
Complete Opposites

One is an extroverted social light, the other prefers being alone and introverted. They’re probably the closest of friends anyone has ever seen, despite being so different.

DarkNightWolves · Teen
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57 Chs

Get Away From Him!

"Alina!" A few voices shout my name in unison. I turn around among the chaos of the highschool hallway to see a few of my friends, Adelle among them, running towards me with worried faces.

I stop to analyse their expressions, they look like a magic portal just opened up and I'm the only one that can save them. "What's going on? What's wrong?"

"It's Knox," Adelle breathes, taking a moment to collect herself. "Him and Zack are-"

"Where are they?" I immediately ask, already knowing what she's saying.

"The soccer field," One of the girls cried.

I don't even bother to wait for them to keep up. In less than ten seconds I've already left the building, immediately catching sight of a large circle in the middle of the soccer field. Cheering and booing erupts from the crowd as I assume they continue to fight and argue about I don't know what.

Adelle manages to catch up with me just inside of the soccer field, she looks as determined as I. "What should we do?"

I don't answer, I can't answer her. I just want to make sure that Knox is okay, I don't give a shit if Zack is a little beat up or even unconscious. But knowing Knox, he's most likely doing this to defend me.

Pushing through the crowd, the first thing I see is sweat and blood. Knox is still standing, so is Zack, and they are both panting, bruises all over their body, standing only just a few feet apart. They don't notice me at first, but then one of Zack's friends points to me, and both of the boys turn.

Zack immediately smirks like he's undoubtedly confident that I'm going to take his side. I'm sure that if enough people were paying attention then they'd definitely see how evil he really is. If people were in my position then they'd know that Zack doesn't deserve all his praise.

"Hey, Babe," He greets me, holding his hand out and expecting me to take it.

This is where I'm at the crossroads. I could play along, take his hand and his side and eventually break his heart, make him feel like how all of those girls felt. But it would also make Knox embarrassed, he would probably even lose a few friends, certainly lose a lot of respect. I'm also at risk of losing friends by taking Zack's side. But I don't care about losing them, I care about losing Knox. I care about how he feels and how he might look at me after this. If I take Knox's side then I won't be able to take revenge on Zack. My plan would come to an abrupt end and Zack will never get what he deserves. Sure, my life would go back to normal. Eventually I'd be able to have movie nights with Knox again, be able to hangout with him all the time, and just be seen with him in general. Our friendship could go back to normal, I could have my best friend back, I could be happy and comfortable again.

"Alina," Knox mumbles, looking only halfway towards me, panting heavily. Their sweat starts to turn to ice, but none of them flinch.

"What are you going to do?" Adelle covertly asks just behind me, trying to not show that her and I are working together.

I don't answer her, I can't answer her. The sight of Knox bruised and bleeding alone makes me shake with rage. The freezing cold is nothing compared to the heat of my anger. Instead, my body moves without me thinking, moving towards Zack. At first I think that I'll end up taking his hand and continue going along with the plan. As my body wills itself closer to the asshole that hurt my best friend, my hand starts to raise. The back of it facing his palm. He reaches for me, but before I know it, I'm smacking his hand away from me. Giving him an icy glare as I continue to walk towards Knox.

"Alina," He repeats himself, this time more towards amazement. His breathing steadys as he meets my eyes.

My face softens as I wipe some blood from his lips. I know that people are definitely going to take that the wrong way. But I don't care. I know what he means to me, he's my best friend, and I love him more than anything in the world.

"But what about-" I shake my head, cutting him off.

"Don't worry about it," I whisper, ignoring the rise of oohing and questions coming from the crowd. Ignoring the rising tension coming out of every muscle on Zack's body.

"So you were cheating on me huh?" Zack suddenly appears behind me. He bright pink from either fighting, the freezing cold, or anger, most likely all of them combined.

"This bitch," Knox mumbles, rolling his eyes at Zack.

"Shut the fuck up!" Zack shouts, grabbing my arm and throwing me to the ground. The ground shakes from people running, but when I finally collect myself and I look back up to the boys Knox already has Zack on the ground. I notice a mark on Knox's throat, like Zack tried to choke him.

"You asshole!" A few girls screech. "Never treat a girl like that, especially one as amazing as Alina!" The feminists surround me, lecturing Zack on his behaviour while Knox is still on top of him, holding him down.

I wish they weren't here though, I wish it were just the three of us. I wish I was strong enough to be able to protect him. I know he can take care of himself, but him holding Zack down like that after he threw me down… It just makes me feel weak. Helpless. Like a damsel in distress. I know that Knox doesn't look at me like that. I know that this entire thing happened just because he cares about me. But that doesn't mean that I can't stop from putting myself down.

"Never touch her like that again!" Knox roared and spit into Zack's pink face. It seems that he has completely forgotten about the people around us. About how terrifying he looks right now.

A sudden familiar scent appears, it's Keita. He calmly steps past me, people step out of the way once they notice him. Knox doesn't notice him though, he's only focused on Zack.

Keita places his hands on his hips and takes in the situation. He then finally looks down and notices me, that's when he snaps. "What happened?"

"He threw her down!" Adelle answers for me, pointing to Zack with his face deep in the snow. Why did she do that? Does she know that there's no way that Zack and his friends will forgive her for that? She could've just stayed quiet and helped another girl get revenge on him.

I can tell that Keita completely shut out the rest of the world after hearing that. He only glares down to the snarling boy that's getting his ass kicked by his younger brother. "Is this true?" Keita asks, kneeling next to the two boys. His size and energy have a superior vibe, like whatever he says someone will do no matter if he's in charge or not.

"Suck my dick!" Zack cried, it's clear that his face is now only pink because of the cold. He's defeated, he's lost his pride, and his ego has certainly taken a hit.

"Get off him." Keita orders Knox.

"Fuck off," Knox responds, not taking his eyes off of the weeping pig.

Ketia shoves him off, but before Knox can fight back, I get in between them. I rarely get between them, it usually ends up with me getting hurt and things getting worse. But I know that this is for the best. Keita has no interest in fighting his brother right now, his primary focus is Zack.

I can't see or hear what Keita is doing behind me, all of my senses are focused on Knox. He winces as I place my hands on his chest to hold him back, some of his blood gets on my clothes but I choose not to react.

Without thinking, I take Knox's hand and lead him away from the crowd, still unable to focus or even care for that matter. "One to ten, how much pain are you in right now?"

"I can't feel anything because of the adrenaline," He speaks in a calm manner, but I can tell that he wants to turn around and kick both Zack and Keita's ass. Gazing up to him, staring at the furious look in his eyes, I wonder what's going through his mind right now. "How about you? How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

I smile and laugh quietly, "I'm fine." We stop just by the fence of the soccer field. I'm still unable to look away from knox, my eyes are locked on his beaten and bruised appearance. "You should've seen how terrifying you looked."

He exhales, a more laughing type of exhale. "Well, I guess that your plan has come to an end."

I wipe some of the blood off his cheek and rub it on his shirt, "And I'm sure that once your parents are done lecturing you and Keita then I'll be able to hangout with you again."

"Fuck," He looks down to the ground, only now realising the consequences to his actions and that he's definitely going to get punished for this. "Mind helping me plan for my funeral?"

"Of course," I smile mischievously. "I'll also be sure to line your casket with My Little Pony plushies and paint the entire thing pink with sparkles."

"Fuck no!" He shouts and we both break into laughter. "Just set me on fire and cast my body off the side of a cliff."

"Cover you in sparkles and parade you around the city. Got it!" I continue to smile and the fact that Keita is kicking Zack's ass on the other side of the field completely leaves my mind.

"I will drown you," He jokes threateningly. Then he stands straight, "Wait, why would you parade a dead body around the city? That sounds traumatizing."

The principal eventually comes over to us, we haven't even noticed that they broke up the fight. We were taken to the office where we found Zack covered in blood and Keita pissed but completely unscathed.

They were all suspended for two weeks except for me, I was only suspended for one since I didn't actually hit anyone. My mother is going to be pissed, but I'm sure that my dad will just be happy that I'm okay.

"So no more Zack then?" Keita asks me as we get into his car.

I give him a little smile, ignoring his obvious shaking from the cold. "No more Zack."