

Little Rainbow chirped as it looked at the flower in front of it. Although it was merely a beast, and even though its intelligence was still not as high as a human, it was still on high alert.

It could feel danger from this flower, and it flew high up in the sky before a blue flame wrapped in lightning descended from its beak heading straight for the flower.

Just as the thunder flame was about to land on the flower, a twitch ran through the herb, and a vine shot up from the ground around it, blocking the flame, but also getting destroyed in the process.

Xue Wei looked at this with a solemn expression on his face. He had not expected that the thunder flame would do any real damage to the Monarch Piranha Flower, but he had hoped that it would at least hit the original body.

He knew that while Little Rainbow was still immature, it held an explosive power within which could not be belittled.