
Chapter 790

  "Didn't I say that if daddy is not here, you have to listen to your mommy?" Gong Yexiao chatted with his daughter and stepped out of the door of the conference room.

  The little fellow immediately felt wronged and said, "But, mommy doesn't allow me to eat anything, but I want to eat!"

  "Eating too many snacks has an impact on your little body. Don't you want to grow up soon?" Gong Yexiao persuaded patiently.

  "I will make sure that I will eat a bowl of rice at noon. I really know how to eat!" The little fellow began to take other measures.

  Gong Yexiao snorted and laughed in a low voice. Every time he faced the pleading of the little fellow, he had no way to refuse. His heart was so soft that it couldn't be turned down. "Really?"

  "Really! I promise."

  "OK! Let your mommy answer the phone." Gong Yexiao compromised.