
Conquering hell with a system

One painting, one man and an event that will change lives forever. Now as an angel, he gets a new purpose to live While getting stronger he takes part in wars, goes to other worlds, fights bloodthirsty battles to defeat hell. ****** The storyline in the different worlds are not the same as in the originals. ****** Notice: First time writing something ******* Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding of the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

unknxwn · Action
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A traitor among us

The division of the army was the first topic addressed and it went as follows: All commanders are given command authority over a squadron, so over 50 squadrons. In total, there were over 400k soldiers who came from all over the empire to drive the horde out of the human realm and destroy it.

Suddenly, an informant came running into the room. He could hardly breathe and began to gasp. Then, when he calmed down, he spoke:

"Our spies reported that the orcs are expecting an attack and are already ramping up defenses. We were told that the orcs have been working on improving the defenses for a maximum of 3 days, which makes me a bit curious. Of course, we have attacked many orc camps and defeated many orcs in the last 3 weeks, but there was no sign that we were planning an invasion."

"I therefore suspect that there is a traitor among us, however I can't confirm that!"

Immediately all the officers looked at each other and accused each other, but all denied it, which made Varian more cautious. He didn't want the enemy to get too much information if it really was one of the commanders.

Shay, of course, knew who it really was and, in fact, the informant was right that it was a traitor among the officers. It was a person whom Varian would never trust to betray him. Unfortunately, in life you can never trust anyone, because you never know what the other person is thinking and planning. And so it was in this case. Shay, however, would be interested to know what he would get in return for betraying Varian.

Varian knew what that meant now: we must act quickly to maximize the opportunity for us. A betrayal among us would reveal too much information, even if it is now too late. I will tell each one his position, but each one only his task in the battle. Shay will always be in the talks, as he cannot be the traitor. Now everyone out!

After all the officers left, Varian first explained Shay how the army would be set up and how we had the best chance to win. He actually didn't care if we won or not. He cared more about the souls and the reward that he still had not been told if they were to win.

Shay confronted Varian, who only said that it would be to his advantage if the humans could win the war and keep the orcs as small as possible! Shay was very unhappy with this answer(!), however, he could not attack Varian either, because otherwise the contract between both would be violated, which would lead to the death of Shay.


The siege will last from several days to months, depending on how stubborn the orcs are and how many casualties we have. I think we will have to take at least 50k losses in the first week. Unfortunately, I don't know how many troops the orcs have, which is to our disadvantage, especially if we have a traitor among us. Shay, do you have any idea who it could be!?


"Too bad, with the information of who it is we would have one less worry to worry about. Maybe when I talk to the officers, you'll notice something that stands out!

We really need to have caught the traitor before the attack on the Horde!"

Of course, Shay knew who it was, but he didn't want to tell, because actually he didn't want to linger on this world too long. He had only come here because he smelled a soul that was to his advantage. The only good thing about the world is the many souls you can get.

Varian had a lot to do, telling each one his position, task. Shay sat in the room for a total of 6 hours. He didn't care how they attacked, the main thing was that he was in the front and led the troops to their death. After all the chatter was the construction of the army and the plan so:

Each squadron has a specific weapon group. There are the frontline fighters, cavalry, ranged fighters and siege engines. We hope that the battle will take place before the outpost, so that we have a better chance to attack, but the chance is close to 0. Therefore, the siege engines are built up first, which in the meantime besiege the walls and cause as much damage as possible.

After that, the ranged fighters are used to support the infantry while they push forward. The highest priority in the advance is the escort of the siege towers. If these are destroyed beforehand, we have a big disadvantage in the attack and have to rely on the trebuchets and catapults.

In the best case, the trebuchets and catapults have managed a fall of the wall, so that the infantry can also enter the outpost through the ground. A battle on walls and ground would be an advantage for us, because then the orcs would have to concentrate on several attack points, which would lead to an imbalance in the spread of the army.

The captured positions must be held at all costs, no matter how many casualties it will cost. Since the wall is supposed to be up to 200 meters long, this can be a tough mission!

While Shay went back to play with the system a bit, Varian made the announcement that the march will start in 2 days and that as many soldiers as possible should be recruited by then. This is because he is concerned that his army will be enough. Moreover, he also has no information about how big the orcs' army is and how they defend the outpost.

This mission is the most important in Varian's whole life. If this mission fails, the land of the humans will be completely taken over by the orcs and bring about the end of the humans. In addition, he asked for priests. He absolutely needed priests in battle to give his soldiers buffs and protection.

Especially against orcs this is very helpful, because orcs are stronger than humans in 1vs1. Orcs have a distinct advantage due to their size and build. For orcs, humans were weak creatures. On average, an adult orc should win against 5 humans before dying. That is why the use of priests occurs.

Either give them strength buffs or tenacity. After that, a human should be equal to an orc, but the duration of the buff is not permanent, which means you should hurry if you want to be victorious.

Another reason why Varian hired priests was their magic power. In this world, magic has a special meaning. People who can use magic are usually very strong and can act and heal well from a distance.

This is actually the main reason why Varian needed priests. In order for him to guarantee that his losses will not be too high, he needed healing spells and this is what priests possess. Thus, he hoped to have a great advantage in the siege. His trump card, however, was Shay and one other thing that only Genn and Varian knows about. Fortunately for the humans, the orcs had not yet received a report that an angel was siding with the humans and participating in the siege.

Varian believes that a divine creature will boost morale and fighting strength, since the soldiers will think that God has sent them help, and at the same time he can be sure that Shay will kill many enemies without dying himself.


In the next 2 days there was great tension among the people. Many wrote a Testament in which they said goodbye to their family members and went to church to ask for God's blessing.

Shay went hunting again during the 2 days. He needed many souls for his ability to be made. In the 2 days, he received a total of 120 souls and continued to work in the system. Unfortunately, he was missing one high quality soul for him to visualize his ability, which inhibited him.

Shay was very excited, he had never seen so many people at once and was anxious to see what it will be like to fight in war. He knows that war is nothing like what he has fought so far. So he set out to visit Varian.

When he arrived at the rally point, he felt the tension, but also the courage and joy of the soldiers. These people will hopefully end the war against the orcs, so think the people who are not going to war. There is a great trust on these soldiers...the trust that the orcs will disappear and die.

While he looked around, Varian began to make a speech:

"Soldiers! Your courage and trust in me...you deserve all the honor! Today we will begin the march against the orcs. It will be a hard time for you, for me, for all the people. But I can assure you(!), we will be victorious and regain the pride of the people. I! Varian Wrynn, will assure you that we will grab the head of the leader!"

"Today we will fight a great battle for the humans. Today we will reap as much honor and glory as most men can only dream of. Today... we will make our mark on history. What we will accomplish in the days to come, the bards will sing of a hundred years from now. Think of your friends. Think of your families, your parents, your wives and your children. Fight valiantly, because we fight for them. We fight for freedom, for God!"

Immediately warlike shouts were heard from the soldiers and thus the siege on the orcs begins. The people said goodbye to each other and Varian brought Shay an armor for the fight. Shay accepted it gratefully, however, this armor was made of bad material, but it was better than not having any.

The townspeople only saw the large army in the distance getting smaller and smaller until it could no longer be seen. Shay was flying in the air looking into the distance while the foot people were running on the ground below or some soldiers were flying on gryphons next to Shay in the air. We ran for 4 days until we reached the forest, after which it only takes 2 more days to arrive at the outpost.

There will be no chapter tomorrow. I wish you all a Merry Christmas! Have a good time with your family

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