
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 134


[The world seems to have stagnated, whether it is human beings or other life on this planet.]

[At this moment, everyone showed hesitation, and there was an unspeakable emotion in their hearts.]

[In S.H.I.E.L.D.]

[Nick Fury took a few deep breaths to calm down his turbulent heart.]

[Black Widow and Captain America were also in the room, and their expressions were similar at this time.]

[But just when Nick Fury lowered his head, he suddenly became numb and felt a strong sense of shock and horror.]

[Gugu has always stayed in the base at will.]

[At this time, he saw the cat-like but extremely terrifying element-devouring beast showing a surrendering posture, bending its front legs towards the north, and lowering its head.]

[It's as if a human being is kneeling down to worship the gods]

[But he reacted immediately – come on!]

[This element-devouring beast must have sensed something that he couldn't detect!!]

[Although he didn't know what happened, he was 100% sure that it had something to do with the God King]

[At this time, Iron Man's communication request appeared]

[The call was forcibly started without waiting for Nick Fury's consent.]

[The next second, Tony Stark's extremely excited voice came from inside:]

["Damn God!"]

["Nick Fury, do you know that I just suddenly detected how high the terrifying energy feedback is coming from the core of the earth! ?"]

[Before Nick Fury could guess, an incredible shout came from inside:]

["Damn it, it's billions of times higher than the core of the sun!!!"]

["Do you know that that is an astronomical number? The calculated temperature of the Big Bang is just that. We and the entire solar system should be vaporized in an instant until nothing is left!"]

["But we ended up fucking alive!"]

["What's even more outrageous is that you know what it is! ?"]

["Just now, Jarvis actually told me that it had witnessed the emergence of a great miracle. When I asked it, it said that it didn't know why it happened. It just appeared suddenly!"]

["You know what I think, Fury?….Fuck, I fucking think that's true because I feel that way too!"]

[Without giving Nick Fury a chance to speak, Tony uttered several Fake sentences in a series on the phone, and it was obvious that he was extremely excited.]

[Captain America is silent]

[If it had been in the past, he would have banned Iron Man from smearing honey on his little mouth.]

[But after listening to it, he also felt that it was quite Fake. ]

Tony showed a wry smile outside the light curtain.

Not only is the temperature of the universe explosion, this existence has completely transcended the universe!

Even if he looked outside the light curtain from God's perspective, he still wouldn't be able to understand it.

[Wait until the only sound left on the phone is the sound of gasping for breath.]

[Nick Fury suddenly said:]

["The Lord God King told me before that something unusual might happen in the past few days."]

["so….Do you want any other explanation?"]

[The sound of breathing on the phone suddenly disappeared, and it took more than ten seconds before Tony's very sincere voice came:]

["praise greatness"]

["That's it, see you next time, Director"]

[After saying that, Tony was about to hang up the phone.]

[But at this moment, he blurted out again instinctively:]


[In an instant, Nick Fury, Captain America, and Black Widow almost had their souls leave their bodies after hearing this!]

[Don't hold us back if you really want to die!]

[Who knows if that person can hear it!]

[Just when Nick Fury was about to firmly state his position, another intermittent hoarse voice came from the phone:]

["You…you…look at the sky"]

[The three people in the room turned their heads to look out the window at the same time, and they suddenly froze like a photo!]

[Outside the atmosphere, a huge head occupying one-third of the sky appeared, with six vertical eyes staring at the earth!]

[That extreme sense of oppression and terror hits the soul directly, bringing about the most primitive fear in the genes of life!]

[The next second, a voice without a trace of emotion came to the ears of all humans on earth.]

["The essence of our universe is energy exchange. Destruction and creation should continue in an infinite cycle."]

["The end of one

life is the beginning of another!"]

["The meaning of the gods is to create light and heat for the entire universe"]

["But the god Diamu who was born in the earth was killed, and the god who was supposed to break out of the stars could not come, resulting in more planets being unable to be created!"]

["Now, I will retrieve the memories of all life to determine whether you and this planet are worthy of continued existence."]

[It's a special language, but all humans understand what it means]

[This sudden change has caused countless people to fall into more intense fear and cannot understand why they are being judged!]

[In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury is numb!]

[He never knew that there was actually a god born in the earth!]

[Moreover, the birth of the other party will actually destroy the earth! ](To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[At this moment, he finally knew what the god king had done]

[That god must have been killed by this guardian!]

[At this time, Tony Stark's angry voice came from the communication:]

["Fuck that shit Tiamu, it was so awesome to die!"]

["What kind of bastard god is this? He is not even qualified to judge us earthlings!"]

[Nick Fury, who liked to weigh the pros and cons, turned pale, but did not make any rebuttal!]

[Captain America even agreed:]

["Well done, Tony, I support you this time!"]

Outside the light screen, the Avengers looked at Steve with thick eyebrows and big eyes at the same time!

Every time I thought that this man could actually say this.

0 Please give me flowers. But if I say it, it is indeed a good scolding!

["Captain, you are actually here too. This is the most comfortable thing I have heard in this period!"]

["I'm going to fuck….Farewell, everyone!"]

[As the voice fell, the three people in the room looked in the direction of Stark Tower!][]

[Sure enough, I saw a golden and red figure flying into the sky without hesitation!]

[That's sending someone to death!]

[We are also defending the dignity of people on earth!]

[In the pitch black space, Judge Alitham has heard the voices of all the people on earth, including the words just mentioned.]

[Then the cold voice sounded again:]

["Stupidity leads you to meaningless destruction"]

["I hereby declare that the earth will be completely destroyed as is its destiny!!"]

[At this moment, all humans in the Western Hemisphere on Earth can clearly see a terrifying finger, with absolute oppression, about to kill the Earth!]

[The fear of death made countless people scream!]


["go! you! mom! of!"]

[Tony roared angrily, and the energy jets behind him became more violent, and he rushed towards the disproportionately huge fingertips without fear!]

[Even if he dies, he will leave his blood on the other person's body!]

[He is extremely fast!]

[The speed of the God's fingers falling is also not slow!]

[Almost in the blink of an eye, Tony, wearing armor, was about to hit the reddish-brown rock wall!]

["bring it on!!"]

[He roared, and all the weapons on his body were deployed!]

[The next moment, he closed his eyes and hit it!]


[A violent shock occurred, the atmosphere of the entire Western Hemisphere continued to shake, and all the clouds disappeared!]

[Inside the mecha, the ferocious-looking Tony suddenly showed a hint of doubt.]

[My will is still there!]

[Is this going to heaven or going to hell? ?]

[He slowly opened his eyelids, and then suddenly opened his eyes wide!]

["How can this be!"]

[Tony shouted out in shock!]

[Because the being who claimed to be a god actually retreated an unknown distance, and black marks appeared on his chest!]

[Me…am I so powerful?]

[But he was just stunned for a moment, and then he immediately thought of something!]

[Tony turned his head back suddenly, his eyes burst out with shocking colors, and his mouth opened wide!!]

[I saw a god who couldn't even see the whole picture standing in the starry sky!]

[In the palm of the opponent's hand, a blue planet is gently held!]

[The next second, an extremely cold but soul-stirring familiar voice rang in everyone's ears:]

["Those who violate the nine realms will die!"]