
Complete Opposites

One is an extroverted social light, the other prefers being alone and introverted. They’re probably the closest of friends anyone has ever seen, despite being so different.

DarkNightWolves · Teen
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57 Chs

Don't Worry

As I wake up in my bed, I can't help but feel a little happy about how things went yesterday. I still feel lonely, but happy nonetheless. Alina told me that she can't be seen with me because of the risk of being caught together, and then she went on to tell me about the plan between her and Adelle. Although, even though we agreed on certains days that we'll be able to hangout, I still can't help but feel a little bit worried. Our birthdays are coming up and I wouldn't want to spend it without her if the plan is still going on.

Rolling over, I check the date on my phone, January 22nd. Our birthday is on February 3rd. Giving us around twelve days until we both turn 16. I doubt that the plan of theirs will be done and over with by that time. Which means that we'll probably not be able to spend our birthdays with each other like we've always had since we became best friends.

Keita knocks on the frame of my door, "Dude, wake up already."

Blinking at him, I muster an exhausted groan and say, "What do you want? Is it another snow day today?"

Keita slowly shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, "I wish but no, we've slept in. We're about to be late."

Jumping up, I check the time on my phone. School starts in ten minutes, there's no way in hell that we're going to make it in time. Between getting ready, driving there and getting to class, that will take us at least twenty minutes. Well, me twenty, Keita will take at least thirty minutes since his hair has to look 'perfect'. Even worse, there's still a lot of snow everywhere which means that it will take even more time for us to get to school.

Setting my phone back down, I put a pillow over my face and groan, "There's no way we'll make it in time. Might as well stay home."

"Don't you have a test today that's a big deal?" He asks and I throw the pillow off of my face.

"Where's Afia?" I ask, curious as to why she didn't wake us up.

"She already left," Keita quickly responded, still having an exhausted look on his face.

"Of course she did!" I shout and jump out of bed. Stopping in front of him, I order, "Give me your keys and go get ready, I'll warm up the car."

He hesitates for a moment, then takes his keys out of his pocket and tosses them to me, shouting over his shoulder as he sprints to the bathroom, "Just don't drive it!"

"Why the fuck would I do that?" I shout back, not expecting a response as I jump in my shoes and bolt up the stairs, nearly leaving the door wide open as I barrel through it and down the walk. Slipping on slush and skating on ice, I manage to not go through the window of the car as I make my way around to the driver's seat.

Getting into the car, already feeling like an icicle, I put in the keys and turn it on. Immediately putting the heat to the max, I regret not grabbing my coat before leaving. My fingertips are freezing and I'm shaking like a washing machine. I hold up my hands in front of me, watching them tremble as I breathe into them. With every passing second, I get more pissed off at Keita. Pissed off for not waking me up earlier, pissed off for always taking forever to get ready, pissed off for everything he's ever done.

Keita finally comes into view after several minutes, looking like he just got a professional makeover and spa treatment, I'm going to kick his ass. I climb over to the other side of the car as Keita opens the door, laughing at me. The sudden cold air causes my blood to boil, but not enough for me to erupt.

"Shut up," I immediately say as he shuts the door and stares at me.

He can see how pissed I am and chooses not to push me further, "Not going to get ready?"

"We're already late!" I shout and he flinches. Taking a deep breath, I lower my voice a few notches. "Let's just go."

"Alright," He shrugs and backs the car out of the parking space.

I stare out of the window the entire drive, trying to keep myself calm and not get into a fight with my ride to school and back. The windows slowly defrost as the car heats up and I start to boil. I wish Keita grabbed my coat for me. I should've quickly ran back inside to get it. Just walking between the car and the school is going to make me freeze to death. How the hell is it so cold today anyway? I know it's Canada, but still, this is too much.

Arriving at school, Keita parks the car and stares at me as I calculate the quickest route to the inside of the building. He probably could've just drived me up to the doors and then went to park the car, but I know for a fact that he'll get a kick out of my suffering.

"You're going to miss it," He said, trying to hold back his mockery as I peered out the frosty window.

I grab the door handle and say, "Shut up." Then I quickly pushed the car door open and dashed towards the school doors, not even bothering to shut the door behind me. I can hear Keita shouting after me but I don't dare to stop or even look over my shoulder. The frozen air is already piercing my skin, making me want to just go home and sleep for the rest of the day under my warm, thick covers. But I can't, because I have an important test today and I'm already halfway to the doors. Why the fuck didn't I grab a coat?

I finally get through the doors and my arms and legs already feel like they're frostbitten. I swear if it's another snow day today and Keita was just fucking with me, I'll kick his fucking ass! Well, I'll get Afia to do it.

I stand by the heater for a few seconds then waltz into the office and explain why I am late. So far I'm not getting any confused stares from the secretaries and teachers printing out papers, so I'm assuming that there is actually school today.

The secretary hands me a late slip and I exit the office, giving Keita the finger as I pass by him. He just laughs and shrugs it off as he goes into the office for his slip.

I skip steps on the stairs, trying to get to my test before it's too late. Only stopping once I suddenly hear Alina's voice. She's laughing, "Stop, we're in public." She says in an upbeat voice.

Then, the voice that makes my blood boil, Zack, "Who cares who's watching, I just want to show you how much I love you." I can't see them, but judging by their voices I assume that Zack is holding Alina close.

I want to step in, but I know I shouldn't. I know that Alina and Zack don't actually have feelings for each other and they just see each other as fools. I know that eventually Zack will get what he deserves, but… the sound of Alina being held close like that. I know she's playing a character but I want to tell Zack to fuck off. I want to get her away from that asshole.

"Don't you dare," A calm voice whispers behind me, nearly making me fall down the stairs.

Turning around, I see Adelle still smile as she always does. Though, this time her smile seems a little more threatening. "Why?" I whisper quiet enough to avoid the echo.

She comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, "I know that you know about the plan, so don't ruin it." My floor is only another staircase up, Alina and Zack are three staircases up. So I can easily get to my floor without them even knowing it was me. But do I really want to do that? Adelle continues to smile threateningly as she nods to my floor, "Get to class."

Before I can say anything else, she pushes me up the steps, I cover my mouth to make sure that I don't make any noise. After she pushes me through the doors to my floor, I grab her arm and whisper, "Look after her for me, okay?"

Her smile finally loses it's intimidating look and turns more towards appreciation, "Of course, good luck on your test."

"How did you-" She escapes from my grasp and pushes me through the doors once again, making me tumble to the ground. How did she know I have a test? Also, why aren't they in class? Choosing to not chase after Adelle and ask her about it, I get back up to my feet and rush to my class. Luckily nobody was in the hall to see me fall.

I finished taking my test, the teacher only gave me a stern look for being late before she handed me the paper. I'm feeling pretty confident about how it turned out, though I didn't have as much time as the others to get it done and ended up having to rush through it. So, I can expect to have a few questions wrong or confusing to read, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Although, another downside would be the fact that I didn't even understand a third of the test, I reread the words several times but because of the rush I couldn't focus on what they meant. But once again, I'm sure that it's not that bad. The negatives may be stacking up more I think about them, but I'm positive that I atleast made the minimum required to pass.

The bells ring and the students rush out of the class. I pack up as quickly as possible so then I'm not awkwardly in class with my teacher, I hate it whenever that happens. I manage to get out of the class while there's still two others left, ha, suckers.

Rushing down the steps to my next class, my heart is still racing from this morning, I bump straight into the guy that I've been despising the most due to recent events, Zack.

"Sorry," I apologize but instantly turn cold. "Wait, no. Nevermind."

"Excuse me," Zack raises an eyebrow at me, luckily we're around the same height so he can't use that to intimidate me. His friends and a few other students stop and stare at us, oohing and taking their phones out of their pockets. I choose to not respond to him and he smirks. The kind of cocky smirk that makes me want to punch him in the face. "Oh I see, you're still salty about me stealing your bitch."

That was the last straw, fuck Alina's plans, I will not put up with this prick talking shit about her like this. "What the fuck did you just call her?"

He snickers, "Looks like you have a crush on my girlfriend." He reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder, speaking as he passes by me on the steps. "Stay away from my bitch, bitch."

I twitch and his friends laugh about how pissed I am as they step past me. "Slut." I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear at the top of the steps.

I can hear his shoes squeak as he turns back to look at me, "You wanna fight, dumbass?"

Turning around, I give him a deathly glare, "I'll kick your ass."