

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Granting Sentience

I was born with the ability [Granting Sentience]- You are able to grant a being sentience. Mana cost depends on viability which is related to if the object has a mana core within it or any other energy source it can replenish.


I only know the details of this ability due to some kind of inheritance of knowledge when the skill appeared also, I am not originally from this world. I was reborn here as a child who was abandoned on the steps of a church. Magic existed in this world, and it was a regular fantasy world you see in most books with all the regular creatures but a very select few were completely different from regular fantasy.


The priests of the Church worshiped the Goddess of Mercy, Mercia, yes, it is a weird name, but I can't decide the god's names. Anway in my previous life I was a sculptor, carpenter, and an artist all for fun I was part of the top 0.01%. My family really spoiled me rotten because I had several diseases that made sure I would only live till 20 years old at most, but I had fun my whole life till I was 19 and died peacefully from overdose on sleep and pain medication. I didn't want to cause them any more trouble even though we are rich the next few treatments price would skyrocket to over 1 million in costs per a treatment and I would be needing to get it once a week at least.


I only wish I could see my brothers and sisters again and say sorry to my parents for leaving. My whole goal here is to find a way home even if it would rob me of all power, I gain here due to magic. I was born in an isolated place and taken care of by a masked figure for most of my life in a log house they taught me how to read and write treating me like I was just another student.


They also gave me quite a few books on the history of the world and it was strange magic existed, but each person had their own talents apparently, I was talentless in specialized mana techniques. when I finally hit 8 years old, I asked "May I have the tools to create a golem good sir?".


He responded with "I will get them for you Young one just make sure to not waste the clay." Golems are a creation brought forth by placing a mana core within a mana saturated body of clay. They do not have intelligence and usually only are puppets controlled by their masters. I was surprised when the figure was back within the hour with a plethora of tools, he then begrudgingly taught me how to channel mana through the tools.


Everyone in this world has mana within them and it is usually geared towards one attribute like Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Darkness, Light, Life or Death those are the main attributes that are known. My attribute is life at the lowest level meaning even if I cast a life spell it would only be 1.2x stronger than anyone else who cast it.


I began to delicately carve the mana slowly shaping it into one of my favorite creatures to draw a wendigo I made the statue about 6 decimeters tall or 2 feet tall. I had made a hole within its gray chest right below the ribs, so I placed the core within and then place the clay over it after making quite a few fake inscriptions on the core. I smoothed the clay over slowly craving the starving figure of the creature and its sharp claws with a strange humanoid figure bent over on all fours slight fur covering its backside but otherwise pale skin.


It had the skull of a dear which was actually its skull exposed to the air with flesh peeling away from the bone near the back of the skull. Its horns were white as snow but they were decayed and covered in moss. The deer teeth the skull had were sharpened to points with its tongue a dark black and with a sharp bone tip on it. Its eyes were black with a burning flame of endless hunger within. as soon as I finished I bestowed it with sentience and I could feel the clay under my hands growing hot and suddenly the picture in my mind of it was complete and it had gained what I believed wendigos were.


I could feel my creations hunger as it looked around but when it say me it walked towards me its sharp claws grating across the desk the dead look in its eyes as it began to walk towards me I heard a swish as its head was cut off. I picked up the head of the creature and strangely I could see that the clay had turned to flesh and its mouth was still moving so I put the head back on the body which had collapsed. As soon as I did so its body stood up and turned quickly backing away slowly towards me.


The Shadowy figure removed their cloak and swiftly without me being able to see it had put the creature within a cage. I could finally see his face and shinning white armor as he revealed a lion and a cross insignia carved with golden highlights upon the armor. He inspected the creature and than said while on one knee "I pledge my Loyalty to The Concubines son Of Emperor Augustine whose heirs have been killed and slaughtered by the dark priest worshipers of the God of Hunger."


He then pulled out a badge with a completely different insignia of a demon carved upon it with a smile that screamed satisfaction with the food it had been served. "But as I spy of Demon Astorates I pledge my loyalty to the creator of this ever hungry creature shall it feast upon the flesh of many. May I release your creature far away from here and will it grow?" His smile resembled the one upin his demonic badge.


I at first was questioning what to do but I am not here to save this world but to get back to my own so I shall go through anyone or anything as long as I can finally arrive home.