
Começa em one piece?

A 20-year-old young man ends up traveling to a universe that was supposed to be fictional, what will happen? first we have to know the logic of a world that was supposed to be fictional, what logic would it have?

Luffy_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

This is how you do good for society with a Brazilian way of being

As they continued to eat, the smell continued to spread, and the people of the entire village were already hungry, but since they weren't invited, no one had the nerve to go in to eat without being called, as Garp wasn't there and Luffy was already there. it was on the table, there was no crasher.

After a while, Makino started to show signs of drunkenness, and Tom and Jerry had already eaten, they asked for clipboards where they were going to rest, Makino said she had two rooms and was going to host Herick in one Herick told the two to go upstairs, Luffy didn't left the table and not to be rude Makino continued to drink wine in a few sips, Luffy left at 7:30, Makino half drunk had a strange look, it was like he missed something.

Herick taking a sip of juice thought.

(Does she miss Shanks? That cuckold, how can you leave a woman alone to go play with a bunch of males in a little boat? Calm down cuckold?)

Herick looked Makino up and down and evaluated and thought

(As a Brazilian, how can I forgive a married woman?)

Herick looked her up and down again, and this time she realized she was almost choking on her wine, and looked down, Herick seeing this shook his head and thought.

(No I can't, no I won't, she's married, she's married, she's married)

Herick hypnotized himself not to give this village a Brazilian touch, then he remembered Makino's look and thought.

(How can I leave a married woman alone? Ahem, I mean how can I leave a beautiful lady, so supportive to be so lonely? As a Brazilian I have to do the basics for the good of society, help the neighbors to take care of their women, help the men who work with travel taking care of their women, and most importantly don't let a lady be so lonely, yes it's not a scoundrel, it's solidarity, as a good Brazilian citizen, I don't tolerate scoundrels like Shanks, I have to help Makino , tonight, and as a gift I'm going to take his daughter when the time comes, he really abandoned his daughter, the legendary scoundrel, as a Brazilian I'm going to help society)

Herick thought and smiled at Makino, with a smile with other meanings, she looked and took a sip and couldn't break the mood, because of her good and calm personality she was under a lot of pressure.

Herick got up and walked towards her with the glass of juice in his hand, took the plates to the side and leaned against the table, he was shirtless until now, because the clueless Luffy didn't get a shirt for him, Makino's hand was trembling, he looked into her eyes, gave a wide-mouthed smile and said

"Makino-san haven't you had too much to drink already?"

Makino looked at the cup in his hand and sneered

"And you only drank juice?"

He smiled slyly and said

"I don't need alcohol to forget stressful things"

She heard that answer and remembered Shanks and looked at the glass of wine and her face turned ugly, seeing this Herick quickly added.

"And strong grape juice, it has a great taste, you know, for someone who drinks smooth wine like you, it's an unusual thing"

Makino snapped out of his reverie, and said.

"And what would be?"

Herick approached her ear and said.

"Are you sure you want to try it?"

The hot breath on her ears made Makino already a little drunk, lose her senses a little, she turned redder and said.

"Why isn't it just juice?"

He returned to the position he was previously in, and took a sip, and then said.

"Ok then close your eyes"

Makino furrowed his brows, and asked.

"Why close your eyes?"

Herick smiled and answered, slowly

"Don't you want to know what's so good about strong grape juice?"

Makino was in a trance, it had been a long time since she was close to a man like that, even more so at night, Shanks had only been with her once and no one would be interested in a tavern owner, even more so since everyone knew about her involvement with Shanks , minus Garp and Luffy, grandfather and grandson who shouldn't be used as an example, good Garp could even be a hero of the navy, but Luffy...

So Shanks stayed out all this time no one dared to approach her, they just came, had a drink and left, after all, no pirates other than the redhead's pirates come to this island, Garp's island, how can a pirate come here, only that scoundrel not afraid of death.

Finally, she was more like a widow than a married woman whose husband went away, in that situation Makino, who was already fragile, was more emotionally fragile, and she spoke.


She closed her eyes and Herick said.

"Open the mouth"

She obeyed and opened her mouth nervously, and heard the sip sound and became more nervous, Herick wet his lips and tongue in grape juice approached her face, took her chin and started a French kiss, but Makino was so nervous that it was taken by surprise and bit his tongue.

"Bitch Who Gave"

Makino opened her eyes and saw Herick holding his mouth with a pained face, he had lost all his charm and she came back to herself, blushed and worried while Herick thought.

(Romantic movie shit, harem anime shit, all bullshit, should have approached it like I usually do, thought since it was a fictional world it would work)

well I know that many like Shanks is most of the pirates, but to tell you the truth, in my eyes they are mostly a bunch of suckers, the only pirate outside the straw hats that I like in one piece is Whitebeard, that's what it's him alone not his crew, if that anime was real it would be complete chaos, it's all a bunch of motherfuckers, navy, world government, and pirates all the same; some characters are saved the rest ... Even with some famous characters like Shanks you might even like it, but pass the magnifying glass and you'll see. leave a comment to rate it so I can see if you're enjoying the chapters, and if there's a woman reading it if you say it's your opinion, it would be great if I could make a harem fan-fic that even the women are enjoying

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