
Medicinal Pill Workshop

Xue Wei was quick to consume the Flamethorn Pill, and with it came a burst of energy that assaulted every sense in his body. This energy was exceptionally pure and bright as it spread from Xue Wei’s mouth to every cell in his body.

It did not raise his strength. Instead, the wave of medicinal energy sought out impurities in his constitution and started seeping into the thousands of qi dragons that were within his body.

A normal person had strands of qi circulating around in their bodies, but the ones in Xue Wei’s body had taken the shape of dragons. All of them glistened with an azure light.

Although the number of dragons did not increase after he took the Flamethorn Pill, they started exuding a more brilliant light. The color of the azure light had also deepened, and the dragons moved in a much more frisky way than before.

This was what the Flamethorn Pill did; it strengthened the current cultivation base and purified the Qi.