
39 Questions

Instead of choosing yes or no, she chose the third option ... she got up from the table and left without saying anything ... She didn't say no, so it's almost like she said yes... Winning a woman's heart or seducing her is a bit like hunting, sometimes it is not the prey itself that counts, but the tracking and approaching of the game.

Teofila did not leave Jazłowiec the next day, nor in the following days, although there was no opportunity to be alone with her, she was always accompanied by a maid or someone else ... I do not know if she thought that I would rape her or something, if I really wanted, I could get her drunk or buy special herbs.

"The buildings are ready and I have hired some students who have recently graduated from the university. Everything is ready for the schools to open. Only more specific regulations are missing." (Secretary Kowalski)

It was good news, it lasted for several months but finally I managed to do it ... I was planning to combine the Prussian and Jesuit teaching methods. Lessons will last 45 minutes each, a short break and the next lesson. Children from 7 to 14 will attend school, and the curriculum ... Latin, Polish, mathematics, literature and history, of course, properly selected. In addition to reducing illiteracy, school is a great propaganda tool. This was clearly seen in the 21st century, where teachers persuaded their students, effectively, that capitalism was bad and communism was good ... and then a generation of imbeciles grew up... children are like sponges. Fortunately, I did not live to see this generation come to power.

"You will receive my school guidelines this week. Anything else?" (MC)

"No, I handed over Lord's ideas to the gunsmiths, the production of the Greek fire and grenades has started as well. The required quantity should be ready within a month." (Secretary Kowalski)

"Well, send Jankiel and Aram to me." (MC)

Two hours later, both merchants were sitting in my office.

"I called you in a slightly unusual case, on my recommendation you do business in Vienna and Moscow ... and you are to provide me with information, I know that gaining trust and contacts takes time ... but I also have an additional task for you. Provide me with the seals and the correspondence you conduct with city councilors, other merchants, nobles ... no matter what country they are from." (MC)

"Lord?" (Aram)

"Something you don't understand? I thought my request was simple ... and if you want to know why I need these things, it's not something that should keep you awake at night. Now that you're here, do you have any topics that you want to cover?" (MC)

They shyly touched on the subject of buying a few goods, mainly new furniture and apple cider vinegar. Of course, I agreed to sell these things, it was nothing important, the prices I offered them were very competitive, I actually did not earn anything on it, but also did not lose on it ... I just have a good heart. Then I said goodbye to them and went back to my duties.

(Aram / Jankiel POV)

"My friend, what do you think the Lord needs these letters and seals for?" (Aram)

"It is rather obvious, but it is also not our business. Thanks to his money, our families opened business in Moscow and Vienna, we earn more, we got land ... do not spoil it by asking unnecessary questions. For such a magnate, the life of a Jew or an Armenian does not mean much." (Jankiel)

"I asked out of curiosity, of course I do not intend to spoil our interests. Lord Jazłowiecki, although young, manages the land better. New workshops and farms are being built, Jazłowiec has ius stapulae. Old Lord only had a war in his mind. Better times have come for us, my friend, much better." (Aram)

"Poles say, curiosity is the first step to hell." (Jankiel)

(End POV)

A few days later I was sitting in my office reading letters and writing guidelines for my schools. When Sveta entered the office with the baby in her arms ... I didn't enjoy the sight, but I decided to keep a good face for a bad game.

"What can I do for you?" (MC)

Sveta sat down on the couch and took out a bundle of documents, I recognized right away that they were the Brzozowski's documents.

"Lord, I can't read and I didn't understand when you told me what that meant." (Sveta)

"It's simple, the Brzozowski family recognizes Michał as the son of their deceased brother, from now on he is a noble. These documents state that if there is no other heir, he will inherit 20 hectares of land ... there are also other family documents. In case there is a need to go to trial with some distant relatives. Though it's unlikely. You don't have to worry, if there are any problems I will take care of everything ... I gave my word." (MC)

The baby suddenly began to cry, Sveta took out her breast and began to feed him ...

"I know Lord, but who will I be to him?" (Sveta)

I didn't care much about that, especially since I had turned over a bastard to a career in the Church ... preferably far away in Rome ... but the women and their feelings.

"You can say that he is your son and Brzozowski. The romance of a nobleman and a peasant is nothing strange, you can also tell him the truth when he gets older ... there is still a lot of time. If you have no more questions or doubts, I have to get to work." (MC)

I was hoping that she would go away, or she could stay, but for the kid to go to sleep, the sight of her feeding put me in a good mood... Sveta got up from the couch and made her way towards the door and turned towards me.

I saw hesitation and confusion on Sveta's face, as if she wanted to ask something else, but wasn't sure if she would be right to ask this question... and she said goodbye and left.

I had a feeling that there would be more than one conversation ahead of us.