
74 Jutland

For the next 35 days Cossacks, Tatars and the local population worked day and night to fulfill the order, which we did ... although it cost a lot of health, especially the Mekleburians.

(Albrecht von Wallenstein / Count Wilhelm Kinsky POV)

"The deadline for Prince Jazłowiecki to deliver the boats is approaching." (Count Wilhelm Kinsky)

"I do not like him, he lacks humility and does not show me due respect ... but he is talented and also crazy. I asked about him, he captured Gustav Adolf. If he does not deliver the promised boats, our situation will not change, and he too will gain nothing." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"Is it worth giving him all Jutland?" (Count Wilhelm Kinsky)

"Jutland has no value, to whom the Emperor will be more grateful, Jazłowiecki who robbed Danish peasants or me who forced the King of Denmark to surrender?" (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"I think the gratitude of the Emperor will fall to those who defeat Christiana IV... but even after he delivers the boats, getting to Zealand will be difficult." (Count Wilhelm Kinsky)

"We will try to do it at night, the risk will be greater, but the chance of detection by the Danish fleet is lower. This number of boats will allow us to transfer almost 8,500 infantry, and this is enough to gain a strong foothold." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

(End POV)

Transporting the boat by land was a pain in the ass, but I didn't want to risk an early detection ... and it wasn't until 18 days later that we made it to Wallenstein camp.

"How long do I have to wait?! These boats were supposed to be ready 2 weeks ago." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"Nice to see you too ... They were ready 5 days ahead of schedule, but it took us 18 days to transport them here. You don't have to thank me." (MC)

Wallenstein began examining the boats, but it was obvious he was hoping for something more.

"There will be 70 infantrymen on each boat. There is a small sail, 6 oars on each side and a rudder. With such boats, the Cossacks cross the Black Sea to raid the coast of the Ottoman Empire. My people will show yours how to navigate them." (MC)

"We will see." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

After the first tests, it turned out that the boats are good, easy to steer and stable. Their only drawback was that they posed little threat to other ships.

"I delivered the boat, now it's your turn. Letter and Jutland." (MC)

A few minutes later I received the letter and then read it and made sure of its contents.

"Well, now put some wax on it. We'll rest one day and head north. When are you going to attack the islands?" (MC)

"In 10 days, but that doesn't concern you anymore." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"I know and have fun ... I recommend attacking at night, less chance of being detected." (MC)

Ten days was not a good date, my ships are probably already sailing around Jutland, even under the Swedish or English flag there was a risk of being detected ... and waiting an additional ten days.

"The prince does not have to teach me, I command armies ..." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"Yes, I know, do what you want. I won't be here tomorrow." (MC)

As I said, we did, the next morning, after a night of rest, we headed towards Fladstrand (Frederikshavn). It was a small fishing village, with a small port and a place where my ships would wait. As we had a few days to attack, I unleashed my men... they scattered through the villages and settlements that we passed on our way ... robbing, burning, rap.ing and murdering... the town of Hjørring was our greatest prey. We spared no one, all the buildings were set on fire, including Saint Olaf's Church, former Catholic temple where Lutheran services were currently held.

Two days later, we reached our destination, and getting Fladstrand was not difficult for us. There were no more than 400 people in the settlement itself, and most of them were fishermen. Of course, none of the inhabitants survived. The only thing I didn't expect was to get a treasure in the form of a Dutch pinnace... It was another ship for my collection, but not very impressive.

"Start a big fire from the north, if our ships are in the area they'll spot it." (MC)

There was a risk that the Danes would see the fire, but just as they had an advantage at sea, we had it on land... but for now all we have to do is wait patiently.

Only the next day in the evening, one of the Cossacks noticed the signs coming from the incoming ship, when I found out about it, I breathed a sigh of relief, my ships were not detected.

"Good evening Captain Dickmann. Nice to meet you at last." (MC)

For the first time in my life, I could see with my own eyes the Polish admiral who would die in the battle of Oliwa. Even though he worked for me, everything was taken care of by Graf Ferber.

"Prince Jazłowiecki?" (Arend Dickmann)

"In person. We don't have much time, tomorrow night the imperial troops will be trying to get to Zealand. We have to do the same. Do you have any additional sailors?" (MC)

"Yes, Lord." (Arend Dickmann)

"Very well, I give you another ship, it's only a Dutch pinnace, as you probably know it has only one advantage ... speed. But let's not waste time, we have to load people and horses." (MC)

I did not expect that the loading of horses, people and loot that we obtained in Mecklenburg and Jutland will be quite time consuming. The port was not too big and only two ships could be serviced at the same time, which also did not speed up our activities.

"Prince, everything is already on the ships, we can leave." (Arend Dickmann)

"How much time do we have?" (MC)

"Maybe three hours, maybe an hour more or less." (Arend Dickmann)

"This must be enough. While we're at sea, let the rest of the ships lag behind, no more than a few miles." (MC)