
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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18 Chs

Increase of magic power

Shay found a cave in which he could quietly deal with the development. He was glad that the fights were very easy until now, even if he wished for a challenge.

However, as Shay used a lot of skills in combat, his magic power kept dropping in the process. Before he went into the outpost, he had a magic power of 63, but when he just looked in, it was only a magic power of 7. That is, his fighting style is too costly to continuously use his abilities.

Shay really had to think of something to always renew his magic power or to increase it drastically first, so that he wouldn't always think about his magic power in battle. Shay had previously had the idea of liquefying souls to consume several at once. The problem he just had now...the souls he received so far in this world had such a low value that the magic power might just increase by 5 if he consumed them all.

Perhaps he could not take the souls as a reference point, but the object in which the souls are stored. Because if he could change the description so that the souls always have the same value when they are in the item, then it would be much easier for him to increase his power!

So he got to work and went into the editor of the system. He had the idea that he would draw a small capsule into which he would then put the souls. The capsule he drew was not really special. The vial ended up being 6cm tall and was encased in black.

He also didn't want to draw too much detail, because every detail increases the price of materializing, but Shay really needs the souls for the description.

He called it Soul Ampule and started to add a description:

- Ampule in which souls can be enclosed. All souls that are enclosed in the ampule have the same value for increasing magic power.

- immediate effect

Shay didn't want to put more in for now, because he was afraid that his souls wouldn't be enough if he asked for too much. Honestly, Shay already had doubts that the souls would be enough, because the description "equal value" seemed pretty strong, considering that he could hunt any creature and then put the soul into the vial.

And as expected, his souls are not enough...the souls that were required....es were over 1 billion....

Shay was not really surprised, because he already knew that this would not work, but that he needed 1 billion already surprised him. However, the reason was very plausible: an ability that gives unlimited growth and requires little effort needs more souls than abilities that have a limit. In addition, there is a high cost for items where the abilities are so powerful that the item can be classified as sacred or legendary. Such weapons should only be had by the most powerful among the living, and that does not include Shay at this point.

So you can say that powerful abilities/items are not meant for lower angels and only the angels who have experienced and survived many battles can receive holy weapons/abilities. Only how these angels receive this Shay did not know.

He first changed something in the description. He changed "equal value" to 10 magic power points per potion. The number of souls immediately decreased. From over 1 billion, it was down to 230 souls. Thus, the soul ampoule was almost finished, missing only just under 60 souls .

Since Shay had no desire to kill and was very exhausted by all the fights, he decided to sleep and get the remaining souls tomorrow.


The next day Shay went hunting again. He quickly found a group of orcs, which he quickly killed. In total he got 20 souls. He continued flying around and after 2 hours he had finally collected the remaining souls.

He looked at his soul ampule and its description and was satisfied. Shay pressed "materialize" and immediately 230 souls disappeared from his system. After a short time, the Soul ampule item was now available in the system.

Shay had collected souls in advance so he could use Soul Ampoule directly to see how much magical power he would end up with. One ampoule always requires 5 souls. So Shay made 15 of them.

When Shay held the vials in his hand, he immediately felt the urge to eat the soul. He didn't want to resist this urge and threw all 8 in his mouth at once.

Immediately after the vial touched his stomach acid, he felt the soul dissolve and the veins and veins of magical power pump. Shay felt his whole body regain energy. From the heart to the last corner of his body, he felt the surge of power.

After this brief feeling of being flooded with happiness and relief, he came back to his senses and looked at his new readings with interest. After consuming the ampoules, the magic power increased from 7 to 157. If he had swallowed the souls one by one, it might have been an increase of just under 40.

Of course, an increase of 40 isn't bad either, and Shay wouldn't mind getting the 40 on top of that either, but unfortunately just 40 magic power isn't enough to use all of his abilities in battle. Shay didn't feel like relying only on his weapons, and was ultimately very happy that he was able to create an item that would bring him a lot of strength in the future.


Over the next few days, Shay again engaged in hunting orcs so that he could continue to increase his magical power. As expected, Shay had a dramatic increase in magic power. Although Shay kept using up magical power in battle, his Soul Ampoule always brought him back into the positive, and in one week he reached a magical power of just under 500.

While hunting, Shay continued to think about things he would like to manufacture. His prioritized goal for now was armor. Until now, Shay walked around half-naked, wearing only cloth underpants. He himself has never really minded, but it will most likely not always be as easy as it is right now.

For this reason, Shay worked on an armor between the loot raids. The armor should not be too heavy for the beginning, because he himself would rather remain agile.

It was a black armor that should cover his upper and lower body. In addition, he wanted to create a hood, which should cover his face. The armor for the upper body should be robust, but have little weight, which makes it very difficult for Shay to find a suitable material. The pants should rather give Shay more mobility, so they could be less robust.

However, the problem was the number of souls and the material he should use. So for now it was just a blueprint and not a real concept. In addition, he also considered to revise his wings. Since he couldn't fly completely free until now, but only with restrictions, he changed the ability "Glide" to "Fly".

"Flying": It is possible for them to fly off from anywhere.

It annoyed him to only be able to glide. Gliding restricted him a lot in his movement.


Shay's days have always been the same since he was summoned to this world: killing, investing souls in soul ampoules, and gaining magical power.

Since 4 weeks is not much time, it was now time for Shay to return and deliver his results to Varian. Shay flew for a while to the outpost where the force meeting is held, in total it was half a day that was past.

Shay flew into the main building and looked for the main hall where he was to meet Varian. On the way there he overheard many conversations, one topic was his appearance, another the siege of the orcs and again another in which one could hear out how much the soldiers are afraid of death.

Shay's opinion was clear: soldiers who are afraid are weak and do not belong in war. The war needs soldiers who are thirsty for action and give everything, even if they die. And death is the food of war, only the soldiers who do not fear death stay alive.

Shay also likes to eavesdrop without the others knowing, which made another conversation arouse his interest. He heard several people talking about the siege. The conversation, however, was not about how the humans were attacking, but how a squadron of humans were betraying Varian and siding with the Orks.

Thus, it was also clear that they intentionally drop the walls of the outpost. In addition, the traitor squadron will not be at the very front, but further back. However, Shay did not know which squadron it will be, but he was already looking forward to the conflict between humans, orcs and traitors of humans. He already knew that he will get to many souls and see a lot of blood flow.

Just the thought of it, made Shay already crazy about the coming day. Death, blood, screams, desperate people...all that the humans and orcs will experience and learn to fear. And he had no intention in revealing this plan to Varian, because all Shay wants are souls!

When Shay heard the men running in the direction of him, he decided to flee quickly so that there would be no change of plan. Just after Shay fled, the men came around the corner and saw nothing. Nevertheless, they were very suspicious and had doubts that their plan will succeed.

Shortly after, the meeting was held in which the plan would be discussed. There were a total of 30 officers who attended the meeting and each of them was a recognized fighter in the human kingdom.

Varian opened the meeting with, "The situation is serious, we must gather all the soldiers we have to win!"