
Come To You

#Reverse harem #strong female lead Can you live two lives at the same time? In two different worlds? Is that even possible? How does it feel when you know that you’re not living inside your own body? Can you let new people come to your life? Can you open your heart to the new relationships that come with them? Curious to find out about all this? Well… Kim Raimin is experiencing it all. Check out her story :)

Ramba · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

chapter 9

After she made her request, the room fell into bitter silence. Raimin sighed. But she knew that she had to wait until Song Kang gives a proper response. She kept on staring at his astonished face.

'Haah.... He's dumb-founded. I wonder how he'll respond. Surely, he never expected this. Of course the real Raimin would never ask for something like this.' Raimin thought.

Her instincts were right. Song kang never expected this. It suddenly seemed like he was caught off guard by Raimin. He seemed rather puzzled. But Raimin had expected this kind of a response from him. So she waited eagerly.

Several minutes passed on like that. After that, Song Kang opened his mouth.

"What do you mean by that, Ms.Kim?" he asked.

Raimin smiled. "I meant exactly what I said." she replied. "I want an annulment. If I can do that on my own, I won't be here in front of you like this. So, please cancel the engagement. And... I would like it if you can do that as soon as possible."

Song Kang was staring at her without even blinking once. "Are those words sincere? Ms.Kim? Do you really want that? Or are you just saying this because you're not content with our current relationship?" he asked.

Raimin nodded. "I'm dead serious right now. Plus, I don't really want to force you or blackmail you by saying these things. What do I gain from that anyway?" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ah... on top of all, isn't this a good news for you, Mr.Song? I always knew that you wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. Am I wrong?"

Raimin smirked, looking at Song Kang's surprised face. Somehow she felt oddly satisfied. 'Haah... I can't believe I really said that. Sorry Kim Raimin, but this is the bitter truth. He always considered you as a parasite. Nothing more. Nothing less. And, see... he doesn't even deny the fact. If he agrees to break it off, it's the best for me." she thought.

"First, I must say that it's doubtful for me that those words are sincere, Ms.Kim." Song Kang said, sighing. "But, if that's really the case, I see no reason to disagree."

"So, does that mean you'll do it?" Raimin asked, eagerly.

Song Kang once again stared at her silently trying to read what's on her mind. Then he looked away and sighed. "Sure, if that's what you want."

His reply literally made Raimin's day. She smiled brightly in response. Then she got up from the sofa, not noticing the reaction on Kang's face when he saw her smile. "Alright then... What a relief! I'll get going now." she said, while walking towards the door. She opened it and left the room, shutting it from behind.

When she came out of the room, only Haeyon was waiting in the corridor; there was no sign of Han Seo to be seen. 'Did he leave?' Raimin thought. Then she looked at Haeyon.

"Did you wait here all along?" she asked.

Haeyon nodded shyly.

"Oh, why did you do that? It's chilly out here. Come on now... let's go!" Raimin said, taking Haeyon's hand.

As they were walking on their way back to her room, Haeyon asked whether Raimin's visit to Song Kang's room was a success. Raimin smiled confidently and said, "Yes... I think for now, I can assume that it was successful."

They walked past the corridor smiling at each other, and the sound of their footsteps slowly grew faint.

After Raimin left, Song Kang sat quietly in the darkness. His mind was blank as he couldn't accept any of the things which happened after his fiancee regained her consciousness. He couldn't feel any happiness or sadness. He stood up and walked towards a dark corner of the room and stood in front of the glass window. His emotionless face reflected perfectly on it. He snickered. "Haah... Kim Raimin, I can't believe she really said that..." he mumbled while brushing his dark hair back with his long fingers. "An annulment...huh?" Then he covered his mouth with a hand.

"Is she really asking me for it? After all this time?" He mumbled. "you're really… unpredictable, Kim Raimin."

Until that moment, all he wanted was to be free from his fiance's clingy attitude towards him and stop the chairwoman from having control over his life. In his eyes, Kim Raimin was the key evidence to prove the fact that the chairwoman had the authority to take the most important decisions of his life. So, he naturally grew to despise even the sight of his fiance. He avoided and neglected Raimin until he turned eighteen. When he turned eighteen and officially became an adult, his attitude towards her took a slight turn. He began to act as if she had nothing to do and completely ignore her existence. Of course, he never imagined that Raimin would also change her attitude.

Song kang wondered what he should do next. Then he went to the door and opened it. Just as he was about to come out of the room, Han Seo suddenly appeared in front of him, partially blocking the door.

Song Kang raised his head and looked at him. "What are you doing? I almost hit my head on the door." he said.

"did your fiancee leave?" han seo asked.

"why? Weren't you there when she left?" Song Kang questioned.

Han seo shook his head. "I did not wait in the corridor."

"Hmm… why?" Song Kang asked. Then he sighed. "Ahh… I get it. You didn't want to wait in the corridor together with that maid. Right? You really are allergic of women, aren't you?" he was teasing Han Seo.

"well, it's not just me, you're the same as me." Han Seo replied plainly. "You haven't even touched a lady's hand or had a proper conversation with them."

Song Kang couldn't defy him. Han seo was right. Neither him or han Seo or even Jae-In have had any kind of relationship with girls. It was because none of them got the chance to attend to a mixed school just like normal kids. They were being home-schooled since childhood and never got to associate with girls. Even though the situations are different now, they doesn't simply involve much with them.

Of course the engagement with Kim Raimin was not based on any mutual relationship. No strings were attached. Song Kang believed that it was merely a relationship for business purposes and he was ready to break it off anytime. But, what now? Why does he feel reluctant?

Song Kang sighed. "Anyway, I was going to step out for a bit." he said.

"for what?" Han Seo asked.

"I just need some fresh air." Kang replied.

"I'll accompany you." han Seo insisted.

"No… you stay here." Kang said, sternly.

"Something happened, right?" han seo asked.

"like what?" song kang said, walking towards the door again.

Han seo sighed. "I don't know. But, I'm sure that you're not going out just to get some fresh air." he said.

"If you know, why bother ask? Anyway, I'm going to hang out with the boys. If you want, you can join." came the reply.

Before song kang opened the door, he paused for a while.

"By the way…. did you also recognize it?" he suddenly asked.

"Recognize what?"

"About Miss Kim. Did you also notice her unusual behaviour?"

"What? I'm not sure. I haven't met her that many times." han Seo replied.

"But she's indeed unusual. The way she dressed and the way she talked. Don't you think so?" Song kang asked.

"I don't know. But I did think she's different from how you described her to be." Han Seo replied. "Especially the day I met her when I returned from Military service." he mumbled.

Han Seo suddenly recalled how he saw a girl dressed in gray pyjamas jumping down from the wall that day. Even though her actions were clumsy and she ended up hurting her knees, he could tell that she definitely had some experience doing it before.

Thinking back about it, Han Seo felt odd. That day, both of them failed to recognize each other. They've met each other a few times before, even for very brief encounters. However, they couldn't tell at first glance. Raimin smiled awkwardly at him and talked to him that day, but han seo could clearly tell that it was not because she recognized him. She was talking to him as if he were a total stranger. In a way, she had asked him to not inform anyone about what he had seen. And han seo simply had no reason to complain or inform anyone because he didn't know who she was. Later when song kang told him that she's his fiancee, han seo couldn't believe him. The girl he met didn't meet any of the descriptions he heard form both Song Kang and Jae-In.

"Ah… right…" Song Kang suddenly interrupted Han seo's train of thoughts. "You never told me what happened that day when you said you met miss Kim on your return. And for what reason did she thank you later that day?" he asked.

Han Seo's expression slightly changed. "Nothing much. I was on my way to meet you when I met Ms. Kim. When I was passing the eastern building and the garden, she jumped off the wall. Her knee was injured but she didn't accept any help and asked me to not tell anyone about it. I didn't know who she was back then, so I didn't bother to tell anyone. I guess that's why she thanked me." he said.

Song Kang was silent. "What?! She… jumped…. from the wall? Did I hear that right?" he said, after some time.

"Yeah. And I must say, she was quiet skilled. If someone just recklessly jumped off a wall that high, they would end up with more injuries than that." Han Seo replied.

'Hah… that can't be. She looked all delicate and fragile whenever I met her.' Song Kang thought. 'And now what? She's climbing walls and jumping down?…. hahh… she's driving me crazy.' and then he looked back at han seo.

"Hmm… as I thought, I should wait for some time and not rush anything." Song Kang said.

Han Seo looked at him with a question on his face. "Wait for what?" he asked.

"Nevermind." Song Kang shook his head. "Anyway, are you coming with me or not?" he asked, impatiently.

Han Seo nodded in response and followed Song Kang out of the room.