
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 32

Illusion—Fox heart art.Illusion—not a Technique here.Illusion—Naraku see Technique.Illusion—Tree Bound Killing Technique.Illusion - Nirvana Abode Technique.Illusion analysis completed."Next is Sharingan in detail." Uchiha Katsushi thought.With the opening of the scroll, it is about the understanding of Sharingan, from the opening of the eyes to the application of each stage of the Three Tomoe Sharingan.From the insight eye of Yigouyu, the Hypnosis eye of two tomoe to the copying eye of Three Tomoe.The understanding and application of each stage are mastered one by one.Then, there are several optical illusions that work specifically with Sharingan.Illusion — Sharingan.Magic—Yanghang Technique.Magic - the mirror world turns.Illusion—Shiranui Technique...etc.These are all optical illusions, and for Sharingan, optical illusions can be released without seals.Of course, this is of no use to Uchiha Katsushi.~~~As the time goes.Uchiha Katsushi withdrew the Analyzing Eye, and the golden light dissipated.Uchiha Katsushi, who had fully mastered these illusions, packed up the scrolls, and then a Body Flicker Technique came to the bookshelf and put the scrolls back in place."Sharingan."Uchiha Katsushi, who has returned to the ground, opens the Sharingan.Touching his eyes, Uchiha Katsushi could clearly feel that the power of pupils in Sharingan was growing, which was the strengthening of analysis of Uchiha's blood in [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root]."Soon, I can feel it. When the one-gou jade Sharingan is strengthened to Ultimate, it will be able to transform into a two-gou jade Sharingan.""Wait until two tomoe Sharingan's Hypnosis feature awakens, and that's when Sharingan will be born.""At that time, the sacrifice points can be maximized, and the entire Konoha, or the entire ninja world will be leeks." Uchiha Katsushi thought excitedly."Hahaha!!!" Uchiha Katsushi couldn't help laughing wildly when he thought of these things."Forget it, let's stop here today!" Uchiha Katsushi said happily."That's it for today, go out and relax. By the way, I would like to ask the old man, where is the Taijutsu of the Uchiha clan?""Although there are some very precious ninjutsu scrolls here, I remember that the Uchiha clan should have swordsmanship scrolls and physique scrolls.""I just don't know, why didn't the old man put it here?"Thinking of this, Uchiha Katsushi got up, ready to go out, a Body Flicker Technique, came to the steps.With a heart move, Muyin opened the door.As the stone door opened, Uchiha Katsushi came outside."Um...""f**k!""Why is the sunset appearing again today?""It took me so long to analyze the illusion?"He looked back at Shimen."Are you sure it's just an ordinary basement, not a spiritual time room?" Uchiha Katsushi thought in confusion."Forget it, don't think about it, it's normal for time to pass quickly after studying [seriously and hard]."Thinking about this, a thought, the stone door closed.Uchiha Katsushi turned around and went back to the house from the backyard.In the corridor of the house again, listening to the surrounding maids constantly saying things like "Master Katsushi", to be honest, even after listening to it for five years, it is still very refreshing."When I grow up, I will also find some maids and let them call me [Master]. It will be more enjoyable then." Uchiha Katsushi thought in his heart.Come to Uchiha Katsushi in the living room and see Uchiha Takeyama and Uchiha Mikoto resting."Master, Mikoto." Uchiha Katsushi called."No way? Why didn't you wait for grandpa to call you today." Seeing that Uchiha Katsushi came back by himself, Uchiha Zhushan asked suspiciously."No way, do you feel bored alone in the basement?" Uchiha Mikoto asked curiously."That's not true, there are so many good things there, how can it be boring!" Uchiha Katsushi said to Uchiha Mikoto with a smile."I came back because I wanted to come out to get some air, but it turned out that it was already night, so I came back by myself, and the old man of the province came to call me." Uchiha Katsushi said to Uchiha Zhushan and Uchiha Mikoto while sitting on the tatami."By the way, old man, I remembered something. I wanted to tell you at noon, but I forgot it during dinner.""Huh? What's the matter!" Uchiha Zhushan asked curiously."It's that Earth Style—Earth Spear Technique, shouldn't it be an A-level ninjutsu? Why put it in the place of a B-level ninjutsu.""B-level ninjutsu? Katsushi, have you learned B-level ninjutsu?" Uchiha Mikoto suddenly asked with a confused face."Hmm..." Looking at Uchiha Mikoto's confused face, Uchiha Katsushi looked at Uchiha Zhushan."Meaning, you didn't tell Mikoto?"Uchiha Takeyama shook his head, sighed, and said no.Because, after these two days of Uchiha Zhushan's teaching, Uchiha Mikoto also has some common sense about ninjas.It is precisely because of this understanding that Uchiha Mikoto also understands why Uchiha Zhushan was shocked and happy to see Uchiha Katsushi's learning speed. "But that's okay, after all, Uchiha Katsushi also grew up with her in Genius, Uchiha Katsushi is a genius, and Uchiha Mikoto is as happy as his grandfather.However, what Uchiha Katsushi said just now, why is A-level ninjutsu placed in the position of B-level ninjutsu.What does this mean? Explain that Uchiha Katsushi has either learned A-level ninjutsu, or has reached the level where he can learn A-level ninjutsu.Either way, it was a shock to Uchiha Mikoto.After all, she Uchiha Mikoto has just mastered the Three Body Technique and is now practicing shuriken throwing!Although you Uchiha Katsushi are a genius, you can't be like this! I, Uchiha Mikoto, haven't learned C-level ninjutsu yet, but you, Uchiha Katsushi, have started learning A-level ninjutsu.To what extent do you have to be a genius to let it go!Uchiha Mikoto was intimidated and shocked by Uchiha Katsushi's talent.After all, the more you know, the more you will be intimidated by Uchiha Katsushi's talent.