
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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18 Chs


The reason Shay killed the angel was because he wanted to see if the soul changes when you devour a high quality soul. However, Shay saw no difference in appearance, but in his system. In the system, the name of the soul was no longer " low-quality soul," but just good soul. The "good" was there because he obtained the soul from an angel, but it was no longer low-quality. This means that this soul has more value and thus the blood in this angel was purer than in other angels with low-quality souls.

Furthermore, the angel also mentioned that you had to be an angel of the middle class to get higher in heaven. Shay was also sure that it was not enough to just devour souls, but that one had to have a strong soul as well. Unfortunately, Shay didn't even know himself what "strengthen soul" meant.

However, since the angel was summoned and died in this world, his soul was damaged, which means that his soul was already at that level before, since he was able to prove himself against the other angels on that altar. Thus, Shay did not know if devouring a high-ranking soul would strengthen the soul. Shay was determined to find out!

In addition, Shay also learned that the magical power does recover, but only very slowly. The angel said that the magic power is also very important in the process of ascension, because the body is affected by the magic power! However, the 0.4 magic power attribute points increased the magic power, so Shay now had 10.4 magic power. This means that magic power can be increased by continuously eating souls. For Shay, however, this was too much work and in the future he would always liquefy several souls and then put them into a drink, as he had thought of doing weeks ago.

The heart is the center of magical power and that is why Shay felt something flowing to his heart as he swallowed the soul. The low rank demons had too impure bloodlines and thus could not use magic, but they had magic power! Their complicated bloodline simply did not allow them to perform consistent magic, as there were too many forces affecting one thing. Shay, however, was able to eliminate this fact in his case, as he could use magic through his B-virus to use the abilities.

Shay got excited when he found out that he could use magic at any time and immediately opened his system to see where he could make magic. Normally 3D and AE should be the functions for drawing magic, but at that moment those functions were locked.

"Why can't I use these functions? Is it because my body is not ready for it or is it because my body has not been in contact with a middle or higher level object? Yes! It is definitely because I lack the higher-ranked souls! I definitely need a higher level soul, because I can already use magic! "

Shay was relieved to find out that it was not because of his body, but because of the souls. Actually, it was quite logical. The lower rank souls were the souls to change his body and make items. The middle and high rank souls were then for making magic, which have great influence on battles. Shay's B-Virus would be nothing in this case, unlike the magic you can then create.

The only problem was the soul, but Shay already had an idea. He wanted to be summoned to a world himself one day and in the best case, he would receive a high level soul as an offering. He took the angel's body and carried its heavy body off the altar so that it would have room on it if a summoning was initiated.

In his whole life, since he was hatched, he has received only low-grade souls. Now there was a chance that he could receive a high-ranking soul. Even though the chance was very small, this small chance was there

Shay was now standing next to the altar waiting for a reaction. Shay was already very excited to see what worlds there would be and was now ready for his first summoning.

It didn't take long for a reaction to come from the altar. It had happened, an incantation! Shay smelled that smell from last time and was 100% sure, here was a high level soul being sacrificed to summon an angel. Shay thus went to the altar and waited to be teleported. Shay hoped that it really was a high level soul that he smelled, but he still had some thoughts about whether he should really go. Shay hoped that this world didn't deal in violence so much, and preferably this world had low magical power as well, thinking then that there weren't as powerful opponents on the other side of the portal. After all, he wanted to have a high-ranking souls, but he did not want to fight an opponent who was much stronger than him, because otherwise he would end up like the angel.

An angel is actually not summoned without reason, because angels are there to restore order. When an angel is summoned, it usually means that there is an opponent who has fallen to hell and these are usually demons! Shay really wanted to have just a small task and not one like the angel. If that's the case, Shay wouldn't know if he could take that task!

While Shay was waiting, he saw a little angel running towards Shay. He probably had the same plan as Shay and wanted to explore other worlds. The little angel was probably attracted by the smell of the soul and screamed at Shay as he got closer. Shay was not intimidated by this and walked up to the angel and hit him on the head, turning the head into mush. Shay took the inferior soul and finally responded to this summoning.

Shay looked up at the altar and saw that the formation was about to disappear, indicating that not much magical power was used. Therefore, Shay was now getting ready to leave. He stood on the altar and immediately a gray mist began to form around Shay before he noticed his body started to deform and everything turning black around him while he disappeared from the altar.

When Shay regained consciousness, he saw bright light and gray walls around him as he heard human voices.


"Salvation has appeared! Mr. Angel, free this land from the demons!"

"Back! Have respect for such a sacred creature!"

All around Shay he heard noises, those words bugged him, but he had to look around to realize where he landed. The magical formation he was standing on looked almost exactly like the one in the heaven. The only difference between this formation and the one from heaven was that there was blood in the engravings. This meant that someone had sacrificed their blood to summon Shay. All around the formation were jars containing blood or organs. Between these jars were always items representing God, such as the Bible or crosses with Jesus on them. Overall, the main component of this formation was the same as in heaven, but the formation was based on the cross on which Jesus was hung.

Shay looked around and for the first time paid attention to the people watching him. These people were covered in armor and had a crest on their chest. This crest had a golden border with a golden lion in the center of the crest. The lion was on a blue background. Shay already had a slight premonition of where he might be, but he didn't want to be too hasty and took a closer look.

He saw gray walls around him and on the walls everywhere were flags of the coat of arms that people carried. There were blue windows and a throne, which was at the end of the blue carpet. The throne was on three small steps, which stood in a semicircle. On this throne there was a seat next to which there were two golden lions. These lions were statues, but they looked damn real. Above the seat of the throne was an image of a man holding a sword in his hand, illuminated by golden light. At the very top of the throne was another image of a lion, but this time in gray.

Of course, the throne was not unoccupied and Shay recognized directly who was sitting on it and he thus also knew on which world he had landed and at what time in this world.

[My name is Varian Wrynn and I am the King of Stormwind! We have summoned you to help us eliminate the forces of evil-]


It was the Warcraft world into which he was summoned....