
Commoner Emperor

A new identity and relocating to a new city wasn't enough for Eroberer to escape the clutches of those he had deceived. They found him and left him dead in a dark alley,only for him to reincarnate in a body of a fifteen year old lad in another world.

Michael_Wanjiru · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

A bountiful reward

Seven hours later,a haggard but clean teen boy was seeing lying on the river bank,clad only in boxers as a pile of stinky worn out common cotton clothes and leather boots were quite a distance from him.

He had his eyes closed and a passer-by would have thought of him being asleep.

This teen boy was none other than Eroberer,who had spent the last six hours cleaning stables all throughout the tiny village as he gathered information as per the objectives of the second quest.

He may have had his eyes closed but he was not really asleep.

He was actually mentally drooling over his bountiful rewards.

Within six hours,he had cleaned thirty different stables and completed the first three objectives on his second quest and was at twelve percent on the fourth one and zero on the rest.

"It seems I have to visit either a town or a city as to learn more on this new world..."

From his gathered Intel, Eroberer learnt that he was in a village called Oxtail,under the rule of Mushito Royal Family.

Oxtail village as well as other eleven villages were under the rule of Baron Katunye,who was widely known for his lustful nature.

To Eroberer,it seemed that the rule of this land was similar to medical times,and from the third objective rewards,he deduced that he was destined to establish and grow his settlement, upgrading it later on.

Looking at the bountiful rewards, Eroberer smiled once more....

"This grandpa is going to rule this world...."


{QUEST:Clean the Stable....[Completed]}


{Clean stables for the town folks...}

{REWARDS: 10n Experience Points, 2n Copper coins....(n represent the number of stables cleaned)....}

{Stables Cleaned: 30}

{Rewards: 300 Experience Points, 60 copper coins...}

{QUEST:Where am I?....}


{Gather information on the new world...}

{OBJECTIVE I: Gather information on the village you are in...[100%]....}

{REWARDS: 50 Experience Points,10 Reputation Points, 10 Copper coins, one bread ,one pound of meat ,one pound of grain,common cotton shirt ×1, common cotton pants × 1, common leather boots×1,}

{OBJECTIVE II: Gather information on the region you are in....[100%]...}

{REWARDS: 500 Experience Points, 100 Reputation Points,10 Silver coins, Cooking Skill Book, Hunting Manual, Farming Manual, Tailoring Manual, Tannery Manual.}

{OBJECTIVE III: Gather information on the Kingdom you are in....[100%]...}

{REWARDS: 5,000 Experience Points, 1,000 Reputation Points,100 Silver coins, Settlement Building Token, Basic Resource Bag}

{OBJECTIVE IV: Gather information on the Empire you are in...[12%]....}

{REWARDS: 10,000 Experience Points, 5,000 Reputation Points,1,000 Silver coins, Territory Upgrade Token, Rare Resource Bag}

{FAILURE PENALTY: None, since you may be dead by then... }

{OBJECTIVE V: Gather information on the Continent you are in...[0%]....}

{REWARDS: 50,000 Experience Points, 10,000 Reputation Points,10,000 Silver coins, Territory Upgrade Token, Rare Resource Bag}

{FAILURE PENALTY: None,dead men get no penalties... }

{OBJECTIVE VI: Gather information on the World you are in...[0%]....}

{REWARDS: 100,000 Experience Points, 15,000 Reputation Points,1,000 Gold coins, Territory Upgrade Token, Epic Resource Bag}

{FAILURE PENALTY: Can't think of one... }

Eroberer cancelled the quest panel and moved on to his status panel...

"Let's see what this grandpa has achieved..."


{NAME: Eroberer}



{STATUS: Respected [110/5000]}




{LEVEL:7 [950/1500]}












[Combat: None]

[Tradeskills: None]

[Life skills: None]

{EQUIPMENT: Common...}

{COINS: 0 Gold; 110 Silver; 120 Copper }

Eroberer scratched his head as he went through his status panel,he had leveled up from level zero to level seven within hours, thanks to his second quest.

He had also increased his status from a mere commoner to a respectable citizen,with a hundred plus silver coins in his pocket.

All he had to do now was distribute his status points among his different stats,he had also decided to put off utilizing the manuals as he feared they were a one time use item.

He had a hypothesis that he wanted to try out with the manuals and skill book.

With the two hundred and ten free status points,he opted to add twenty seven points in both strength and vitality, and twenty eight point in agility.

Bringing the three stats to a whooping thirty point, while he added nine points in spirit, totaling it to ten. He currently was not interested in becoming a mage.

Since he started playing video games as a kid,he has always choosen the path of the blade.

He hoped on reciprocating his blade techniques and skills that he had horned all throughout his thirty plus years of experience.

With a hundred and nineteen free status points left,he dumped nineteen of them into charisma and the remaining a hundred into luck.

He had learnt from earlier on that luck played a major role in drops and loots. Even though he had yet to kill any beast in this world as to a certain wether they dropped any loot,he had an inkling that with a higher stats value in luck,the luckier he would be.

After he was done,a metallic ring rang in his mind before he could look at his refreshed status panel...



{REWARDS: Lucky...[Title]...}


>Every drop from killing monsters and loots will be upgraded by one grade....

>Chances of Lucky encounters increased by ten percent....

>Critical hits increased by sixty percent... }


"Doesn't this mean that for every ten hits I make,six of them will be critical hits..."

Eroberer was exited by the third boon of his new title,he wasn't much concerned about the first boon since he didn't know of the particular grades of items.

At the moment,he could only speculate from the little Intel he had. But he was still happy,since after opening the basic resource bag reward handed to him after finishing the third objective of the second quest,all materials within would have upgraded by one.

As night was setting in, Eroberer peeked into his poach,he had guessed early on that the poach was magical.

All the rewards granted by the system were stored in it. It was similar to a spatial ring,or a players inventory.

Eroberer took out the common set of cotton clothes and leather boots from within the poach. As he dressed, he didn't even spare a glance at his previous worn out attire.

Come join me create a word beyond our own,a world within us to own.

A world from words.

A world where impossibility meets possibility.

An escape from reality.

An imprisonment in imagination.

If you got change to spare, kindly buy me coffee


Michael_Wanjirucreators' thoughts