
Colorless Euphoria [Han Jisung]

A story where the world is only black and white till you meet your soulmate.

May_Younji · Celebrities
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25 Chs


Bobby's POV

I walked through the park looking for JB and I finally see him sitting on the bench playing on his phone.


I yelled running towards him and he got up smiling, but stopped a bit.

"Bobby is everything ok?"


I said and he just looked at me and slowly started the pissed expression.

"What happened?"

"Nothing sexually but he still cheated on her..."


He said and we both nodded and started to walk towards the dorm where the boy lived.

"What's with her now?"

JB asked and I just smiled.

"We all knew it but that boy Jisung the one in Hyunjin's group. Well she actually saw color with him the whole time but it just wasn't him she saw first so."

"Oh, I forgot that can happen."

JB said with a small smile.

"You happy for her?"

I asked and he just looked at me with a pleased face and nodded.


He smiled at his feet and started to walk through the park.

"Hey where's the dorm?"

I asked and he looked at me in confusion.

"Which one?"


I said and he nodded.

"Follow me I'll drive us there."
