
Conquering Love

micsojuum · LGBT+
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26 Chs

14 : Too late

"Steve," Dave called causing the latter stop from walking. Dave's on the top part of the stair while Steve is 5 step below him.

Steve turn around, raise his head and meet Dave's eyes. His face shows no facial expression.

"Wow you finally talk to me after 4 days of ignoring me, huh." Steve wants to throw those words to Dave's face but then he decided to just shut his mouth and left it unsaid, instead, he ask

"What? Do you need something?" he tried to sound not as bitter as he feel but he guess it didn't work when he saw the shock expression of Dave for a split second before it back to previous.

"Can we talk?" Steve clench his fist.

"Why do you have to make such a face?" He thought referring to the desperation that screams all over the president's face.

"Is that important? A teacher ask me to do something," he lied because the truth is he's as free as jobless man.

When Steve didn't hear a reply he walk onward and didn't bother himself to bid a goodbye. After avoiding for 4 days now he'll face him as if nothing happen. Steve would let it pass if Dave at least try to avoid him secretly but no, he avoided him publicly that even their classmate noticed. He can just simply say, "hey Steve I feel disgusted so let's not talk to each other anymore," that less hurt than avoiding him all of a sudden without closure.

Dave, on the other hand, watch the subject of his affection back to his track until the figure was gone. His fist form a circle, his jaw tightened. He wanted to run after him, grab his hand, hug him and tell his feelings. After the talk with Chester, he has the courage to confess but now after Steve avoided him, all of his confidence left him. He didn't thought about rejection.

Is this how you feel when I avoided you Steve? He ask himself. He feel unwanted and not needed too much that he wanted to cry and beg him for attention.

"I didn't know love can be this cruel. One moment you will feel loved and lucky then feel the most unwanted person and desperate the second. Who said love is always rainbow and butterfly? If that it is then why my heart sting?"

𝘈𝘩, 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦. 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮.

He thought and went back to their room. Chester welcome him and asked, "How is it?" referring to the suppose talk between him and Dave.

"We didn't talk," Chester frowned.


Dave didn't answer. All of a sudden, he feel exhausted as if he work for the whole month 24/7. He straight forward to his desk, slump his head on the table, his hand as the pillow. Dave close his eyes and remember how he ignore Steve. He felt guilty, he should say sorry to him. It was immature of him to ignore him without saying any reason but how can he do so? Steve must hate him and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Another whole day pass without the two youngster heeding each other as if they didn't share a moment. Dave will arrive at school as if his energy abandon him long ago. Some students will greet him that he will just reply with a slightly bow. Steve, on the other side, will spent his lunch in the cafeteria with Karina though it's against his will. He can't go in the office every lunch anymore. He remember Dave approach him again yesterday when he's on the way to cafeteria with Karina.

"Steve you know you don't need to force yourself," the latter said earning a frown from him.


"I mean Chester and Leo miss hanging out with you, that's right! They miss you! So if you don't mind you can eat at the office again," said Dave hysterically.

"Yeah. Thank you," Dave's face lit up.

"I will think about it," with a split second his reaction back to I'm-so-done expression after hearing Steve who left him with Karina.

Steve went back to reality when someone grab his shoulder and make him turn around on his way to the teachers' office. It's a girl with a short hair, he didn't see him around their building. He guess she's an underclassman.

"Steve..." she breathe in and out as her both hand is in her knee for support, " At the back of 2nd year building. I-I saw an upperclassman punching my classmate."

The girl is trembling. So to console her, Steve pat her shoulder, " don't worry. I'll go there and save him/her so you don't have to worry. It'll be okay. Stay away from the backyard it's dangerous. " The girl nodded.


The closer Steve get the louder and clearer he heard the noise. Base on the sound, it only two person. He's lucky he can handle it without so much trouble.

"I-I told you that's all," an unknown voice stuttered.

"Are you kidding me? Your parents are businessmen. Don't make it hard for the both of us, just give me your money and we're done," the other one replied.

"B-but you always c-comeback to get my money," he reasoned.

"You prick. You dare to talk back—

"What the hell? Bullying your underclassman for some coin? So cheap," Steve interfered coldly.

The offender flinched hearing the familiar voice. Franz's anger doubled as he glare at Steve who's giving him a mocking look. It degraded him.

"Don't butt in," Franz greeted his teeth.

Steve tidy his posture, from leaning in the wall to strand straight, " Are you nuts? I'm a student council member of course I'll butt in," he said sarcastically.

"It's your second time breaking our rules and this is much more serious. Why don't you let go of his collar and come with me in the office so we can talk about your punishment peacefully?" Steve proposed.

"That's right. Instead of punching this weakling nerd I'll punch that prideful face of yours—

Franz who's been bottling up his hate for Steve snap out. He rush towards him, raise his hand to punch him. He feel satisfied looking at the shock face of Steve. At last, he can take his revenge to this scumbag.

Steve pretended to be shock and unable to move so Franz can hit him. He smiled to himself when he saw the satisfaction on Franz's face. Oh how nice it would be to crush that satisfied face of him. His plan to provoke him work . The punishment will be more severe because now the lad offended two students, the nerd and him. Steve hopes for a black eye so he can use it as an evidence. He closed his eyes preparing a hard and strong fist to hit him. Seconds pass but there's still no pain or anything that touch his face. He open his eyes to saw a hand from behind catching the punch he must take.

"What the heck are you doing?" Even Steve flinched from the voice. Franz and Steve shared the same feeling right now: fear.