
Complex of Time

What is time? Time is something humans can only dream to comprehend, but never truly manage to. Or is it? Join Samuel in uncovering the mysteries of time, and consequently the universe.

Abyss_of_Infinity · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Cultivation World

"Who's there?"

Evan, visibly startled, turned his head rapidly, almost giving himself whiplash, only to encounter the grotesque, bloodied face of Samuel. 

"Better question is, why are you two standing above my bloodied body, arguing?" 

Samuel, obviously oblivious to the situation, asked the most pressing question on his mind. 

Evans' face visibly paled. He said shakingly "great master, please don't misunderstand. We don't mean you any harm. We were planning to bring you to safety"

"What kind of danger could there possibly be around here" Samuel asked, not understanding the situation. "Is someone gonna steal my kidneys?"

"What? Kidneys? Great master you were unconscious and wounded, we were worried beasts and bandits would harm you in your moments of vulnerability"

"Beasts?". Samuel. Was. Shocked. 'What kind of backward place is this? Am I hallucinating? Transmigration? Hallucinating about transmigration?' he thought.

"Yes master, Although these beasts are not powerful enough to harm someone as powerful as you, we didn't want to take any chances". Evan was visibly sweating thinking that Samuel was angry at them.

"Wow, wow, wow, let me stop you right there. Powerful? You think I'm some cultivator or something?"

Now, Evan was stunned. 'Did we misunderstand? But what was that phenomenon?'. 

Luisa, who up til now had only stood nervously at the side interrupted. "You have to be powerful, how else can space itself open up, allowing you to fall out in an injured state? Are you testing us?

The miscommunication was palpable. Samuel, a very normal, boring guy, felt he was probably dreaming or something. The pair of siblings however were convinced he was extraordinary. Not understanding why he was so confused.

Samuel decided to clarify.

"Let me just make something clear. I am not powerful, or whatever. I do not know where I am, why I am here or who you are. Can you start explaining instead of treating me like some immortal master?" 

Luisas face fell instantly. The hope they had just found, was taken from them just as quickly as it came. But out of pure denial, she decided to help him as much as she could, just in case this was all a test. "This is the edge of the Mountain of Transcendence in the Northern Empire of the Cyan continent of the Shattered Realm. I am Luisa and this is my brother, Evan. As for why you are here, all we know is that you emerged from a grandiose spatial tear.

Samuel was overloaded, not by the amount of information, but rather its significance. 'Did I truly transmigrate? Well, all right, nice. Finally something interesting.' He basically did not care. He didn't really have anything going for him back on Earth anyway.

"Thank you for the information. Is this place actually that dangerous though?"

"Depends, mortal stage cultivators are usually able to stay safe here, but to truly be confident coming here you need to be at the superior mortal stage or even mortal evolution stage". Evan was the one to reply this time. The answer piqued Samuels interests even further.

"So, there is cultivation in this world. Great! How do I cultivate?"

"Mister, so you are indeed from another world. Surely you jest when asking about how to cultivate then"

Luisa was quick to respond this time, her hope reigniting lightning fast.

"No, no, lady, you have misunderstood again. I don't know if I am from this world or not, it's simply not for me to know. But what I do know is I don't know how to cultivate. So, can you teach me?"

The first few chapters will be a little rough, i apologize. As i find my groove it will inprove. I promise.

If you have some idea about my story, comment it and let me know.

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