
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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18 Chs


Shay who saw how an angel had disappeared, now wanted to know how long it would take until the angel would come back. He would not have expected, however, that it would take almost 2 weeks.

Of course, Shay couldn't say exactly how long it would take, since there is no day or night here, but it was a long, long time.

Shay learned from the system that this circle was an altar, which sends angels to other worlds to help the summoners of the angel. However, in order for an angel to be summoned, a sacrifice was needed that would satisfy the angel in order for him to accept the summoning.

Such incantations were very common. In the time that Shay waited, there were at least 20 other summons in which the angels mostly fought over who got to use the altar.

These angels were of different sizes. Shay would estimate that there were 12 angels that were at Shay's level, they were out of the growth phase of newborn and became the normal angel. He could also estimate approximately their strength. There were a total of 2 angels who were significantly stronger than Shay, 5 angels who were equally strong, and 5 angels who Shay would have defeated instantly. The rest of the angels looked like they were just born. Shay was sure that these angels were also born on this island.

However, because Shay had gained so much strength because of the B virus, he was no longer recognizable as a newborn.

Mostly it was the smell of blood or souls that attracted the angels. But this meant that only angels of the lowest level were attracted, because the angels of the higher level are not influenced by such things.

Shay also noticed that the length of time they were gone varied. There were angels who were only gone for a few days, but there were also angels who did not return at all. Their corpse was only brought back to heaven, by which one knew then that this summoning was a hard challenge, which were not suitable for lower angels.

But there were also angels who did not manage to be summoned because they were rejected. Their staff was not sufficient and they were then killed by staff angels, who then used the altar.

Actually, Shay wanted to talk to the angels who came back from the altar, but they were injured and not really talkative, so Shay didn't bother and killed them with blood manipulation, taking their blood and finally shooting it back as "spikes", thus spearing them. However, the souls Shay got were not inferior souls but incomplete souls. This could perhaps be due to the fact that these angels were severely injured and possibly a part of their soul was already missing?

One day the angel came back, who had spent two weeks in another world, but somehow he didn't look the same as before.

Shay approached an angel for the first time without wanting to kill him directly. He wanted to know where he was and what happened to make him look like that.

He was actually an angel with real angel wings, but when he came back here, his wings were destroyed, his belly was slashed so you could see his intestines. He only had one arm left though....

Shay walked up to him and asked him where he was. He repeated this question several times, but he got no answer from the angel, which pissed Shay off. He wanted to be taken seriously, so he became a bit more direct.


The angel actually thought that Shay would let him escape if he told him everything, but since he was already a cripple who couldn't even walk, Shay had no intention of letting the angel survive. He would squeeze the information out of him and then eventually kill him. So it was normal among angels, no one will escape if they are weaker than their counterpart. In that case, the angel was actually stronger than Shay, but since he was injured, Shay now had the advantage and used it!

At this, the angel was willing to talk to Shay and he told that he was summoned in a world where angels besieged cities. He had to make a contract as an angel, which said that he had to protect a city so that the inhabitants could escape. But since he did not know what size the group of demons was, he signed the contract.

But when he finally saw the group of demons, he felt uneasy because there were 100 demons besieging this city. The angel waited outside the city gate for the demons, which he saw charging. He knew that he had to complete his duty and remained steadfast. He took his axe in hand and when the demons collided with the angel, he swung his axe to kill the demons. Unfortunately, the angel didn't have enough room to swing the axe permanently and ended up being pushed against the gate of the city. He still tried his best to make the humans escape. He fought for half an hour, during which he killed 50 demons, but his stamina finally failed and he had to live with the fact that he would have to abandon the city and die. He was wounded by several angels with weapons and in the end they also slit his belly so that they could drink angel blood to improve their resistance to light. But the angel could only survive so long, because it is in the nature of these two races that angels have a higher power, because they actually stand for the "order of the universe". The demons on the other hand, are the opposite and they want to destroy the balance between the worlds and conquer heaven.

However, before that happened and the angel died, he was teleported back to heaven.

"It was a special sign that is burned into the soul when you go to another world. This sign Escudo sign. The sign is a white tree, without leaves and with black background. On the right and left are white stars, which start at the branches and then run diagonally to the top. In total there were seven stars and under the seventh star, which was above the top, you could see a crown, which should show the majesty of this sign, the angel explained.

So you were immortal when you went to another world, Shay wondered.

Theoretically, if you went to another world, you were immortal, but when you die, your soul leaves your body and flies back to heaven. During this time, others can try to snatch the soul and consequently one would die despite the sign. However, if the soul manages to return to heaven, one is reborn in one's old body with all the memories and everything. The only downside to this is that the "Escudo-sign" grabs a part of one's soul so there is an exchange for being reborn. This is also the reason why angels who are reborn are weaker, because it uses the last state of the body before you die, making you easy prey.

Another reason for their weakness is that they are missing a part of their soul! The soul is the most important at every creature. But if then something is missing from this soul, what is stored in the soul is lost and can never be regained, one loses strength and potential for strengthening. Angels who are reborn are mostly again on the lowest level of angels and can not manage to ascend. There are exceptions, but these are creatures of the highest level.

However, this was not enough information for Shay, but the angel did not know anything else about it, which disappointed Shay. Instead, he asked something about the angelic plane he is on and what worlds there are.

[How many worlds are there? Is it just one where each summoned person is gathered or are there many different worlds?]

[There are many, many different worlds. No one can imagine how many worlds there really are, but there is every world with every reality. That is to say, there are worlds twice, but with different sequences of events, but to witness that is very unlikely because that is an anomaly among worlds. However, it is important that this world has access to magical power, because otherwise it is not possible to be summoned].

At this sentence, Shay became curious and pecked more closely.

[Magic power? You know how magic power works and can you use it?]

[No, no I can't! No lower-level angel cant use magic because our bloodlines are not pure enough. Magic = bloodlines. The bloodline of a lower level angel can be very different! You can have the bloodline of an animal in him or even that of an element, which the circulation in the body cannot control. The magic is determined by magic power and this is stored in the heart and from there it is conducted to the veins, which send this magic power where it is needed. To be able to use magic, one must be at least a middle-ranking angel, but there the bloodline is still not pure enough to be guaranteed to use magic. It all depends on an angel's promotion. If an angel is unlucky, then an angel will end up on a bloodline of four different kinds, which is to much to become a mid-level angel. At that point, they will die as their bloodlines take over their bodies and destroy them. This means that one can have a maximum of three bloodlines, as this will determine their race after promotion. I don't know how the promotion works, though!]

[Was that enough information? I'm leaving now!]

[Wait! What about the high-ranking soul I smelled?]

[Eaten! Who would save such a delicious soul? I devoured it right away and it was breathtakingly delicious!]

Shay was disappointed! He would have loved to eat that soul and watched as the angel limped away. Shay saw how this angel could barely move and just wanted to kill it!

He ran toward the angel, who turned around when he heard Shay and realized Shay's hand was squeezing his neck. The angel tried to yell at Shay to let go of him, but he just didn't have the strength to fight back anymore and had to accept his death.

Shay stabbed his left eye with his hand and as soon as he took his hand out, blood poured from his "eye". After that Shay took out the guts and finally took the heart and pulled it out.

Thus the first conversation with an angel was over, but not without a death.

"Death" could rather not be called, but agony for the angel. He took his soul and thought about the information he had received.