
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 195 - Decision

Martial Universe,

Unknown place and unknown town,

Inside a very ordinary courtyard,

"Really, I am changing faster and faster." Xiao Feng frowned and his face had troubled look. He looked towards the sky and muttered in very low tone which no one could hear.

"What's the matter, Brother Feng. Is there anything troubling you." Ling Qingzhu sitting besides Xiao Feng asked when she saw the troubled look on his face.

"It's nothing." Xiao Feng shook his head and decided not tell Ling Qingzhu. After all, she couldn't help him at all and it would only increase her worry.

"Okay, then I will prepare dinner." Ling Qingzhu said while getting up.

Saying so, she walked towards the kitchen.

Although she could tell that Xiao Feng was troubled but she chose not disturb him again because she knew that he might need some time and if something really happened then he would definitely tell her.

After their journey all over the Martial Universe, she has incomparable trust in him.

"Sigh!" Xiao Feng sighed as he looked at Ling Qingzhu who leaving, his eyes revealed a complicated look. He knew that Ling Qingzhu gave him alone time in order think.

"Having a talented wife is really not easy." In the end Xiao Feng shook his head in amazement and decided to think about his issue.

A long time has passed since he started his journey with Ling Qingzhu.

Now he has reached Holy Heavenly Sovereign peak and his body has reached level 134 which is at the same level as peak Great Emperor in Zhetian World.

What's more his soul has also reached Domination late stage because he has long since upgraded the Chaos Grinding thought art to Immortal King level technique and he has practiced it while absorbing the Quansi-Immortal Emperor's blood.

The current him can definitely beat the Evil God all over the place.

"Although the strength has gone under major transformation but the reason for my trouble is also my own strength." Xiao Feng couldn't help clenching fist tightly when he thought of his trouble.

He is becoming more and more indifferent. Even if he has emotions and even if he feels sadness, joy, anger etc., he no longer cares about ordinary human beings.

Although he was also indifferent before but it wasn't so serious when he traveled to Yuan Zun World.

As his life level goes up and as he undergoes one transformation one after another, he can feel that even if his essence remains the same and even if tries hard to retain his thinking to ordinary level, he can no longer do it.

He can no longer deny that he isn't what he used to be. The current him only cares about his women and beautiful girls whom he meets and falls for.

He feels like he is slowly becoming a robot who only cares about cultivation and women.

He feels that if this goes on then it definitely won't take long for his to truly become a monster who only cares about cultivation and women.

As for his personality, he feel that it will definitely not be what he used to be.

"Sigh!" Xiao Feng once again sighed when he thought of his trouble.

"It really isn't easy to think of a solution." Xiao Feng really didn't have any good solution for his current problem.

"System is there any solution." In the end Xiao Feng could only turn to his system for help.

From the begin of his travel to his current self, his system has helped him a lot. He believes that system will definitely have the solution for his problem.


After being silent for a while the system replied.

[ Host the main the reason for your change is that you grow too quickly and you haven't experienced enough. So, even if you are spiritually strong, low experience will still have some effect on you. ]

[ You have either been with your women or in retreat. ]

[ Your only experience is in Black Bullet World and No Game No Life World. Due to these two worlds experience, you don't have good attitude towards humans. ]

[ Even if you don't want to admit it. The current you can't hide that you have superior attitude towards Life...]

As Xiao Feng continued to listen to the problems that system told him, he felt more and more that system was right. Everything that system said was truly correct. After 'Black Bullet' World, he really didn't like human beings anymore and even thought that they were disgusting, it's just because he saw the hope in 'No Game No Life' World, he no longer has that disgust and only indifference remains.

As for his experience, it's really short. It took him no more than few decades and he is already a Single Universe level powerhouse while those peerless geniuses take hundreds to thousands even tens of thousands of years.

The gap between two can be described to be terrifying and it can no longer be measured by talent. It can only be said that, Xiao Feng is really open hanger. He has reached his current stage thanks to his system.

"System, tell me if you have a way to solve my problem." Xiao Feng spoke in hopeful voice. After hearing system's analysis, he was sure that system definitely has a solution for him.

[ Host there various way through which system can solve your problem such as using reincarnation illusion of the Ancient Bodhi tree in the Doupo World, using points, using luck, etc. but system thinks these aren't the best way. ]

[ The best solution is for host to travel through a positive natured world and thus experience life in that world. Through this experience Host's personality should slowly change back.

What's more, if one world isn't effective then Host can continue to travel and these worlds are the world of anime which host liked in his previous life. System thinks that host will be very interested in this suggestion. ]

"System is really good." Xiao Feng couldn't help muttering when he saw the suggestion of his system. To be honest he was really tempted.

Although he has travelled to many world but he still hopes to travel through. After all that's his dream.

Since the system can control the time flow, he doesn't have much hesitation. It didn't take long and made his decision.


While Xiao Feng was immersed in his thought, Ling Qingzhu had prepared the dinner. Walking out of the kitchen, she called, "Brother Feng dinner is ready."

"Coming." Xiao Feng got up and walked towards the dining hall. Now that the problem has been solved he is in a good mood, so, he is ready to enjoy the dinner.

"Brother Xiao Feng has the problem troubling you been solved." Ling Qingzhu said while serving the food, when she saw the smile on Xiao Feng's face.

"Hmn." Xiao Feng nodded.

"Qingzhu, you know that I can travel through the world, right." Suddenly an idea flashed through Xiao Feng's mind and he asked Ling Qingzhu.

"Hmm." Ling Qingzhu nodded. While getting along with Xiao Feng, her horizons have widened. She has long since known that her world isn't the only one and there are many worlds.

As for Xiao Feng's ability to travel through, she knows about it too because Xiao Feng didn't hide his strength and told her that he could travel through the world.

Ling Qingzhu look at Xiao Feng with puzzled look. She didn't understand why he suddenly asked this.

"Qingzhu, I am going to another world. Do you want to go with me." Xiao Feng finally put forwards his idea.

Since he is going to travel through the world, Xiao Feng is ready to take his confidant with him.

He isn't the kind of scumbag in novels who is just greedy for their bodies, he truly loves them and wants to be with them. So, he is ready to take Ling Qingzhu with him.

"Okay." Ling Qingzhu agreed quickly and she continued, "but what about Huanhuan, Xiaoxiao, Yinyin and Lingshan."

"You're not planning to take them with you." Ling Qingzhu eyes flashed with glint of light and she spoke with rather kind smile which didn't look like a smile.

Looking at Ling Qingzhu's smiling face, Xiao Feng felt a burst of pressure. He immediately knew that he couldn't take those girls with him.

Forgot to tell you, during his travel with Ling Qingzhu, Xiao Feng was confessed by all the girls other than Qingtan who is still in retreat. So, the current relationship is that he has already opened a harem in the Martial Universe.

It's just the even with his effort, because their relationship was established just few months ago, the current harem isn't as harmonious as the one in Doupo World.

After all, the girls in the Doupo World have lived together for at least 5 years and most of them have lived with with each other for more than a decade (in No Game No Life World). It's understandable that their relationship is good.

As for the girls in the Martial Universe, it's normal for them to be at odds, after all they haven't known each other for too long.

"No, I will take them with me when I go to another world, next time." Xiao Feng shook head and said with a light smile on his face. He had already anticipated Ling Qingzhu's question, so, he had already prepared the answer.

"Okay." Hearing this Ling Qingzhu smile sincerely. She was happy that Xiao Feng went with her alone. As for the matter of going with others in future, she chose to selectively ignore it.

"Then when are we going." Ling Qingzhu asked as she gracefully sat next to Xiao Feng.

Seeing the expectant look in Ling Qingzhu's eyes, Xiao Feng smiled and said while rubbing her soft, smooth silky hair, "Just after dinner."

"Hmm." Feeling the comfortable touch on her head, Ling Qingzhu squinted her eyes. She enjoyed the intimacy with Xiao Feng.

"Let's eat." After rubbing for a while, Xiao Feng said.

"Okay." Ling Qingzhu nodded and she began to eat.


After dinner,

"Qingzhu are ready." Standing in the courtyard, Xiao Feng looked at Ling Qingzhu who was holding her hand. Seeing her nervous look he couldn't help asking.

"Hmm, I am ready. We can go whenever you want go." Ling Qingzhu tightened her palm and said with a smile.

Feeling the unparalleled sense of security and looking at Xiao Feng's perfect face, Ling Qingzhu couldn't help smiling and her nervousness eased a lot.

"Okay then." Xiao Feng looked at Ling Qingzhu and then muttered in his heart, "System, start traveling."

"Also include Ling Qingzhu in the travel." Xiao Feng added because he had never travelled with someone besides him. Before this he travelled when the girls were in small world given by system.

[ Ding! Host has activated the travel function. ]

[ Ding! Due to extra individual, 1000 Origin points were deducted. ]

[ Ding! The Dimensional Wall has been penetrated. ]

[ Ding! The world is being selected. ]

[ Ding! The world has been selected, "Fairy Tail" ]

[ Ding! Traveling begins. 5,4,3,2,1 ]

Immediately a white fluorescent light enveloped Xiao Feng and Ling Qingzhu and then two of them vanished.

After two of them left, a supreme power seems to have acted on the whole Great Thousand World. Immediately the time in Great Thousand World including Martial Universe and Doupo World came to a stand still.

At this moment the time of the Whole Great Thousand World stopped.

Such huge movement was not noticed by anyone other than the man whose face was covered in Chaos.

Looking at the still world, the man shrouded in Chaos sighed lightly and then followed the white fluorescent light which seemed to have ripped apart the void.
