
Inner Battle

As the others saw how Xue Wei collapsed, they all felt their hearts stop beating for a second, and they rushed to his side.

The Monarch Piranha Flower withered at a rate visible to the naked eye; all vines also collapsed in mere moments.

It was clear that Xue Wei had killed the Monarch Piranha Flower, but what happened? Why had he collapsed in front of them?

Lan's eyes flashed with surprise, but then a smile adorned his lips. He had no intention of interfering with what was happening.

Hei Gou and Lin Xiao moved his body to a shaded area, where they tried to investigate him, but no matter how much they searched, they only found the wounds caused by the vines which had shredded his clothes and left numerous wounds and gashes on his body.

Because the seed that had entered his heart was small, the entry point at the front of his chest was small and looked shallow. When looking at all the wounds on his body, it did not seem as if it was special.