
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 33

"And, most importantly, Katsushi showed her Sharingan, unparalleled ninjutsu talent, plus Sharingan.""This this..."All right! Uchiha Mikoto was dumbfounded."Ugh!"Seeing Uchiha Mikoto like this, Uchiha Takeyama sighed helplessly.He just didn't want to see his lovely granddaughter being beaten like this, so he didn't dare to tell Uchiha Mikoto about Uchiha Katsushi's study progress.Knowing the talent of Uchiha Katsushi, even an old man like Uchiha Takeyama who has experienced ninja wars will be intimidated, let alone Uchiha Mikoto who is only five years old!It's okay if you don't understand the situation, but once you have a certain understanding of the ninja profession, you will understand that in front of Uchiha Katsushi, there is no pursuit, only despair."Really, Mikoto, what are you thinking?""We're brothers and sisters who grew up together, okay?""It doesn't matter if others are scared, what's the matter with you?" Uchiha Katsushi explained to Mikoto helplessly."Who... who was frightened!""Huh!" Uchiha Mikoto who heard Uchiha Katsushi also came back to his senses."Besides, anyone who knows about your study progress will be shocked.""Did you say so, Grandpa?" Uchiha Mikoto sat next to Uchiha Takeyama and said coquettishly.Uchiha Takeyama was happy to see Uchiha Mikoto recovering."Not to mention, this stinky brat Katsushi is quite good at comforting people."so..."Hahaha!!!""Of course, everything my lovely granddaughter says is right. Do you have any opinions? No way." Uchiha Zhushan looked very happy for a second, but suddenly looked at Uchiha with a serious face Katsushi said."Forehead..."Uchiha Katsushi looked at the two with a confused face, who are they!Of course, thinking so, he Uchiha Katsushi still chose to say from the heart: "Yes, what Mikoto said is right.""I made all the fuss, hahaha." After Uchiha Katsushi finished speaking, he smiled awkwardly."Hmph! It's not too bad!" Uchiha Mikoto said arrogantly."Okay, okay, let's not talk about this."I saw Uchiha Katsushi waved his hand helplessly, and then asked: "Old man, you haven't said anything yet! That A-level ninjutsu, Earth Style—earth spear technique, why did you put it in the position of B-level ninjutsu!""This one!""No way, let me ask you, what do you think ninjutsu uses to determine the level of ninjutsu." Uchiha Zhushan asked Uchiha Katsushi."The level of ninjutsu, I think, should be based on the difficulty of learning and whether it includes Nature Transformation." Uchiha Katsushi said.Uchiha Zhushan nodded with satisfaction, and said to Uchiha Katsushi: "You are right, Katsushi, if I guessed correctly, you rely on Earth Style—Earth Spear Technique, which involves Earth Style Chakra Nature Transformation, to think it It's A-level ninjutsu!""Yes, that's right." Uchiha Katsushi nodded and said."No way, although what you said is correct, but if you say less, it is practical.""The reason for the correct classification of ninjutsu is not only what you said, the difficulty of learning and whether it includes Chakra Nature Transformation, but also the practicality." Uchiha Zhushan explained."Practical! So that's it.""Old man, you mean to say, Earth Style—Earth Spear Technique, although it involves Earth Style Chakra Nature Transformation.""However, after using this ninjutsu, the flexibility will decrease and the practicality will be greatly reduced, so it is defined as a B-level ninjutsu. I am right!" Uchiha Katsushi said clearly."That's right, you're right, Katsushi. For us ninjas, looking at ninjutsu in a comprehensive way is our classification of ninjutsu levels." Uchiha Zhushan looked at Uchiha Katsushi with a look of relief and said."Katsushi, how many ninjutsu have you learned, tell me about it!" At this time, Uchiha Mikoto next to him saw that Uchiha Katsushi knew so much about ninjutsu, and suddenly asked curiously."Me!" Uchiha Katsushi thought about it and decided to tell Uchiha Mikoto! After all, letting your family members know your own strength will reassure them no matter what you do.Like that, always concealing my strength from my family, and then going out to do things, making my family worry all the time, Uchiha Katsushi doesn't want it to happen to me.Let the family members understand their own strength, so that the family members have the bottom of their hearts, and they will not be afraid of anything.Moreover, the sacrifice point should also be able to increase a bit.So, Uchiha Katsushi said to Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Zhushan: "Master, Mikoto, in fact, I have learned almost all the five attributes of ninjutsu in our family, and most of them will."Hearing this, Uchiha Zhushan was fine. Although he was surprised, he was a little prepared.But Uchiha Mikoto was dumbfounded again."Grandpa, how much ninjutsu does our family have!" Uchiha Mikoto asked Uchiha Zhushan with a bewildered expression."This...""Grandpa doesn't know the details, but there are still hundreds of ninjutsu for each attribute." Uchiha Zhushan also said with emotion.All right! Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto was no longer in the mood to listen. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Katsushi, who grew up with her, changed in just a few days."Ahem..."Seeing that Uchiha Mikoto was depressed, Uchiha Katsushi thought for a while and said to Uchiha Mikoto: "Mikoto, I actually have a way to make you surpass me.""Well, what can I do! There is no way." Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto asked curiously.Even Uchiha Zhushan next to him looked over with a serious expression, after all what Uchiha Katsushi said was so curious."Ahem!""There is a good saying, that is [mother is more expensive than child], as long as you marry me, Mikoto, and then give me a child, let our child surpass me, isn't this equivalent to Mikoto, you surpass me.""What do you think, Mikoto.""Is what I said very reasonable?""Huh? Mikoto, why are you blushing?""You don't have to be shy." Uchiha Katsushi said desperately.