
Chapter 200

Han Songlin has a morbid pursuit of research and development; or, it cannot be said this way, but in the eyes of others, it is quite abnormal for Han Songlin to do so. In just over a month, the research and development investment has exceeded 10 million yuan. This is not a big secret within Fuxing Industry.

  The investment of tens of millions is mainly due to the purchase of various experimental equipment.

  If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools; Han Songlin understands this.

  So Han Songlin spent money on this without any hesitation.

  Han Songlin just walked out of the office building and walked towards the R&D department when he saw a tractor driving in the factory area.

  In this car, there is not even a cover on the diesel engine.

   You can tell at a glance that this car is a laboratory product.

   Just made it for testing.

  For vehicles, there is a big difference in appearance between test vehicles and sales vehicles.

  Test performance and technology, what appearance do you want!

   Watching the tractor disappear from sight inexplicably, it is estimated that it will run around the factory area.

   "Perhaps, we need to build a special test site." Han Songlin thought, and put this idea aside temporarily. Now is not the time to think about it.

   Let's think about it first, how can we get the tractor out.

  In a workshop, several engines are running, and the roar makes people not want to stay for a moment.

  Different from single-cylinder diesel engines, what is currently being tested is a two-cylinder diesel engine.

  When Han Songlin walked in, no one noticed that Lin Wei was wearing a white coat, which had been covered with engine oil at some point.

  The black engine oil is on top of the white coat, the color is so conspicuous.

  Han Songlin stood behind Lin Wei, stretched his head to look at the notebook in Lin Wei's hand, like a book from heaven!

  Han Songlin knows the individual characters, and he also knows the picture; but he doesn't know what it means.

so awkward!

   The embarrassment was short-lived, and Han Songlin understood that his responsibility did not lie in this.

  As a qualified business leader, you don't need to be clear about specific technical issues, you just need to put competent people in the right position, that's right.

  Seeing that Lin Wei was thinking, Han Songlin walked away lightly, don't disturb people's thinking, maybe they are thinking about a very important question, just about to get a clue!

  Scientific research itself is a career that relies on inspiration.

  No matter how much you do, it may not be as important as someone else's flash of inspiration.

  Han Songlin must never do things that disturb people's thinking.

  Han Songlin went to the R&D center building, and as far as he saw, the newly recruited college students seemed to be well integrated into the team.

   No one is idle, everyone is doing things.

   Or discussing, studying and so on.

  This made Han Songlin feel a little relieved.

   It's good if you're not idle.

  As long as people are not idle, they will not think about messy things; naturally, they will not think about leaving.

   "President Han!"

  Han Songlin: "Minister Yang!"

  Smiling and shaking hands with Yang Zixing, seeing Yang Zixing's gray hair at a young age, he couldn't help but care: "Minister Yang, you have to pay attention to rest! I heard that you often work overtime late?"

  Yang Zixing: "It's okay, I can stand it!"

  Yang Zixing was anxious!

  The company has invested tens of millions in research and development, and it must produce results.

   Otherwise, I really can't justify it.

   "Shall we chat over there?" Han Songlin pointed to a nearby garden.

  Although Fuxing Industry is a factory, there are gardens and so on.

  What kind of garden factory has been established in Huaguo for a long time.

  After all, Huaguo people, deep down, advocate the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, so they will bring this concept into the construction of factories.

  In the factory in Huaguo, which one doesn't have a large lawn or garden trees?

   "What do you think of this group of new students?"

  Yang Zixing: "They are all good seedlings!"

  Thinking of this group of students, Yang Zixing couldn't help but smile, feeling that there are others following.

  Because of the joining of this group of students, and Yang Zixing also called some over, Fuxing Industry is already considered good in terms of research and development capabilities.

   Even stronger than most companies in Huaguo.

  If there is a ranking, it definitely exceeds 99% of the companies.

  This is no joke.

  In the years from the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, enterprises in Huaguo did not pay much attention to research and development.

  You can make money without R&D, why do you need R&D? Who doesn't know how much money R&D costs.

  Even for many business people, the survival of the business is not important, and making money is the most important. When you don't make money, just sell it.

  How much to count on a group of such people to support the future of Huaguo!

  These people cannot support the future of China.

  The future of Huaguo needs to be supported by companies like Zhongwei and Biati.

  Add Fuxing in the future!

   "Good seedlings, we can't let them grow crooked. In the future, Minister Yang will have to pay more attention. We can't let technical talents suffer the slightest grievance in the company."

  Why Yang Zixing was in such a hurry to produce results was because of Han Songlin's attitude! That respect for technology.

  Han Songlin never urged, but it was because of this that Yang Zi was in a hurry.

   Treat me as a soldier of the country, and I will repay it with a soldier of the country!

  Basically everyone has this mentality; so does Yang Zixing.

   "Boss, don't worry, I know!"

  Han Songlin looked at Yang Zixing with a troubled expression. From his face, Han Songlin could feel the tiredness.

  The rest of the research and development department, during this period of time, also stayed up all night, without stopping for a moment.

   This is not acceptable!

   "Old Yang, like this, you guys should get off work early today, and take a good rest tomorrow. Look at you, the dark circles under your eyes are comparable to pandas."

  Yang Zixing touched his eye circles subconsciously. Naturally, it is impossible to touch the dark circles just by saying it. You have to use a mirror to see it.

   "It's okay, the research will be completed soon, and I will rest when it is completed!"

  Han Songlin couldn't say anything when he saw Yang Zixing's insistence.

   "If I do research, I won't watch it. I've been here all this time, waiting for your good news!"

   "Boss, don't worry, it's fine!"

  Seeing Yang Zixing turn around and enter the R&D room, Han Songlin didn't know what to say.

  As a business owner, he naturally hopes that his employees will be like old cows, who will work hard and never stop.

  But as Han Songlin personally, he doesn't want that.

  Han Songlin has always felt that scientific research that is piled up with time is not scientific research.

  Real scientific research should be the flash of inspiration and the crystallization of wisdom of researchers, rather than simply piled up by the number of people.

  Han Songlin is not in the mood to see the progress of research and development at this time. From Yang Zixing's point of view, the progress of research and development will not be slow.

  Back to the office, Han Songlin went directly to Xue Guiping.

   "Director Xue, do you know any old Chinese medicine practitioners?"

  "Old Chinese medicine doctor? Boss, are you suffering from some kind of disease?" Xue Guiping was really shocked when he heard Han Songlin's question.

  If Han Songlin fails, what will Fuxing Industry do?

   No, Han Songlin looks pretty healthy.

   Is there any hidden disease?

  (end of this chapter)