
38 Preparations

I explained Olszewski's disappearance by sending him on a mission to the Crimea, and that it is a long and dangerous road ... only God knows what can happen. God and me ... and the animals that will eat him.

I called Saddata, the commander of the Tatar cavalry, who had been recruited by Olszewski and Cyryl Czajkowski, the commander of the Cossack light cavalry.

"As you know, I sent Olszewski with a certain task ... his task is difficult and dangerous, but if God wants, will save him from danger, but this is not what I wanted to talk to you about. I received information, rather certain, that a Tatar invasion was being prepared." (MC)

"Now peace, the Sultan is guarding Crimea and will not allow it." (Saddat)

"I'm not talking about Crimea, but about Budzhak Horde and Khan Temir. Various things reach my ears, apparently the Sultan and the Crimean Khan are fed up with his disobedience and want him to move away from the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, I also heard that the cattle in the horde began get sick and die... " (MC)

"If the cattle die out, it means hunger, if the people are hungry, then there will be war." (Saddat)

"I know. We have to figure out how to defeat them, and the best tactic to do this is to feed them, not to stop them when they cross the border, but to let them go deep into the country, let them rob, and when they come back with loot and jasyr ... only then attack them. " (MC)

"A risky tactic, but it can work. But where will they attack?" (Cyryl)

"I'll know in a few weeks, keep recruiting people until then. There are only 200 of us, only two companies, and that might not be enough to defeat Khan Temir." (MC)

After they left my office, I tried to remember every detail of the Battle of Martynów.

My memory did not disappoint me, after a few minutes I remembered every detail ... Tatars with the strength of 10,000 people crossed the border from Wallachia, but instead of spreading around the area and robbing, they went deep into the country. It was only near Przemyśl that they set up their camp, passed quickly through Red Ruthenia and plundered a large part of Lesser Poland within a few days.

Then there was an escape and playing cat and mouse, it didn't really matter. My plan was different... to attack them in their own camp. They will outnumber us, but thanks to that my victory will be greater.

I called secretary Kowalski to me and ordered him to prepare one hundred wineskins with Greek fire and two hundred grenades ... there were a few more months until the battle, so everything will be ready on time. I also wrote down a few days earlier some ideas for improving our muskets, there was also an idea for a puckle gun, what the magazine should look like, ready-made gunpowder loads, which were used by the Swedes in Livonia. As I lacked technical knowledge, it was all vague. I ordered Kowalski to pass it on to the gunsmiths who I inherited from my grandfather.

There were no urgent matters at the moment and I was able to relax, but I had quiet days with Sveta now, of course I slept with her sometimes, but I was a bit disappointed with this choice of name ... I have to spice up my erotic life.

In the evening, I ordered the servants to prepare a more formal dinner than usual. Most of the dishes came from the inn, the local chef has improved his culinary skills over the last few months and his food was really good. As I had a guest in Jazłowiec at the moment, it was not appropriate to leave my grandfather's widow alone, without care.

"Please forgive me, I invited you to Jazłowiec, completely forgetting that there is no entertainment here. The only thing these walls can offer is the library. Alternatively, hunting or sightseeing." (MC)

"There weren't many attractions in Tarnów either, the only compensation was the proximity of Krakow." (Teofila Tarło)

"We haven't seen each other a few months after my grandfather's funeral, what have you been doing at that time?" (MC)

It was a purely courtesy conversation, but I also wanted to know the purpose of her visit.

"When I left Tarnow, I went to visit my family in Murowany. Then I visited the Zasławski family, but I guess I was not a welcome guest there." (Teofila Tarło)

"Strange, you seemed to be rather well with each other in Tarnów. What is the reason for this sudden change?"

"Your aunt Eufrozyna, my presence must have made her uneasy ... a younger woman at home, I think she was afraid that I would seduce her husband. She even told me that it was not appropriate for me to stay in her home." (Teofila Tarło)

"Haha ... I haven't heard something so funny for a long time. Being at their house is inappropriate, and being with an almost 19-year-old bachelor is appropriate?" (MC)

"Should I be afraid of something? Remember that I was your grandfather's wife." (Teofila Tarło)

The tone of her voice was cheerful, but I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or she was serious ... but let this opportunity pass. Teofila could be a bridge between generations.

"Seriously speaking. You're young and attractive, but I'm not looking for a wife, at least now. If you don't leave Jazłowiec tomorrow, I'm sure I'll make you my lover." (MC)

"You're not indulging yourself too much ?! I'm not a peasant or some harlot !!!" (Teofila Tarło)

I carved a piece of duck. I put it in my mouth, enjoying the sweet and salty taste of the meat. I looked at Teofila.

"You did not come here because of family love or because of my invitation, you had many months to do so. You came because you want something... Should I order the servants to prepare your carriage for tomorrow? Yes or no?" (MC)

There was a silence, I myself was curious about her answers.