

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Plight of Sight

I was born blind but in actuality I can see it's just not with my eyes and the sight even extends below and above me in all ways and it has been slowly growing since I was born not that I ever realized that until now when I am eighteen in an old, ruined monastery where I am trying to learn how to focus my sight so that I am not overloaded with everything.

My sight extends for 657 meters around me and grows daily by .1 meter I don't know if this has always been the case or if it will fluctuate but I am currently writing down the progress it takes. Anyway, a semi-blue transparent sphere appeared a week ago I told the authorities about it and it took them a day to react and wall the area off.  People have been going in and out of constantly with corpses is it like one of the dungeons that I see people talk bout.

I have gotten quite good at lip reading I can also instantly tell when a person is lying by looking inside their body which is quite disgusting and the first time I did it I threw up. I pick up one of the children I have been taking care of who lived in this monastery before me. I smile giving her a kiss and she questions " Brother why do you always have a bandanna on?" she looks serious so I say "It helps me focus on the beauty of this world.

She smiles as I bring her into the room with the other 3 Ruanel the stubborn and cute blond little boy who has started to have acne but is quite thin and short, Abima she's cute when she wants to be with her brown hair that she has reach her waist she is quite slim and malnourished just like the rest of us, Gorn who lost an arm but is the kindest person I have ever seen he takes care of every injures animal he ever sees. I set Maurel down into her bed with a smile.

I walk out of the ruined monastery which on the inside looks amazing but the outside looks like a building ready to be torn down I did this so we could live in peace way out here. I lost my parents due to my mistake so I shall never ever forget to keep my family safe to keep these children happy no matter what. I focus my sight on the army camp and toward the portal which I suddenly can see into it seems to be a whole new world with weird plant life that looks like no tree or bush I can identify.

The ground is barren covered in salt that is red with black rocks covering the ground if anything I would think that place is hell. 

<Contact with Mana Adding Player Mortuus>

<Player already Awoke Talent>

<Creating Info Panel>

<Player Info>

Name: Mortuus Ignis

Race: Human 

Dimension/Planet of Origin: Terraclui/Earth

{Stats are rounded to nearest whole number and are not completely accurate}

Str: 8 (The average is ten except mana which is 5)

Agi: 9

Wis: 14

Int: 12

Cha: 13 (this only relate to beast taming, Looks are not in this!)

Mana Amount: 240/240 (10+Race Modifier)xInt


{Talents are rated Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare, Epic, Ancient, Mystery, Doom, Godly}

Visus (AG-Ancient Growth)- Your sight expands able to see through all illusions or anything not truly there. Spirits cannot hide from your sight; you can shift your sight to see the soul telling you the persons emotions (if you can discern them). Your sight expands by .1 meter daily. You can withstand the sensory overload no matter what it will only cause slight pains occasionally.

<System Decided to forcefully awaken a new talent as compensation>

<Would you like it to be based on your Visus Talent?>

I respond with "Yes" out loud kind of loudly.

<You have awoken Visus Anima>

Pain begins to shoot through me, and I collapse to the ground screaming my body feeling as if its about to explode. I pass out to awaken in the morning to see that I am in the hospital with my family sitting on one side and a military official on the other. The military official as soon as he sees that I am awake says "You have been conscripted. You are now part of the army due to having mana capability."

I say, "But I'm blind how could I ever be a part of the army?" He stunned looks closely into milky white eyes that look like swirling clouds. He says beneath his breath "You have a talent related to vision how stupid is this system anyway." bringing up a tablet which displays my system screen on it.