
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 109 - End

In the training grounds, the popularity of the coaling, the fierce battle on the martial platform, from time to time attracted many young girls deafening cheers, the atmosphere is hot.

As time goes by, more and more new students are eliminated, but the remaining students are more and more elite, and the outbreak of the battle is naturally more exciting.

In the following period, Su Youwei went through three rounds. Results were expected, she won all of them. Her ranking is in top twenty.

Not only that, Zhou Yuan also went through two rounds. His result was unexpected to everyone. He won all of his fights and these fights were against Three vein stage opponents.

Therefore, his ranking is also in the top twenty.

Before a martial platform, Xiao Feng looked at the stage, where the two figures rushed past each other, and the Origin Qi light stream wrapped them. Every time the fists and the feet touched each other, the air would make a harsh sound.

The nature on the stage is Su Youwei, and her opponent is also open to Four Veins. Su Youwei usually suppresses her cultivation to the opponents realm, so the fight was quite fierce.

As long as you win this game, Su Youwei will be directly promoted to the top ten and have the qualification to enter the First Institute. Although Su Youwei doesn't need this, she wants to prove herself to Xiao Feng through this test. She wants to convey to Xiao Feng that she has also become strong.

At the martial platform,

Su Youwei's Qian Ying is smart and moving, like a catkins in the wind, but his opponent is a strong youngster, the offensive is big and big, extremely arrogant, like fierce.

Facing the fierceness of the opponent, Su Youwei did not fight hard, but instead relied on the strength of the other party's fists and evaded.

So entangled for a long while, the fierce offensive of the sturdy youngster finally weakened, Su Youwei stunned, and changed the dodge strategy, Qian shadow suddenly bullied each other.

However, at this time, the eyes of the sturdy youngster emerged, and some of the weak momentum suddenly soared and shouted. The iron fist was wrapped around the Origin Qi light stream, carrying amazing power, with a subtle sound. Directly against Su Youwei heavy.

The fierce fists of the wind rushed to the surface, so that Su Youwei was dancing in the blue silk. However, she did not panic in her eyes, and her fingers were like a sharp sword. She slammed it out, first stepped up the youngster step, and then clicked on it. Above the chest.

The boxing style came to an abrupt end, and the youngster looked sullen, his body shivered slightly, his face was red, and he bit his teeth: "You actually built Jade Breaking Finger?"

Su Youwei smiled lightly, and stretched out the jade hand and pushed it gently. The body of the youngster suddenly fell, and everyone saw it. Su Youwei's slender fingers were jade-like, glittering and translucent. But it exudes a chilly chill.

Although this technique called Jade finger was nothing compared to Saint Origin techniques given to her by her brother but for her who suppressed her cultivation, this was the best origin technique at hand which she could use against her opponent.

Around the martial platform, the many young girls on the crowd were bursting into a bang.

"That is Jade Breaking Finger? Middle rank Origin Technique, it is said that this technique is not good cultivation. Didn't expect Su Youwei turned out to be cultivation."

"This technique is a bit of a broken face, and the lethality is extremely powerful. Just Zhao Feng's strong attack, but it is leaking flaws, was defeated by a finger."

"Great, it's the fastest genius of our Great Zhou Palace Opening Veins."


The many years of sigh, looking at Su Youwei's eyes, it is hot, and there is a deep admiration.

Among the many fiery eyes, Su Youwei went down to the martial platform and went straight to Xiao Feng.

"How?" Su Youwei gently lifted the white chin as if the child was showing off candy.

"Although it's not very powerful. But for the you who suppressed your cultivation it's quite poweful." Xiao Feng heartily praised Su Youwei. He also touched her head and rubbed it.

"I was praised by Brother," Su Youwei's thought, her rosy mouth is also slightly tilted, just want to talk, suddenly there is a referee's drink on the martial platform not far away.

"Zhou Yuan, Lin Feng!"

The sound of the drink came out, the original training grounds of the boiling were quiet for a moment, and suddenly the explosion suddenly broke out, almost all of them were coming to the martial platform here.

After several previous victories, Zhou Yuan has undoubtedly become the most dazzling dark horse in this exam. However, this time, the opponent he met was actually Lin Feng!

This Lin Feng is very famous among the newcomers and is said to be the one who is expected to win the first place in the exam.

In this new life, Lin Feng's strength is undoubtedly one of the best.

Is this battle, Zhou Yuan, black, or is it blocked by Lin Feng in the top ten? Everyone is very curious about this.

Su Youwei's pretty face didn't change, she just looked at Zhou Yuan then turned back to Xiao Feng and once again started to talk with.

Xiao Feng face once again showed intresting looking. He has read the original and now seeing everything happening in front of him. He was naturally inrested but when he saw Su Youwei chatting, he stopped paying attention and started talking with her. It's just he released his soul power to see everything.

Zhou Yuan looked at Lin Feng with a slight look. He looked at one's head and looked at the high platform not far away, where Qi Yue was smiling at him, then he reached out and patted Lin Feng's shoulder.

The latter also looks in the direction of Zhou Yuan's, the face is expressionless, but in the eyes, there is cold light and disdain.

Lin Feng and Qi Yue smiled and said something, then the toes were a little bit, the body shape swept out, and the posture fell on the martial platform, and the chic gesture attracted a cheer.

Liu Xi looked at this scene, and the corner of his mouth was sneer, saying: "This time I see how he wins!"

Qi Yue is also laughing at nods, the strength of Lin Feng, is the top of the Four Veins, to deal with a Zhou Yuan, should not be too difficult.

On Guanwutai, Chu Tianyang looked at Zhou Yuan and Lin Feng and smashed together, his brows were also slightly wrinkled, and immediately swept through the cold, he recruited a bodyguard, indifferently said: "After today, the principal of the exam will be Out of Great Zhou Palace."

It was strange that he saw Zhou Yuan's repeated encounters with his powerful opponents. Now I see even Lin Feng has appeared. I don't understand the wicked tricks. I'm just an angry anger. These people dare in the front of His face is for Zhou Yuan.

On the side of Xu Hong, the complexion is unchanged: "Palace Lord is too much to do this?"

Chu Tianyang sneered and said: "What you have done is clear to you. In addition, now I am the Palace Lord. I don't know what to do."

Xu Hong was very angry in the eyes, but in the end it was just a cold sigh. Without much to say, Qi Yue exposed some people who depended on King Qi Palace, but it did not affect the overall situation.

Among the many regretful eyes in the training grounds, Zhou Yuan also boarded the martial platform.

Lin Feng stood upright and looked very handsome. He looked at Zhou Yuan. He smiled and said: "Your Highness is really amazing. He can come here all the way."

Zhou Yuan looked at Lin Feng and said carelessly: "You will be more surprised when you wait."

Lin Feng sneered, indifferently said: "Then I have to look forward to it."

The words of the two men are already tit for tat, as if they were on the tip of the needle, they are full of sparks.

"Before the test starts!" On the martial platform, the referee's drink rang and interrupted the conversation between the two.

On the martial platform, Zhou Yuan and Lin Feng look at each other and have a flash of light in their eyes.


The next moment, Zhou Yuan and Lin Feng were almost simultaneously shot at the same time.

Lin Feng's soles slammed into the air, and the figure slammed into the air. The whip legs slammed into the air, which contained amazing power, like a whip, and slammed into Zhou Yuan's head.

This leg, even the rock has to be kicked.

Zhou Yuan crossed out from one arm and blocked the whip leg. The tyrannical force made his arm violently shocked, while the other arm slammed straight out. The five fingers became fists and pointed to Lin Feng's chest.


Lin Feng was in the air, suddenly spinning, five fingers into the palm, and Zhou Yuan hit a punch like a javelin.

Pēng pēng bang!

In just a few dozens of times, the two men played a dozen rounds in a lightning-like manner. They all shot sharply and pointed to the other side. Everyone who saw the off-site was thrilled.

On the martial platform, the wind swept the wind and rolled up the dust. The bodies of Zhou Yuan and Lin Feng were shocked and retreated.

There was also a bang in the audience. The eyes of Zhou Yuan's eyes were different. The previous two did not use Origin Qi, but relied on their respective physique.

However, Lin Feng opened the physique of Four Veins, but did not take advantage of Zhou Yuan.

This made them quite shocked, and they couldn't understand why Zhou Yuan's physique was so strong.

The downfall of the stage is also ugly for Lin Feng's complexion. Immediately, the cold is even worse. He has a deep breath and no reservations: "Open Four Veins!"

When Lin Feng's drink rang, Heaven and Earth suddenly rushed into Origin Qi, directly into Lin Feng's body.

In a short time, with the Origin Qi light stream, the stone bricks around Lin Feng, at the foot of the foot, are slightly cracked at this moment, full of momentum.


Lin Feng had a slap in the palm of his hand, and the stone brick broke open. His speed soared and instantly appeared in front of Zhou Yuan. The wind whistled and hehely swept away toward Zhou Yuan.

The fierce winds that rushed to the surface also made Zhou Yuan's heart stunned. Lin Feng was able to count the best among new students. It is indeed not weak.

Zhou Yuan stepped forward and stepped out of the Dragon Step. The shape of the misty was slightly blurred.

Lin Feng's palms passed, but he flew out of Zhou Yuan's chest.

"Amazing movement!" Lin Feng's pupils were miniature. He had previously seen Zhou Yuan's weird movement. When the figure was blurred, it seemed that any attack would fail.

"middle rank Origin Technique, Bull Demon Treading!"

Lin Feng's eyes were sharply glanced, his feet slammed down, and suddenly the stone bricks burst, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye was raging.

The shock wave sweeps, and the scope of the attack, Zhou Yuan movement is also affected, and immediately the body shocked, is a stagnant moment.

"Take me down!" Grabbing the flaws, Lin Feng screamed, and the five fingers became fists, as if they were angry lions, and the punch was directed at Zhou Yuan's chest.

The wind whistled, Zhou Yuan did not dare to sneak, the slap in the foot, "Let's stop playing. Open Two Vein!"

Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth also poured into Zhou Yuan at this time, and the Origin Qi light stream emerged on the surface of the body.

Immediately Zhou Yuan punched towards Lin Feng with all his strength. Previously he didn't use all his strength, so match was naturally draw but now that he used his physique which could rival five vein he would naturally defeat Lin Feng.


Just like the original everything in later stage was the same, it's just that Su Youwei win the finals while Zhou Yuan lost.

At the end of the competition Su Youwei ranked first while Zhou Yuan ranked second. Because Zhou Yuan had relationship with Xiao Feng, Su Youwei joined the first institute at his request.

After selecting the class, Su Youwei immediately separated from Zhou Yuan and went back with Xiao Feng.
