
Chapter 201

Chapter 201 The way of filial piety is very special

  Han Songlin had to know that Xue Guiping suspected that he had a hidden disease, so he had to slap him over. What are you thinking, my uncle is in good health, every day...

forget it. I'm done here!

   "It's not that I'm sick! I went to the R&D department earlier and saw that they were quite tired recently, so I wanted to grab some tonics, stew a few chickens, or give them a tonic with pig's trotters!"

   Xue Guiping opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

   "You should hurry up and do this matter, and it will be done by noon!"


   Xue Guiping subconsciously looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was almost eleven o'clock now.

   "Boss, it seems that noon is not good, and there is no time; otherwise, let's make it at night. The stew time is longer, it should taste better, and all the nutrition can be released."

  Han Songlin felt that what Xue Guiping said made sense: "Then go shopping quickly, otherwise, things will not be fresh in the afternoon!"

   "Oh, good!"

   When going out, Xue Guiping subconsciously looked back at Han Songlin.

   It is really rare for a boss to provide tonic for employees.

  Before, it wasn't like this either.

  What Han Songlin didn't know was that starting today, Fuxing Industry has made this a kind of inheritance, basically every other time, it will get a medicinal diet.

   Also specially purchase old hens and roosters fed by farmers from the countryside.

  As soon as she returned to the office and sat down, Zheng Lin walked in with a strange expression.

   "Boss, I just realized now that you are indeed a good boss!" Zheng Lin said as soon as she entered.

  Han Songlin didn't know how to answer the conversation; co-author, was he the only one in Zheng Lin's heart before?


  Liu Yuyan, who was sitting on the sofa with a magazine, couldn't help laughing.

  Han Songlin looked at her, where did she get this magazine; it seems that it belongs to readers.

   Well, the one with the many female readers!

   "My good, I know it myself! You came here suddenly, what's the matter?"

  Zheng Lin pulled out her chair and sat down: "Xue Guiping asked me to get tonics, buy chicken, and buy pig's feet."

   "Well, I asked him to buy it!"

   Zheng Lin naturally knew that it was Han Songlin who asked to buy it. Without Han Songlin asking, Xue Guiping would not dare to make a decision.

   Xue Guiping, Zheng Lin has seen through it.

  When I get older, things seem to be stable; basically, I can't make mistakes, but it's impossible to do anything creative.

   To put it bluntly, Xue Guiping is a perfect executor.

   Will follow the requirements of the superior and handle the matter.

  If you can't get an idea, actively ask for instructions. Make up your own mind? Sorry, he won't.

   Even if I made up my mind, I will report it later.

   "You just give supplements to the R&D staff, not to others?"

  Han Songlin stared at Zheng Lin, he naturally didn't think that Zheng Lin wanted to eat medicinal food or something.

   Eat above, Zheng Lin has not eaten anything.

  Before Han Songlin was in Yanghe, he took Zheng Lin and basically ate all the delicacies in Yanghe.

   In other words, Zheng Lin really likes to eat, but she didn't gain weight.

   This is going too far.

   "Indeed, I didn't think carefully about this."

  In corporate management, there are levels, and that's a natural thing; everyone knows this.

  Wage income can be graded. After all, people's salary is due to their strength;

   No one can say anything on this.

  Fuxing Industry has written clearly and plainly on the level of treatment.

  If you have the ability, you should get more; if you want to get a higher salary, you should improve your ability.

  No one will feel that there is something wrong.

   But in terms of benefits, try not to talk like this.

   Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness!

  This medicated diet is not worth much money. It can be said that everyone can make it up, but only the research and development people have it. To be honest, in the eyes of other people, don't they have ideas in their hearts?

   Zheng Lin breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that she did nothing wrong with what she told Xue Guiping to do.

   "I have told Xue Guiping to buy more, so that everyone in the factory can eat."

Han Songlin glanced at Zheng Lin, and was not angry because of her self-assertion, but agreed: "This is not bad. In the future, the factory can do it like this every month. The effect of this food supplement is still there. of."

   Every year at the beginning of winter, many families have the habit of saying that some tonics are used to eat stewed chicken to enhance winter resistance and the like.

   It's hard to say what the effect will be.

   But medicine and food come from the same source, and there is no harm in food tonic.

   "This will increase expenses in the factory..."

Han Songlin waved his hand and said indifferently: "Give employees benefits, and the employees will definitely return more. The expenses in the factory will increase, but it will also make the employees pay more attention to production, right? After all, it will be the factory's profit. Already!"

   If the quality of the product can be improved, this is definitely a good thing!

  To be honest, what are you thinking when you pay very low wages to front-line workers and want them to work hard!

  In the past, everyone didn't have a choice; now that they have a choice, why should they work in your factory.

   "Besides, if the factory can't even guarantee the wages and benefits of employees, is it necessary for this factory to continue to operate?"

  Zheng Lin: "I think it should continue. At least, we can ensure that they have jobs and can guarantee their basic life."

   "Okay, it's almost noon, let's go to the cafeteria for dinner."

   "Sister-in-law is here, so you just eat in the cafeteria?" Zheng Lin said, looking at Liu Yuyan.

  After Han Songlin left, Zheng Lin ran over to make friends with Liu Yuyan.

   Zheng Lin is honest with many people, but it doesn't mean that she is stupid.

   Still have to build a good relationship with the proprietress.

   And I heard from Xu Lu that Liu Yuyan is pretty nice.

  The magazines in Liu Yuyan's hands were all taken by Zheng Lin from herself.

  Look, Zheng Lin usually does something in the factory.

  Han Songlin: "Come on, you, I don't know you yet. At noon today, I will go to the cafeteria. In the evening, I can take you to eat something delicious."

   "I'd rather eat in the cafeteria at night!"

   Zheng Lin rolled her eyes, this girl is really realistic.

  Han Ting ran over, pulled Han Songlin's trousers, and said in a milky voice, "Dad, I want to eat something delicious!"

  Han Songlin couldn't help laughing, this little girl really gets excited when she hears about eating.

  Holding Han Ting up, Han Songlin shaved her little face. Now Han Songlin doesn't shave her nose, but don't shave her nose down, it won't look good.

   "You have such a delicious mouth!"

  Han Ting tilted her head and said, "Didn't you say that, only delicious food and mother can't let you down?"

  Zheng Lin opened her eyes wide and looked at Han Songlin. The boss's love words are good!

  I need to find a small notebook to write down these words.

  Wait, why should I write it down, who am I telling it to?

  Liu Yuyan felt ashamed, and scolded: "Tinger, don't talk nonsense!"

   As he spoke, he gave Han Songlin a hard look.

  Look, I told you not to say this in front of the children, Han Ting will remember it now.

   Really embarrassing!

  Han Songlin was also a little embarrassed. He didn't know that Han Ting could remember this matter.

   "Ahem, yes, in the future, you have to remember what you said today, only delicious food and mother can't let you down!"

  Han Ting nodded her head seriously: "Well, I know! From now on, I will definitely be filial to my mother."

   Zheng Lin joked: "Then how are you going to be filial to your mother?"

  Han Ting bit her finger and said earnestly, "Burn more paper for mom!"

  (end of this chapter)