

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Touch of Sentience

I have always since I was twelve had the curse of whatever I touch becoming sentient. At first it was troublesome but the fact that I always had friends with me wherever I go has always been fun fortunately my ability does not apply to anything that was once alive or taken from a living thing. I have complete armor that my father gave me for my twelfth birthday which all became sentient but only I could hear its words, but everyone could see the fact that the armor melded into my skin.

The armor itself is slow to speak but is very wise and methodical about what it says but it always refers tome either as Lord or Creator annoyingly. The sword is patient and kind like an old mentor he teaches me whenever I wield him always correcting my movements making it easier to master the sword. I had my father make a completely metal bow which strangely enough almost never speaks unlike the rest. The mithril gloves I wear are twins and will constantly speak to each other but when they know I'm listening or speaking to me they refer to me as God.

"Hey, My lord what are you thinking about? You are currently hunting a wyvern for its scales. To make a perfect quiver to complement Sliener the Farsighted your bow." Ferginald

"Oh sorry Ferginald the Blood Sworn Sword. I just was reminiscing on when I first created you all. How is Queri the Mage Golem holding up?"

"He is fine my lord but Orip The Shatterer your breastplate is asking for you to be more careful for your safety do you not care that we all will die without you my lord?" Ferginald

"Do Not Speak For Me Bastard Blade Ferginald the Sword who cannot decide upon its growth through our god with his powers. Im sorry Lord God do not forsake the implements of your will even though we may quarrel with no quarter." Orip commands

"The brothers Are fighting isn't that right sis Tulip oh Gods listening to us what a wonderful day I hope blood splashes upon us, so he cleans us don't you sis." Petal the Bloody Maw

"Yes, sis Petal why don't we crush their bones and splatter their skulls upon our bodies so that we may go through a trial of strength for our lord and if we fail, we shall sacrifice our souls." Tulip the Soul Crusher

"Dad, I found the wyvern why don't we hunt it now so you can teach me more magic and more about mana and how you use to create sentience please please please Father Please." Queri The Curious

"Later my son. Soon you shall have brothers who will be able to play with you and then you won't have to look into the secrets of magic alone anymore. Why don't you all take a rest while I use Siro the Blood of Insanity my dagger who I usually keep sealed within his pouch. I will never neglect any of you my children and creations."