
Chapter 789

  In the domestic airport, Gong Chengwei walked out of the economy bay with an extremely pale face. He was carrying a suitcase with only a few sets of clothes stuffed in it. He only had ten thousand yuan on him. For a descendant of the Gong Group, it was an insult for him to only have such little money.

  In the past, his trip was either in the first-class cabin or when his grandfather was still alive. He used a private plane. But now, he finally had a difficult time in the economy cabin. For more than ten hours, he was crowded in a small position, and even his feet were numb.

  Gong Chengwei had been raised like a rich childe since he was a child. He was never short of money, especially when he was a child, and he was the first grandson to be born. He remembered that when he was seven or eight years old, Gong Yexiao was just a cousin of him two years old. At that time, his grandfather treated him with no discrimination.