
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Movies
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158 Chs

Chapter 12

SHIELD base in New York.

Listening to what Odin said about the node five years later, Loki seemed to have thought of it and couldn't help but clenched his fist.

Nick Fury on the side noticed this and thought thoughtfully.

Looking at Loki here, what must have happened at that point in time.

Even very important!


The emerald light curtain dims, and the other light curtain naturally lights up

[Time keeps jumping at this moment]

[In the blink of an eye, 500 years have passed]

[Countless mortals have lived and died, kingdoms have risen and fallen.]

[For Thor and Loki, they have just come of age.]

[Two people standing side by side in the garden]

[Thor is strong and cheerful, with blond hair shining like the sun and a hearty smile on his face.]

[Loki is thinner]

[He has black hair. Although it is not as dazzling as Sol, it has a hint of elegance that the former does not have.]

[The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, but they both seemed very happy, even a little excited. ]

Tony looked at this scene outside the light curtain and was slightly stunned.

Because at this time, Loki felt like a young man full of energy, with smiling eyes and no darkness or hatred.

And the brotherly relationship with Thor is also obvious.

The thoughtful Captain America also discovered this.

The two looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

What happened to make Loki become like this?

[The picture dimmed for a moment, and time came to the next day]

[Asgard, which was very peaceful before, is now filled with a strong and warm atmosphere!]

[The huge golden Asgard temple is filled with people of Asgard, with red flags and ribbons hanging on both sides, fairies scattering flowers in mid-air, and elves flying.]

[Under Odin's throne, Loki and Thor stood side by side in the center of the temple!]


[It's the day when the two princes of Asgard come of age.]

[At the same time, it is also the day when they become gods! ]

Presbyterian Hospital.

Strange stared at the screen, afraid of missing any frame.

He was very curious. This so-called becoming a god meant becoming a 'more powerful alien'.

Or will they really possess 'divine nature'?

Before today, he even thought magic was just a magic trick created by a group of liars.

But the truth is obviously not that. The world is obviously more complicated than I thought.

So, does God really exist in this world?.

Inside Temple Two.

Thanos showed a hint of sneer at this moment.

Calling themselves gods, these Asgardians are really arrogant!

After crushing Asgard, he will step on the body of Thor and ask.

God, will I die?

[Inside the temple!]

[As Odin stood up from the throne, all the people of Asgard cheered, their eyes full of fanaticism]

[After a dozen breaths, Odin shook Gungnir on the ground, and the sound receded instantly.]

["Thor Odinson!"]

["Loki Odinson!"]

[As Odin spoke, the two of them knelt down on one knee with solemn faces and lowered their heads.]

[Odin stared at his two sons quietly, and after a few seconds he uttered a majestic voice:]

["My son!"]

["The wheel of time has turned to the moment of destiny!"]

["Under the witness of the nine realms and under the watchful eye of the World Tree, you will become the new gods of Asgard!"]

["At that moment, all the creatures protected by the divine realm will cheer for you!"]

["And your power will also be used to protect all living beings!"]


["As the Father of the Gods, I ask you in the name of Odin if you can do it! ?"]

[At this moment, his voice was full of holiness and judgm

ent, echoing throughout the temple!]

[Thor and Loki raised their heads and replied almost at the same time:]

["That is my glory!"]

["of course"]

[Odin looked into their eyes, one was passionate and the other was excited.]

[Suddenly, a complex emotion arose in my heart, but I didn't show it.]

[He nodded and said:]

["I believe you can do it and you won't let me down"]

[As the voice fell, Odin raised the Eternal Spear!]

[In an instant, the entire sky of Asgard was shrouded in dark clouds, and countless golden thunders roamed among them, exuding extremely terrifying fluctuations! ]

A moment!

The breath passed through the light curtain, making countless people feel their scalps numb!

The stronger a person is, the more terrifying he can sense this aura.

Ordinary people without a trace of strength are better off, but there is some instinctive fear in their hearts.

In Temple Number Two.

Thanos, who had just made those bold words in his heart, changed his expression!

He felt that he had underestimated this old immortal!

In the Pantheon.

Zeus's face was uncertain, and he felt the gap again.

Kama Taj.

The Mage King shrank his neck, feeling that his whole soul was throbbing.

But after seeing Gu Yi with a calm face, I felt a lot better immediately.


[Following a thunder that seemed to shatter the space, a golden beam of light suddenly fell from the clouds.]

[Loki and Thor, who were kneeling on one knee in the center of the temple, were enveloped by the beam of light!]


[It shouldn't be said to be enveloped, but washed away!]

[That is Odin's divine power, which is washing away the bodies of the two of them, leveraging the godhead in their spirituality, and awakening their divine power!]

[Time passed by second by second, and Thor's face showed an expression of extreme pain, as if he was suffering from something.]

[But there was no pain on Loki's face. ]

At this moment, in the eyes of countless people outside the light curtain, Thor is performing poorly, while Loki is doing well.

But in reality.

As a person, Loki showed a trace of pain in his eyes.

[At this moment, Thor seemed unable to bear it and let out a scream!]

[It was at this moment that his eyes turned blue, and dense blue thunder exploded from his body into the sky!]

[There was a thunder in the sky of Asgard!]

[After a few seconds, the golden beam of light dissipated]

[Sol held his hands on the ground to prevent himself from falling, breathing heavily from his mouth, and his whole body was wet with sweat.]

[Although he was in a miserable state, he could not hide his excitement!]

[Because he succeeded]

[At this time, Thor thought of something and turned to look at Loki.]

[However, there was not a drop of sweat on the latter's face, and he just forced an unnatural smile after he looked over:]

["Congratulations, Sol….Oh no, it should be Thor"]

[Thor looked at Loki's expression and was stunned.]

[He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the wave of cheers from the Asgardian people present.]

[this day]

[Thor becomes the god of thunder]

[Loki became the god of trickery. ]

ps1: Return to Jade in the next chapter. ps2: There is no point in complaining.

That's because the MCU is really not human, and it lowers the standards of almost everyone in the movie.

Not to mention Odin and Thor, even Thanos and the Avengers are like village fights, too low-level.

During the battle on Titan, Doctor Strange was the better one.

So the novel definitely cannot be written like that. It needs to be more intense and have more special effects.