
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 37

[Fire, pain, panic!]

[The Three Warriors couldn't understand if this was a drunken nightmare or reality!]

[Until they saw those cold eyes, the three of them woke up instantly!]

[This is real!]

[Ignoring the increasingly severe burning pain in his body, the fat Volstagg took the lead and shouted:]

["Loki, what are you doing? What crime have we committed! ?"]

["Let us down!"]

[The other two people also looked back angrily:]

["Are you crazy?"]

["We are Thor's subordinates, what are you going to do!"]

[At this moment, none of the three of them could understand why they ended up in this situation after just one drink.]

[Loki sat back casually, and a throne condensed with ice appeared naturally.]

[He raised his head slightly, showing a surprised look and said:]

["Oh, you actually know that you are Thor's subordinates!"]

["I thought you were his brothers?"]

["we are still friends!"Swordsman Fandral shouted,"Thor is informal and treats us as his companions. You can't do this to us!"]

[At this time, Hogan struggled violently, and the pain made him crazy:]

["You have no right to lynch us, Loki!"]

["We didn't betray Asgard, we were just drunk. What's wrong with that!"]

[Loki's eyes were even colder:]

["What's wrong! ?"]

["Haha, it seems you still don't understand what you have done."]

["700 years!"]

["Maybe even shorter"]

["You have turned Thor from a qualified Thor into an arrogant maniac who drinks and brags all day long!"]

["Let me guess how long it has been since he learned the Runes…300 years? Or 500 years?"]

["I'm afraid he has forgotten all the runes he once memorized in his mind."]

[And there is one most important thing that Loki didn't say.]

[That's because he didn't feel the destructive aura unique to the power of thunder in Thor.]

[This may mean that Thor has completely controlled the power of Thor!]

[Either…Not only has Thor not made any progress in the past 700 years, he is even worse than when he first awakened!]

[Loki glanced at Thor, who was still sleeping like a dead pig, and felt that the possibility of the former was even smaller than that of the Fire Giant surrendering to Asgard.]

[After hearing Loki's words, all the confusion and anger in the eyes of the three warriors suddenly turned into fear!]

[If this is implemented!]

[Without Loki, God-King Odin would have killed them!]

[At this moment, the three of them finally realized that they were afraid, and they rushed to say:]

["No, no, Prince Loki, you misunderstood, we definitely did not do that!"]

["Apart from fighting and drinking with Prince Thor, we never did anything else!"]

["We are his most loyal warriors!"]

[At this time, their forgotten identities are remembered!]

[His tone of voice has also completely changed!]

[My heart is filled with regret!]

[You must know that the Aesir and the Asgardians cannot be confused.]

[The former's most common lifespan can reach 5,000 years, while the latter's lifespan ranges from hundreds to thousands of years, and those with some divine blood, such as Heimdall and Sif, will have a longer lifespan.]

[So when they were born, Loki had already left Asgard]

[Although I later heard that the second prince was extremely talented and powerful, and he was very strict with Thor.]

[But after all, I have never seen it with my own eyes. I just heard it from some old people and didn't take it seriously.]

[After becoming Thor's subordinates, as time went by, they had completely forgotten this legend.']

[In addition, S

ol's ability to restrain himself is basically zero, and they gradually let themselves go!]

[But this is absolutely unacceptable at this time!]

[The three warriors endured the severe pain and began to deny their influence on Thor.]

[And frequent drinking, regardless of status and dignity, means that Saul regards them as companions and does not know how to show off.]

[Several people kept talking, and their tone became weaker and weaker.]

[Because they noticed that Loki looked at them like he was looking at a clown.]

[They are familiar with this look, because they will also tease weak enemies like this in battle.]

[This made several people extremely angry, but they did not dare to speak at all!]

[Seeing that several people were silent, Loki suddenly sneered:]

["Don't you want to defend yourself?"]

["Why do you naively think that I can reason with you?"]

[Fandral endured the severe pain on his body, gritted his teeth and said unwillingly:]

["Thor won't let you do this!"]

[The eyes of the other two people suddenly lit up, as if they had grasped a life-saving straw:]

["right! Thor will make the decision for us!"]

["We are his partners and he will explain it to you!"]

[This is their last hope, otherwise tonight may be the last meal in their lives]

[Loki was not talking on the Ice Throne. He tilted his body slightly and held the side of his face with his right hand, indicating that they could start the performance.]

[The three warriors immediately started shouting at Thor at the top of their lungs, hoping that the other party would wake up and make decisions for themselves.]

[However, Sol drank too much.]

[No matter how loudly the three of them shouted, Sol was still lying on the ground and sound asleep, with no intention of waking up.]

[Seeing the three people becoming more and more desperate, Loki suddenly stood up]

["The voice is too low. Let me help you."]

[He sneered, flipped it casually, and suddenly the huge metal long table crashed through the wall of the hall and flew into the garden under the horrified eyes of the three people!]

[The violent vibration and roar made Sol finally open his eyes.]

[In a daze, he saw the three warriors hanging in the air by flames, and couldn't help but say:]

["Watch me kill the flame giant to save you"]

[After saying that, he muttered, turned over, and then fell asleep again.]

[The three warriors immediately shouted again]

[Listening to the screams, Sol finally woke up with a jolt.]

[He stood up suddenly, looked at the three people with wide eyes and said in shock:]

["What are you doing? Is this a new game?"]

["yes…It was Prince Loki who misunderstood us. Hogan endured the pain and forced out a smile.]

[What misunderstanding?….Sol just woke up and was a little dazed.]

[But when he saw the three people in pain, he didn't think about anything else. He turned to look at Loki and said anxiously:]

["What are you doing Loki, put them down quickly"]

[However, after he finished speaking, he found that Loki didn't move, just looking at him calmly.]

[And that look made him feel familiar]

["What do you want to do?"]

[At this moment, Thor felt strongly uneasy, and the instinct from the cell memory made him shiver!]


[Loki showed a warm smile and said slowly:]

["I just want to see what you have learned in these 700 years..."]
