
Complex of Time

What is time? Time is something humans can only dream to comprehend, but never truly manage to. Or is it? Join Samuel in uncovering the mysteries of time, and consequently the universe.

Abyss_of_Infinity · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Inside a cozy room on a ship in the middle of nowhere was Samuel. Sitting cross legged on the medium sized bed, looking very experienced. Only he didn't look experienced at all. He. Looked. Stupid. Having only ever heard of people sitting in such positions to cultivate, he had no idea how they did it. Legs crossed, back straight, thoughts focused and breath steady. Everyone knows that's how one meditates. But it was so god damn uncomfortable.

"How do monks sit like this for hours upon hours? My legs are already asleep, and I am a cultivator!"

As a person of very little focus in his previous life, Samuel attempted a series of things to help him with this. Of which meditation was one. He had grand plans for meditating. Wake up a little earlier in the morning, meditate, then do what else needs to be done. However, plans are ultimately just plans. On his first attempt, he quit after a mere five minutes of trying. And some things never change.

"Do I really have to sit like this to cultivate? You know what, no! No, I don't. What difference is there whether I'm standing, sitting or lying down? It's all just to concentrate anyway. Lying down seems more comfortable"

So in the fashion of a true man, Samuel chose function over fit, and decided to cultivate lying down.

"This is way better. Okay, Luisa said to draw spiritual qi into the talent, letting it grow. But where is my talent located? Never mind, stupid question. It has to be in my brain"

Only it wasn't. When Samuel attempted to draw the spiritual qi into his brain, he failed. Miserably. However, with the mindset of cultivation being difficult, he thought he just needed to try harder. And so he did.

Four hours later

"God damn it! What is this nonsense? I have been lying here for like what, a week, and yet I still can't draw this damned qi into my talent. Am I not supposed to have some ridiculous super talent? Then what the hell is this user experience? It's to difficult"

Samuel was ranting heavily, and was close to giving up, when a voice came from the room next to his.

"Kid, how thick do you think the walls of the ship are, hmm? I can hear you ranting clear as day. I do sense you are a little special, but saying you have a 'ridiculous super talent' is quite shameless. If you really did, you would be able to sense exactly where in your body it is. The lower the grade of the talent, the harder it is to sense. Anyway, just cool it on the volume. Some of us are trying to get their beauty sleep here"

The mysterious 'captain', who apparently resided in the room next to Samuel's, reprimanded him. Most people at this would feel embarrassed, but not Samuel. Definitely not because he is autistic, that is a preposterous accusation, but rather because of what the 'captain' said.

"Sense exactly where it is in my body? Does that mean my talent isn't in my body? My soul?"

At the thought of his talent residing in his soul, even if he was unable to sense where it was, the spiritual qi started surging in with copious amounts. It was so copious it formed a massive cyclone hundreds of meters in diameter of pure spiritual qi, being devoured by his talent. As the talent was cultivating, basically on its own, Samuel was pulled into an expanse of gray. Well, a better description would be within a golden sphere that was in an infinite expanse of gray. 

"Why does this feel so familiar? The golden inside the gray. It's like my cocoon. Just without that wretched dust"

As he was about to once again start trembling like a twig in the wind, information surged into his mind.

"10,000 times distortion in time, just like my cocoon? Does that mean I would be able to cultivate 10,000 times faster here than outside? Hahaha, I knew I was a super genius!"

At the thought of this cultivation speed, he became ecstatic. But you know what they say, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. And boy, let me tell you, he fell to the darkest pits of despair.

"NOOOOO! What do you mean my body can't enter here, only my mind? What kind of bullshit, nonsense talent is this? There is no use in my mind being in here for 10,000 times longer than outside without being able to cultivate. 'But Samuel you can develop, learn and comprehend techniques at 10,000 times the speed with your talent. It's clearly very good'. That is true, but it doesn't really work if I have the cultivation speed of some pumpkin. Am I really going to have countless techniques and a perfect cultivation manual, but not be able to use them because of my lacking cultivation? This is hell!"

And hell it was indeed, because Samuel didn't know how to return his mind to his body.

If you have some idea about my story, please comment it and let me know.

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