
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Eastern
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241 Chs

Chapter 108 - Start

clang! clang!

On the training grounds, as more and more freshmen come together, there is a loud voice on the high platform. Everyone is raise one's head, and it is to see an invigilator standing above.

"In this big test, the opponent is drawn by lottery. Everyone goes up and draws the number. The same number is the opponent." The invigilator's voice sounded and spread throughout the training grounds.

With the words of the invigilator, many of the new students are coming to the front, and the scene is more and more boiling.

"Brother I am going." Saying so, Su Youwei walked towards the drawing lots area.

"Okay." Xiao Feng smile looking at Su Youwei who went to draw lots.

At this time, in the training grounds, Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei also took the number, Zhou Yuan No. 18, and Su Youwei No. 47.

"Fortunately, we did not get the same number." Zhou Yuan saw it and couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief. He didn't want to meet Su Youwei otherwise if he might be miserable when he meets Xiao Feng again.

Su Youwei chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, my brother is quite fond of you. He wouldn't attack you for fighting and with your current strength you can't beat me. Be careful, if you meet me, I will not be merciful."

Zhou Yuan can only roll the eyes on this. He who has been trained by Xiao Feng in both body and soul, naturally knows the strength of Su Youwei. This is also the reason why he doesn't want to meet.

In their conversation, on the stage of the performance, there was already a supervised debut, and then a violent scream, followed by a resounding sound.

"No. 1 Qin Ya, Liu Ying!"

"Cheng Yu, Zhao Qingshan!"


As the sturdy figure plunged onto the martial platform, the entire training grounds were boiling, and the martial platform was surrounded by young girls, and the sound of various keep it up resounded.

Zhou Yuan didn't go to join in the fun, just looked at it from far away. Su Youwei has already returned to Xiao Feng. She looked at the training ground with Xiao Feng.

As time went on, those martial platforms quickly got results, so the winner cheered and the loser was lost.

However, the big test will not stop because of the failure of the people, so a fierce battle is still on the martial platform, and soon, the number is also the turn of Zhou Yuan.

"No. 18, Zhou Yuan, Pei Yun!"

As the sound of the drink rang, in the training grounds, many young girls suddenly moved their minds and paid attention to them from all sides, because Zhou Yuan's identity is well known in the Great Zhou Palace.

What surprised them even more was Zhou Yuan's opponent, Pei Yun.

This one, among the newcomers, is also famous. Now it is the Three Veins, and the leader of Three Veins.

"Your Highness Zhou Yuan met Pei Yun in the first game!!"

"It's too bad, and Pei Yun is the best in Three Veins…"

"Your Highness Zhou Yuan Although proficient in Origin Pattern, but want to beat Three Veins, I am afraid that it is still unlikely."

"Is your Highness Zhou Yuan the first game to be eliminated?"


A whisper of whispers, spread from the training grounds, Zhou Yuan's reputation in the Great Zhou Palace is not bad, so many people feel sorry for it.

"It turned out to be Pei Yun?" Su Youwei's pretty face didn't change. She looked at Xiao Feng and said, "Brother, how strong is Zhou Yuan Divine soul, now."

"Umm, he has reached, advanced void stage peak and is just a step away from breaking through reality stage. Why do you ask such thing suddenly." Xiao Feng answered, his face was little strange. He didn't understand why Su Youwei would ask such a thing.

"Hehe! That bastard Qi Yue's face is going to unsightly, I am looking forword to it." Su Youwei's laughed and muttered in her heart. She looked at Xiao Feng and said, "It's a secret."

Looking at mysterious Su Youwei, Xiao Feng didn't ask.

On the other side,

Zhou Yuan's eyes are slightly stunned. If he suddenly feels that he is looking at the high platform not far away, he can only see that Qi Yue looks at him with a strange smile on his face. Immediately, his heart is moving, saying: "The first game It's a coincidence to meet such an opponent."

His eyes flashed, and I am afraid that this Qi Yue will intervene, but this guy can do this step, which is enough to show that King Qi Palace's penetration into the Great Zhou Palace is quite serious.

"In order to trouble me, I did not hesitate to expose some of the secrets of King Qi Palace…"

Zhou Yuan's thoughts flashed, and he muttered, "A Three Veins wants to stop me, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Zhou Yuan stepped towards the training ground.

On the high platform, Qi Yue saw this scene, and couldn't help but smile at Lin Feng and Liu Xi, who said: "There is a good show. I hope that our Highness, you can stick to it and let us see it."

Lin Feng and Liu Xi hearing this, also in the eyes of the gloating fun, smiled at the martial platform.

On the west side of the observation platform, Chu Tianyang also noticed this scene, immediately brows wrinkled, and the heart sighed helplessly, Zhou Yuan met this opponent in the first game, fearing that it is difficult to win.

Xiao Feng looked at everything with playful eyes. He knew the result of everything from the original. He has even taught Zhou Yuan. If Zhou Yuan is still unable to beat Pei Yun little guy then he taught for nothing.

Su Youwei also looked calm. She believed her brother wouldn't teach a useless person.

Among the many regretful eyes, Zhou Yuan looked calmly on the martial platform, raising one's head looking forward, only to see a blue youngster standing there, staring at him with a gaze.

"It's really didn't expect, I met Your Highness in the first game. If the game is heavy, I hope that Your Highness will be strange." Pei Yun smiled strangely.

"Qi Yue arranged for you?" Zhou Yuan indifferently said.

Pei Yun stared and smiled. "I don't know what Your Highness is saying."

Zhou Yuan put together his sleeves and said: "I am not a good starter when I am a casual bird."

Pei Yun was a little angry and chilled: "Your Highness is still managing yourself. Don't lose your face today."

During their speech, there was already a referee screaming: "Begin!"

Pei Yun's eyes are full of chills, so when the referee's voice just fell, his figure is like a cheetah shot, the five fingers clenched, and a punch is slamming against Zhou Yuan.

His fist did not stop at all, and the power of Three Veins was full, and the surface of the fist was wounded with Origin Qi. The force of a punch actually caused the sound of breaking the wind.

This is obviously a very aggressive and overbearing punch. Even those who have opened Three Veins are afraid to take a nap.

The people around the martial platform are shaking their heads, and I am afraid that Zhou Yuan will be defeated.

Under the gaze of the many eyes, the fierce boxing of the wind came, and Zhou Yuan looked at Pei Yun's face that looked awkward, suddenly reaching out and grabbing the punch.

"Looking for death!" Pei Yun saw it and suddenly laughed. This Zhou Yuan is not to be scared. If he punches, even the rock has to be shattered, and this Zhou Yuan dares to harden the meat. Pick him up this fierce punch? Not afraid of the arm being broken?


In Pei Yun's eyes, he has a punch of sharp punches, heavily colliding with Zhou Yuan's palm, and his mouth is also a proud smile.

However, the smile on his lips suddenly solidified in the next moment.

Because he saw, Zhou Yuan's outstretched palm, the silk did not move, his violent power roared out, but it was like rushing into a black hole, no reaction.

"How is it possible?!" Pei Yun stunned in his heart, and the complexion changed dramatically and felt bad.

Zhou Yuan Pei Yun, who is looking at the complexion, has a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He is now getting two Vein, and the physique is greatly enhanced. Not only that, because of Brother Feng's physical training his already strong body, is now superior to five veins.

He held the palm of Pei Yun's fist slowly, as hard as the talons, and the strength of the Formidable, so that Pei Yun felt the fists to be crushed.

"Open Three Veins!"

Pei Yun complexion stunned, fiercely biting his teeth and whispering.

The Three Veins in his body suddenly vibrated, absorbing the Origin Qi between Heaven and Earth, and suddenly a tyrannical force erupted from him.

However, just when he was about to break away from Zhou Yuan's bondage, Zhou Yuan was also a sudden shot. No, it should be a foot, only to see that his legs were fierce, and his feet had a winding of Origin Qi, which was as fast as a thunder-like sling Above the Pei Yun chest.

"go away!"


After a low voice, Pei Yun suddenly felt an indescribable force coming in, and that force, even if he motivated Three Veins to absorb Origin Qi, could not compete.

So, his body directly flew out of the martial platform at this time, and he fell to the ground, and a blood spurted out.

The sound around the martial platform was silent at this moment, and everyone looked at it with a stunned look.

Zhou Yuan and Pei Yun played too fast. They only saw Pei Yun rushing toward Zhou Yuan. They didn't wait for them to react. The next moment, Pei Yun, who was rushing out, was directly kicked by Zhou Yuan. Under the martial platform…

What a terrible power this foot? !

Around the entire martial platform, everyone looking at Zhou Yuan's eyes is just like a ghost, because they know very well that this time, Zhou Yuan did not motivate the power of any Origin Pattern.

Therefore, that foot is completely the strength of Zhou Yuan's body.

Can this physique be better than anyone who has opened Three Veins? !

They are said to be unable to Open Veins' Your Highness. When was this strong?

Xiao Feng looked at Zhou Yuan beating Pei Yun and smiled. Su Youwei's pretty face still didn't change. For her nothing was as important as her brother.

On the high platform, the smiles on the faces of Qi Yue, Lin Feng and Liu Xi, who were waiting to watch a good show, also solidified at this time, and the face was a piece of iron.

This change is really beyond everyone's expectations just like the original.