
Commoner Emperor

A new identity and relocating to a new city wasn't enough for Eroberer to escape the clutches of those he had deceived. They found him and left him dead in a dark alley,only for him to reincarnate in a body of a fifteen year old lad in another world.

Michael_Wanjiru · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Phantom Splash

Eroberer who had gained a little meat on his malnourished body after leveling up walked leisurely among the scarce villagers,he didn't stand out as he possessed the body of a local, even though,a few looked his way as they wondered where he got the coins to buy new clothes from.

Among these few,were a group of three who were new in the village. As they watched Eroberer walk the paths of the village,a cold glint reflected in their eyes.

The taller of the three signalled his companions and they all moved towards Eroberer. They didn't bother to hide their intentions as the village streets were mostly deserted at that hour.

Eroberer had earlier noticed them and they intentions. To others and the three goons trailing him,it seems as if he was just walking leisurely,but in real sence, Eroberer was leading the three goons into one of the village dark alleys,a sneer forming on his lips.

Even though he had no weapon at the moment and he was in a new body,he believed his skills were enough to disfigure the three goons until their mothers could not recognize them.

"Time to test this new body..."

Eroberer said as he walked into the dark alleys.

Seeing this, the three goons sneered as they pulled out their weapons.

Eroberer walked to the end of the alley,he chose the darkest corner and waited in ambush.

"Where did that bastard go...."

The taller of the the three goons asked as they strained to see.

A soft thud was heard behind him, and when he turned around,he found that his companion on the left,was lying 9lon the ground.

His rage peaked as he kicked hard on his companion.

"How dare you play around during a mission...!"

His kick blasted the goon to one wall. The impact shook the wall as the goons body slid to the dirty,slimy, stinky floor.

The taller goon was about to rush out when his sences warned him of immediate danger.

Out of instinct,he slashed backward as he spun faster than a ballerina.

His sword hit nothing,as the momentum from the slash sent him off balance.

By then,a cold fear had gripped his heart and he was sweating buckets.

He had also noticed the third goon lying on the floor,dand what he perceived to be his blood forming a pool under him.

"What monster did we set eyes on...!"

He thought as stilled his nerves...

"If it's a fight you want,then one you shall get...!"

The taller goon shouted at the assailant hiding in the darkness.

Eroberer watched the idiot like a predator in the savannah.Waiting for the right time to strike.

The reason he hid was because of the information being depicted on his transparent screen.


{NAME:Mbayor...(Mamba Bandit Lieutenant)...}


The guy was double his level,and from his quick reaction from his previous sneak attack,he knew this guy was quite skilled,unlike his two lackeys,who were both at level five.

He had only needed one move to dispatch the two. He had creeped behind the first goon and twisted his head,a sure insta kill, before grabbing his sword and retreating into the shadows.

When Mbayor,the Mamba Bandit Lieutenant,moved to kick the now dead goon, Eroberer took that opportunity and moved against the second lackey.

He utilized a movement technique he had learnt from his previous life to close the distance, though it was exhausting, painful and consumed alot of his energy,the outcome had been rewarding,as the system recognized his efforts and rewarded him with the exact skill.



{SKILL: Phantom Splash....[Movement Skill]...}

{Phantom Splash:....

>Increase movement speed by canceling unnecessary movement....

>80% increase in movement speed while out of combat...

>50% increase in attack speed....

>50% increase in movement speed during combat... }


"This is overrated..."

Eroberer thought as he moved to strike Mbayor. With his previous sixty percent chance in landing a critical hit,and a fifty percent in both attack and movement speed,he was no longer afraid of the level gap between the two.

Before,if he could attack five times in a second, with phantom splash active,he now could attack ten times with six of his hits being critical ones,thanks to his recently acquired title,Lucky.

Mbayor felt a cold shiver run down his spine,a suffocating aura of death engulfed him.

Before he could turn as to defend from whatever demon was onto him,he felt his torso slide from his lower body.

720 [Critical Hit]

810 [Critical Hit]

1070 [Critical Hit]

1500 [Critical Hit]

2000 [Critical Hit]

Five red damage digits appeared on top of Mbayor heads,as Eroberer landed one critical hit after another.

Looking at the dead Mamba bandit lieutenant, Eroberer licked his lips...

"Let's see what loot you got me..."

Eroberer moved to loot the bandit as he ignored the consecutive metallic ring in his mind.

From the Lieutenant Mbayor corpse,he found a poach, similar to his.

In it were two hundred silver coins,a rare leather armor and a map.

He deposited the coins in his poach as he moved towards the other two bandits.

Each had a measely fifty silver coins and a set of rare cotton clothes in their poaches.

Seeing that the poaches didn't disintegrate after he took the items from within,he opted to keep them to,as well as the two short swords wielded by the two bandits and the long sword wielded by Lieutenant Mbayor.

After cleaning up, Eroberer decided to check out the system notifications he had been receiving...


{You have killed a Mamba bandit lackey....}

{Level 5}

{REWARDS: 50 Experience Points,1 Reputation Points,10 Copper Coins...}


{You have killed a Mamba bandit lackey....}

{Level 5}

{REWARDS: 50 Experience Points,1 Reputation Points,10 Copper Coins...}



{SKILL: Phantom Splash....[Movement Skill]...}

{Phantom Splash:....

>Increase movement speed by canceling unnecessary movement....

>80% increase in movement speed while out of combat...

>50% increase in attack speed....

>50% increase in movement speed during combat... }


{You have killed a Mamba bandit lieutenant...}

{Level 15}

{REWARDS: 300 Experience Points,5 Reputation Points,50 Copper Coins...}



{QUEST: SURPASSER of Limit I...}


{Kill enemies way above your level...}

{OBJECTIVE I: Kill an enemy five levels above you...[100%]....}

{REWARDS: 5,000 Experience Points,10 Reputation Points, 100 Copper coins, one common weapon chest,one common armor chest,one blank basic manual}


Come join me create a word beyond our own,a world within us to own.

A world from words.

A world where impossibility meets possibility.

An escape from reality.

An imprisonment in imagination.

If you got change to spare, kindly buy me coffee


Michael_Wanjirucreators' thoughts