
Ouyang Yan

It was clear that the Golden Chambers took the matter regarding the Rainbow Pills very seriously. They had even deployed one of their few Earth Knights, a person of great stature within the Chengzi Kingdom.

Xue Wei was surprised, but he had never had any malicious thoughts involving stealing the Rainbow Pills so it did not matter that there were such strong experts present.

“You have to be careful,” Bai Tianyi transmitted through voice-compression with an alert gleam in his eyes. “Although the Golden Chambers has been friendly and positive towards us, who knows what greed might do to them. If things go wrong and with an Earth Knight present, we will be incapable of escaping.”

“Reward and danger go hand in hand,” Xue Wei answered seriously. “We could retreat now, but then we will not get our hands on the Rainbow Pills we so much need. As we are, we are just not strong enough to continue on our journey.”