indifferent smile, blushed shyly on their cheeks.

"Is my appearance really so high?"

Looking at everyone's reaction, Ling Qingzhu couldn't help muttering. Such situation had never occured in Martial Universe. People there would never faint because of her indifferent smile, at most they would just be dazed.

Hearing the discussion among the crowd, Ling Qingzhu touched her face. For some reason, there was a hint of joy in her heart.

As long as you are a woman, you will be concerned about your appearance.

"Does Brother Feng like my current look?" Ling Qingzhu peeked at Xiao Feng and thought secretly in his heart.

Looking at people's obsession, Ling Qingzhu wasn't delighted instead she was a little stressed.

She didn't want anyone other than Xiao Feng to look at her with obsessive eyes. If it wasn't that she didn't want to cause trouble, she might have already cleaned up those guys who looked at her lustfully

"I have to deal with it." Ling Qingzhu thought inwardly, her eyes emitted an invisible misty light, the next moment, the eyes of the people staring at her all became dull, a veil appeared in Ling Qingzhu's hand, covering the appearance of the face.

The next moment, people woke up one after another, but all of them lost their memories just now, and those who got up from the ground looked puzzled, not knowing why they were lying on the ground.

"Now, you can have a good experience."

Ling Qingzhu turned around in the street with great interest, looking left and right with a pair of wonderful eyes.

This is her first time traveling to another world, she is naturally attracted by the things in this world. In Martial Universe during the travel with Xiao Feng her cold personality has melted and because of their almost endless travel, she is naturally curious about new places.

Being attracted by the goods in one store after another, along the way, his eyes have been shining brightly.

"Well, what is this?"

Entering a store, Ling Qingzhu was holding a transparent box with a silver key in it. She could feel a strange force emanating from it but she couldn't tell what it was.

Her cultivation system was different from this world and it had no similarity what so ever with magic in this world. It was only natural for her not to be able to feel anything other than strange energy inside.

The store owner looked at her strangely.

"This is the Protoss key."

It was not the shop owner who answered her, but a short man who wore a large cloak and hid his features with a hood.

Judging from her slightly immature and clear voice, she is probably a girl. Judging by her body shape, she should not be very old.

However, Ling Qingzhu could see her appearance behind the hood at a glance. She was indeed a little girl, about 10 years old, with long emerald green hair and a pair of slightly emerald green pupils.

Because of her young age, her appearance is a little immature, but she is very cute. The skin is juicy and supple, and she will definitely be a beautiful person in the future.

Although she is cold but the protoss key raised her interest, so, Ling Qingzhu couldn't help asking, "The Protoss key? What is that?"

This time, even the little girl's eyes became a little weird.

People who have never seen a Protoss key may exist in this world, but those who have never heard of a Protoss key are probably only children under three years old.

"Why, don't you know it's strange?" Ling Qingzhu muttered. There was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"A Protoss key? Let's put it this way, a star spirit mage can use the Protoss key as a medium to summon the corresponding Protoss. After signing a contract with him, he can summon this Protoss when she/he encounters a problem that cannot be solved. The Protoss are here to help. It is said that the zodiac spirits summoned with the golden key have incomparably powerful powers! They can help the Protoss wizards in battle."

"Protoss wizard? Fight?" Ling Qingzhu muttered and then nodded. She understood that a Protoss wizard should be similar to a cultivator who could perform long distance summoning.

"The key in your hand is the silver key of the little cat. The little cat has no fighting power, but it is very cute."

The little girl smiled and said, "Big sister, can you give me the key? Let me show you how to summon the star spirit."

"Hey, if you want to demonstrate, pay first!"

The shop owner said quickly.

"How much?"

the little girl asked.

"The silver key of the kitten, 25000j."


The little girl touched her pocket, suddenly froze, and said with some frustration: "Well, big sister, I can't demonstrate it to you this time... next time, if there is a chance next time, I will definitely demonstrate it to you!"

"It's okay." Ling Qingzhu shook her head and she showed the expression that she doesn't care.
