
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 27

["I don't like snow, now that I have control over the power, I control it"]

[After watching the frozen world for 81 years, Hela felt that she was finally free.]

[Next, as long as this waste erodes one-tenth of the dimensional fragments, you can control your destiny!]

[Listening to Hela's gritted words, Loki happily fulfilled the other party's wish.]

[As he raised his hand and grabbed forward, the entire frozen continent suddenly seemed to go back in time. The ice and snow melted, revealing the earth, forests and lakes below!]

[There is no more snow in the sky, and the clouds have completely dispersed, revealing a void like an aurora.]

[Seeing this scene, Hela couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.]

[This was a scene she hated, but after 81 years, she actually felt comfortable with it.]

[The next second, she stretched out her hand and motioned for Loki to hold it:]

["I will demonstrate how to erode dimension fragments in a moment. You can use your spiritual power to attach yourself to the power of death and feel it carefully."]

["Don't worry, you won't be harmed under my control!"]

[Loki showed a hint of 'worry' appropriately. It wasn't until he saw Hela's sharp gaze that he put his hand up.]

["If you waste my divine power again, I will kill you!"]

[After Hela said something coldly, the green flame-like death power appeared from the hands held by the two people and flew towards the sky.]

[Until it reaches a certain height, it begins to spread in all directions!]

[Loki has closed his eyes]

[Spiritual power swims in the void with the flames]

[At this moment, he felt a different kind of coldness, as if it could make the soul die.]

[He knew that it was a characteristic of the power of death, but it did not harm him under Hela's control.]

[Soon, Loki sensed something else]


[As the power of death spreads, the void space is affected by the erosion of power, and a structure appears.]

[The 'reality' that is not fragmented in this dimension is in its deeper microscopic world]

[These structures jointly support this dimensional fragment!]

[What the power of death has to do is to invade these structures, mark them with the mark of the goddess of death, and become their master.]

[But soon Loki discovered a situation]

[Although the power of death continues to erode, the conversion efficiency can be said to be very poor!]

[He immediately understood why Hela wanted to cooperate with him]

[It's obvious that the other party is reaching its limit and cannot erode more dimensions.]

[After teaching Loki several times, Hela let go of her hand.]

[After all, as long as you know the method, it is not difficult to erode dimensions.]

[At this moment, Hela felt that she was finally free. All she had to do next was to wait quietly for the passage of time.]

[However, not long after, her expression looked like she had eaten a dead mouse.]

[Because as Loki's dark blue extreme cold power spread towards the void, the world began to become cold again and it began to snow.]

["I hate snow!"]

[Hela gritted her teeth and said something, then hid in a cave.]

[At this moment, she missed the spring-like Asgard all year round.]

[The picture starts to speed up and time passes quickly.]

[It took Hela a thousand years to erode one-tenth of the dimensional fragments. She felt that the other party also needed about the same time.]

[Until 700 years later]

[Hela in the cave suddenly felt something and opened her eyes]

[She saw that the outside world had stopped snowing, and the dimensional fragments had returned to their original appearance.]

[Hela frowned slightly]

[It's only been 700 years, has this waste already reached its limit?]

[She had imagined that the other party would not be able to control one-tenth of the dimensional fragments.]

[But when this result appeared, Hela still felt a little pi


[Although I have sensed that Odin does not have many years to live, the seal is gradually weakening, and it is estimated that he will be able to escape in a few hundred years.]

[But that and getting out of trouble on your own are completely different concepts!]

[What's more, she wanted to kill Odin herself!]

[Hela walked out of the cave, and a sword of death gradually grew out of her palm.]

[She will not let the other party die too quickly. She will pay back the pain of the past 81 years to this waste today.]

[However, just when she was about to take action, she saw Loki falling from the sky and said with joy:]

["I have eroded one-tenth of the dimensions….Hey, what are you doing holding a sword?"]

["Of course it's given to you…..What did you say, you finished the erosion?"

[Hela's cold expression turned into confusion in an instant, with a look of shock on her face.]

["It's done. Why am I so slow? Loki asked, blinking.]

[In fact, he has completed the erosion of all dimensional fragments except Hela's control, 10% of which was completed in the first ten years.]

[But it got harder and harder later, and it took 700 years]

[Hela suddenly showed an incredible expression of surprise!]

[She didn't expect that the other party really did it, and in a shorter time!]


[Hela coughed dryly, regained her cold expression, and nodded slightly:]

["Although it's a little slower than me, it's not bad."]

[Loki nodded and suddenly asked:]

["What gift did you just say? Is this sword meant for me?"]

[of course not!….Hela looked proud:]

["That's right"]

[She would never give the sword she created to anyone else, but she thought it would be okay to get it back later.]

[Anyway, this is just a dead person in front of you!]

[After receiving the Sword of Death, Loki looked at it with a hint of satisfaction.]

[This thing helps him use his divine power to construct items]

[Hela looked at this scene and sneered inwardly, and said randomly:]

["Let's get started, don't waste time"]

[After 1,700 years, she was finally out of trouble!]

[Hearing this, Loki showed a hint of complicated emotions, nodded and said:]

["Let's get started"]

[The next second, the two of them opened their palms at the same time]

[In fact, breaking the seal is very simple. The two of them just use their own dimensional fragment structures to collide with each other's structure!]

[As the two men manipulated it, the sky filled with aurora began to vibrate, tearing open a hole bit by bit.]

[When a fish-white light appeared, the two of them turned into an afterimage and rushed in!]

[Earth, Norway!]

[A crack appeared out of thin air, and two figures landed on the edge of a lake]

[At this moment, Hela closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air greedily, enjoying the regained freedom.]

[Until half a minute later, she suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Loki not far away and smiled:]

["Gee, I thought you would just run away."]

["But in that case, I'll give you a chance"]

[As the voice fell, Hela's temperament completely changed back to the goddess of death from thousands of years ago!]

[Cold and arrogant!]

[Look at everything with disdain!]

[She stood there, but seemed to be looking down, looking at Loki and smiling:]

["Now, kneel down"]

[Loki couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, showing a hint of helplessness:]

["Sorry, I refuse"]

[Hela's smile did not diminish, but her eyes became colder:]

["wrong answer"]

["In this case, I will grant you death"]

[As the words fell, two death swords slowly emerged from her hands.]

[Loki looked at this scene, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he said slowly:]

["My dear sister, you have no idea what I'm capable of"]