

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


It was the day to awaken our talents at the awakening crystal and I was an orphan born in this Town so it was free just like all the others due to the war we currently were in with another world. Life profession talents were looked highly upon even if you only got a C-rank one you will be immediately taught how that profession works by those who have the same talent unless you have a unique one. For Warrior professions B-rank or above are heros whereas the rest can at most be a general within the army due to hard work.

I was very excited to be getting a profession because I had read up all about every life profession to try and influence the awakening so that I was at least able to be a good support for I am not very mentally capable I faint at the sight of blood which would make me a horrible doctor or medical profession. If I get a warriors profession I might just die from shock also everyone else in my classes calls me Mr. Profession because I know most profession.

The awakening ceremony just tells you what profession you have and it's basic use and abilities then you have to figure it out all in your own which sucks. If you are a mage of some kind above B-rank you get something called a system no one knows why it's called that but it tells you your mana count and abilities. Wait there is one combat profession I wish I could have Gravitational Time mage it's the only mage to have a dual attribute of time that does not require an century of study to unlock the basics.

I run down the stairs in the orphanage waking up the already awake orphans sleeping in the same room as me Carl and Munio who are both pretty shy but talkative once you know em. I hear Carl say "We are gonna awaken I hope I get Magical Librarian I have studied all the books on them so let's just Hope it works. Munio where's Fannik he was just here. Oh no he's gonna eat all The Bagels run." He yells the last part waking up the other hundred orphans which starts a stampede of feet.

I being only half way down the stairs have to jump before I get trampled due to all the other 16 year olds rushing so that we can awaken earlier which isn't gonna happen anyway. I hear a whispery voice say "Shamoul Kuino Munt Guiy Nuim Faman" (translated it's Death Beckons Upon they endless soul do you not see your doom). I respond with " Whose whispering in my ear like a ghost wait was it a ghost" I then get chills thinking about the ethereal voice.

"Children dinners ready no wait I mean breakfast. Breakfast is ready children come and eat if you don't you won't awaken." Nun Cassandra says in a normal voice till suddenly in a menacing "cause I'll look you away in your room." she then smiles lovingly at us but she in all likelihood just wants us to get a class because if you miss awakening you will never be able to awaken. I rush down to sit in the huge cafeteria as she brings out a couple carts with pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, French Toast (Its not actually called that in this world this is just so I don't have to describe it), Eggs, and cinnamon sugar glazed cookies for us to have after awakening.

As we begin to eat Munio elbows me and pints at Nun Aesn who is cleaning the floor when she uses her cleaning profession to quickly get the whole hall clean othere then where we are sitting clean cause we took too long talking in excitement instead of eating.I then see a small bar appear in front of me.

<Natural Awakening Triggered>

Talent: Universal Basics

Grade: Unrankable


Inheritance of Discovery

Your study of all Life professions has given you this unique passive which mutated due to your talent Universal Basics. The passive allows you to gain any ability upon simply realizing it but it can only be the most basic version of it. Comprehensive study can improve these skills.


The Last Wish

This was granted to you at the sacrifice of a wish if someone who has always loved and cared for you. This wish was their last one and the fact that they gave it away give it immense power beyond reckoning. (It's a wish do you expect limits?)


Passive gained due to UB and Last Wish

Basic Theoretical Magic Comprehension

The study of magic will come easily to you for the stars are within your understanding but non of it is tested so it might actually not be effective. Life Force also drains less quickly.


Ability/Passive gained

Death Lock

You hold your friends hearts so close to yours that now even if they die they can be by your side forevermore even if they are unwilling. Soul comprehension has increased along with death magic. (Necromancy is highly supported by this)