
73 Agreement

Another thing I had to do was contact Generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, who is currently pacifying Jutland, I took Saddata and a hundred Tatars with me, as the Tatars did not have much experience in building boats, my fleet production is unlikely to suffer due to their absence. I also ordered Ivan and Ilya not to engage in any fights, unless they were forced to do so, and I gave permission to take over several settlements in Mecklenburg if they refused to cooperate.

Eleven days later we arrived at Aalborg, as it turned out a few days before our arrival, the Emperor's army under the command of Wallenstein defeated the Danish army. After checking who I am and presenting the imperial patent stating that I am in his service, I was taken to the commanders' tent.

However, the Generalissimo, despite his victory, was not in a good mood, as an ambitious man, hungry for power and recognition, he wanted to definitively defeat the Danes, which was impossible ...this was even funny that the same traits that made the Emperor rely on him would make the Emperor turn his back on him. Ferdinand II, fearing the power of his commander, will first dismiss him, a few years later he will issue an arrest warrant, which will lead to Eger Bloodbath, a purges in the Imperial Army, in which Wallenstein and his loyal officers will die... Politicians and thieves have no honor, and I was in both categories.

There were several men inside except Wallenstein, but I didn't recognize any of the faces. I stood and watched everyone, there was an awkward silence, interrupted by the Generalissimo himself.

"Greetings Prince, unfortunately you arrive too late and only with a small company of cavalry, a few days ago your presence would be more useful to us." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

His face was stern, his voice strong and confident. I decided to continue to ignore him, looked around the tent, saw an empty chair, sat on it. I grabbed the goblet on the table, poured its contents onto the floor, and filled it again with the wine on the table.

Everyone in the crowd was surprised by my behavior, especially Wallenstein himself, who was used to obedience. He was about to say something, but I drank the wine in one gulp, then crushed the silver goblet as if it were a beer can. I wanted to see how my new power works... it caught everyone's attention, so much so that they put their hands on the rapiers.

"I drank better ... I did not come here to hear "what if", I have come to help you, and by helping you I will help myself too." (MC)

Despite the anger on Wallenstein's face, he spoke calmly.

"I did not expect much more from a Pole, they consider themselves better than all ..." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"No, Eques Polonus sum omnibus par ... even kings." (MC)

"Even kings? ... You Poles lack humility." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"We can still court each other or talk about important things. In a few weeks I will have 90 boats at my disposal with which I could land with the army on the Danish islands, but there is one problem. My army is cavalry, the boats are only suitable for the transport of infantry." (MC)

This interested everyone, Wallenstein himself thought about building a fleet, but building a galleon lasts from several months to a year. Smaller ships take several weeks ... and he did not have the time and resources for that.

"What the Prince expects in return, because I do not believe that you are doing it without self-interest ..." (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"It is obvious, by helping you, I help myself. I will give you boats, you will be able to move over 6,000 infantry at one time, but in return I want Jutland. The Emperor does not pay for my service, and my people have to live off something... they have families to support." (MC)

"You want to rob them?" (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"Of course not, in a war this is not robbery, the Danes will make a voluntary contribution to the emperor's army." (MC)

"Voluntary? And if they resist?" (Albrecht von Wallenstein)

"We come in peace, if they resist it means that they are hostile. We cannot tolerate hostility towards the Empire." (MC)

Count Wilhelm Kinsky, Field Marshal Christian von Ilow and Lieutenant Field Marshal Adam Erdmann Trčka von Lípa were also in the tent... and I was in a talking with a group of the deadmen, although they do not know it yet, in 1634 all of them will perish by order of the Emperor. The talks continued for a few more hours and we finally reached an agreement, I pledged to deliver 120 boats in 40 days, he agreed to my occupation of Jutland. He also wrote a letter to the Emperor in which he mentions my contribution to the war.

Delivering 120 boats will be difficult, but if I force the local civilian population, it should probably be possible. I was not interested in Jutland for plundering reasons, but my ships from Gdańsk were to arrive there, I also found a simple solution to break the Danish blockade, the ships would sail under the flags of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of England.

The next day I ordered a return to my main army, but this time we did not spare our horses, the route that previously took us 11 days was now covered in just 4 days. The Tatar way of traveling is fast, but unfortunately very tiring for horses, although it did not happen to us now, sometimes horses died of exhaustion.

Immediately after my return, I gave the appropriate orders, sent the Tatars to invade a few settlements more to the south and bring prisoners, carts and additional tools. I did not rest myself, although I did not know how to build a boat, I helped to cut trees and prepare tar.